Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Never forget

The very idea that anyone can dictate when we can go out and where is an affront to the laws of creation.  On 12th April they dictate when pubs, cinemas and restaurants re-open in Britain.  From the 21st of June everything is said to re-open and all restrictions go. Ah-ha, 21st June! The Summer Solstice, a significant occult date.  The dates that we've been given all the way since the start of the scamdemic involve equinoxes, solstices, Halloween, important dates in the pagan old world calendar.  Masks were first mandated for wearing on public transport in England last year on 15th June, which is the date in 1215 in which the Magna Carta addressing the English Constitution and the rights of living men and women within creation was signed into being.  On the anniversary of a date which recognises our inherent rights and freedom under God and creation they tell us we have to wear a bit of cloth over half our face.  They quote a certain figure in the UK of 66 million people - that's a lot of sixes, not a coincidence - and the two metre social distance rule is six feet.  Straight-up Satanists, they are betraying their true nature as dark occultists in what they do. Matt Hancock appears with Piers Morgan and the psychopathic abomination that he is, he's laughing when he says "we've given a vaccine to a guy called William Shakespeare". A blatant piss-take, they mock us to our faces, they are telling you it's a play, it's a tragedy, and the most tragic thing of all is you ignorant bastards out there can't even see it for what it is. Shakespeare wrote drama and look at the tragedies their vaccine so far is producing. It's been morbid Satanic mockery all year, so confident in their most monumental and audacious of stunts, with the dancing nurses videos and telling us you've got to bend over and have an anal swab, they are symbolically letting you know they are sticking it to you up the arse.  This is psychological torture. Just because they give you these dates and say you can do such and such on whatever a date, doesn't mean they stick to it. They are liars and they could remake on those dates, they've done it before, they told the people of Britain you can have five days at Christmas to have friends and family round then went back on it and said you can only have one day now, "the virus is out of control". But even if they don't go back on their word, how dare they tell us who you can have in your own home so long as you're causing no harm?  The whole virus narrative is a big scam, this has been proven so many times and anyone who hasn't twigged yet is never going to. There aren't people still there who are yet to wake up, anyone who is going to wake up to the scam already has.  We who were awake and aware all along and a vast majority who have clearly woken up over the past several months are somewhere in the 10% mark. We're doing well compared to the way things used to be, it's a whole lot better than it's ever been before.  The rest, the majority who haven't twigged are still of the belief a deadly virus could go up your nostril and you're done for, but a bit of cloth over your face - sorted.  They believe that the way out of it is by injecting themselves with an unknown substance.  They don't know who developed it or what it's going to do, but they have faith, they'll take it anyway, thinking that's the only way they can get back to normal.  Wrong. They think the end is finally in sight based on Boris Johnson's lies.  They think they can start going to dance festivals again in summer, go to rock concerts, barbecues and pub beer gardens. They will accept vaccine passports because they think that if that's what it takes to be able to go and dance in a field again they'll do that, they don't care. They are not getting outraged at the fact that their rights have been trampled on, their freedom of movement and assembly stolen, and their freedom of bodily integrity will be, if they acquiesce.  All based on provable lies the proof of which is out there in the public domain and always has been should they exercise the due diligence and the CARE to actually look into these things.  

Make sure you don't catch a cold!

Those who have sought to take away our natural born freedoms, those traitors to humanity, to God and to creation itself, those in the know directing these actions and their little pathetic bagmen, the Johnsons, the Whittys, and Hancock the most loathed and detested man in Britain, and their mouthpieces the mainstream media, Piers Morgan being every bit as complicit as Boris Johnson, and the pharmaceutical companies with their genocidal medical fraud, all of them, they must never be forgotten. And they must never be forgiven.  They need to take the full karmic consequence of what they've chosen to do.  Johnson and Co can't be allowed to just get away with it afterwards nor can they be allowed to continue on and come out with whatever other arbitrary dictates they fancy, they can't be allowed to come up with some other "mutant strain" or "third wave". When people feeling unwell from a flu or when they start falling sick from vaccines they took earlier and nobody makes those connections because it gets blamed on a new strain or some other unscientific bullshit like this zombie apocalypse scare that the CDC have officially announced and people are told they need to get more vaccines, the perpetrators of this, the real cause, must not be forgotten. You can't let the cycle continue. According to some reports there's a three to four months' delay until the full detrimental effects of the vaccine injections will start to be felt. These psychopaths who are really very predictable when you have been studying their modus operandi have committed genocide and the very worst crimes against humanity it is possible to commit. What they have done and the hardship, loss, damage (particularly psychological!) and death that their lies and straight evil has caused is immeasurable and cannot go unpunished. They must be held accountable. Speaking for the UK, a government safety review has revealed 244 people including 8 unborn babies have died (the true numbers like the VAERS data  are probably much higher) after getting one of the two shots of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford University's AstraZeneca Covid vaccines between early December 2020 when the Shakespearian tragedy began and 31st January 2021. Yet the government says the injections are not responsible, despite its own extensive report detailing over 100,000 side effects reported by medical staff. Specific reports show Bell's Palsy (paralysis of the facial muscles), anaphylaxis, blood disorders, cardiac disorders - 

ear disorders of vertigo and hearing loss, eye disorders of blurred vision, partial vision and blindness; immune system disorders, respiratory disorders of difficulty breathing, urinary disorders of incontinence, psychological disorders of confusion and anxiety, neurological disorders of seizures and paralysis and it's on the yellow card reporting on the governments own website?!  Pfizer gives its OWN warning.  They have to report it as "side effects" and deny it at the same time and say that it isn't linked to the injection.  This nurse lost her unborn child after getting the jab.

Not surprising if you've heard doctors explain how it does that, a protein attacks Chromosome 8 to do with intelligence and fertility. Actual deaths and injuries are reported by first-hand accounts on the Telegram group Covid Vaccine Victims. A whistle blower and lawyer reported those forcing this jab in this nursing home may wind up being charged for homicide. And here is a whistle blower from a UK care home speaking out

You can hear the truth on this mRNA nano lipid called a vaccine designed to genetically modify from Dr Carrie Madej and doctors from around the world ALL saying this is an experiment. is that number 6.6 million again - the report estimates 6.6 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine were administered by 31st January.   Then when the government tells you your life can "get back to normal again", al the virtue signalling Covid zealots who trusted the government before at the beginning of the restrictions are going to be like "No, it's too soon, I don't feel safe, I'm keeping my mask on, I'm keeping my business shut down, I'm not going to have people round my house, I don't trust the government".   They don't deserve forgiveness either,  zealots that try to enforce bullshit regulations on others calling you out for not wearing a mask, they have no self-respect, never mind a total absence of understanding of what rights and freedoms are.  Their ignorance and cowardice has been affecting the rights and freedoms of the rest of us who do not consent, never did, and were never asked about having our rights removed. We choose to move around and associate with whoever we please and undertake whatever actions we see fit so long as they cause no harm.  We know the difference between right and wrong. We know what harm is, and what constitutes right action. We take personal responsibility not to commit harm in our actions.  And then the normies, they will be so relieved at getting back some of their rights and freedoms as they so want to just get on with their life they will be prepared to forgive and forget.  No! Never forget, never forgive! In this collective situation, this is not the way to appreciate what rights and freedoms truly are and where they truly come from! Fundamental rights and freedoms in creation are not arbitrary dictates coming from manmade entities called governments.  Real rights come from the Creator.  No government, no man, no woman, can give or take away rights nor dictate what any other man or woman must do with their lives if it's causing no harm, loss or damage to any other man or woman or living creature.  So few people realise that.  Any kind of karmic justice in existence (and there is), traitors to the land, traitors to the people, traitors to God, would all be swinging from gallows.  That's the way it used to be.  If it weren't so, then this would all be a sick cosmic joke if God the Creator, All That Is, had guided us to incarnate on earth at this crucial time in its history.  We, with a relatively small number of others who were given the ability and the wisdom to see through these deceptions even though the vast majority will refuse to,  God would NOT have said to us that there would not be a single thing that you can do with those gifts we have been given to just leave us frustrated, depressed and helpless in the face of the mass insanity you see around you, for our lives to just be extremely miserable as a result. That just doesn't fly, doesn't make sense.  No, we came here to take the matrix down.  On Saturday 20th March 2021 it is World Freedom Day.  Mass global protests in the street are happening in the capital cities of: England, Scotland, Ireland, Poland, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Serbia, Latvia, Ukraine and Israel -  A movement known as "A Stand In The Park" began in 2020 in a park in Sydney, Australia, where a small cluster of likeminded people met every week on Sunday in the same place at the same for fellowship, friendship, camaraderie and networking and to take a stand. That idea from that park spread, and now thousands gather all over Australia.  The very same idea has been taken to other nations as well.  In the UK there is also a Stand In The Park in St Albans and it has taken off. Now there are other ones happening around the UK in: Cornwall, Boscawen Park in Truro,  Essex Coalhouse Fall Park in East Tilbury, Hertfordshire, Veralamien Park in St Albans by the lake, in Cheshire there's Victoria Park in Widnes, and West Park in Macclesfield, in Devon, Rock Park in Basterpall, in Bedfordshire there's  Russell Park in Bedford, and in Wales it's Merth and Tidfill and Sifartha Castle Park.  Anyone can set up a Stand In The Park in their own area, all they have to do is select a location. The meet-ups are between 10 and 11 am every Sunday, to get together and support each other and formulate plans for action and effective methods of resistance. People are encouraged to wear yellow to indicate that they are part of that group.  In the event of any internet or communications black-out you know there are always going to be likeminded friends in that park at that time, people you can communicate with in person - face to face contact!

Unmasking the mask

The blue masks have been found to have a GPS tracking device in them, when the mask is ripped apart little particles were found inside