Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party

Because of public demand, the Lisbon court in Portugal was forced to get the actual numbers on Covid-19 deaths.  Only 0.9% of 'verified cases' died of Covid, numbering 152, not the 17,000 claimed, another massive major fraud uncovered.  Though the Portuguese mainstream local news is also corrupt and part of this cover-up, it's coming into the collective consciousness's awareness largely through the English-speaking alternative media.  If you live in Portugal, share links to the article so that they are not being mind-controlled by the mainstream media.  To make sure the public gets informed, the Covid-19 Assembly is a constantly growing team.   They are doctors, scientists, writers, researchers, professionals, media experts, an army of people with a whistle blower speak out service for anyone who fears repercussion from their employers to freely speak out about fraud over Covid deaths, or what's going on in the NHS, or any aspect of the government's actions around this scamdemic, and they provide legal support for you.   Take heed of this statement that someone from the Assembly has just put out:

"I am working as a full time researcher with the Covid 19 Assembly team of barristers & lawyers and also for HART org.  The CV19 Assembly is offering free legal advice and anonymous (if needed) whistleblowing support to all healthcare workers who are still “too scared” to come forward.  If you are in contact with any NHS/HCA staff who feel this way still, PLEASE PLEASE tell them to whistle blow now - we are already serving legal Notice of Liability to ALL NHS trusts, hospitals  in the UK, paramedics, school trusts , doctors' surgeries , NHS CCG, etc., etc. - people who have not spoken out in the immediate  future will all be held PERSONALLY liable for crimes against humanity & child genocide.  Time is not on their side now.  They have maybe two weeks tops if they come forward now, or they will be considered to be complicit.  I can’t impress this strongly enough.  They need to find courage and fast.  It’s really important otherwise they will be considered complicit.  Notices of Liability have been going out for the last 3 weeks already.  We’re aiming to cover the whole UK.  People can whistle blow by going to"  

Matt Hancock talking about what he intends to do to our children.  Evil!  Arrest him!

Neither are the corrupt criminals working in the World Health Organisation going to get a free pass, the Indian Bar Association is one of the first to go after them.  And today is the day for the trials in Germany for crimes against humanity led by German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich with that team of a thousand lawyers that's going after these criminals in charge.  They are doing all of the opening statements on all that information.   Today.
