Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Children given "do not resuscitate" orders

Now children with learning disabilities are being murdered off in the hospitals just like they did with the elderly.  Children with learning disabilities are being given  "do not resuscitate" orders

CDC withdraw PCR test

Since the beginning, there has been enough evidence that COVID is a scam.  Now official agencies are virtually admitting it.  On 29th December 2021 the head of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, announced in a White House press briefing that the PCR test can register positive (meaning you are “infected”) long AFTER infection is over.   Walensky’s quote: “…people can remain PCR positive for up to 12 weeks after infection and long after they are transmissible and infectious.”  That means MILLIONS of FALSE positive test results have been logged as REAL in the past two years.  On the basis of this, so many people have died during lockdown, so many people's health is being destroyed by having a fake vaccine (it's not even a vaccine) in response to a virus that's never been shown to exist, the implications have been isolation, hospitalization, business closures, bankruptcy and suicides — all unnecessary - and all confirmed by a test that's not testing for it.   The CDC and other public health officials knew all along they were running a scam.  Committing a crime.  A Nuremberg-type crime.  The CDC are quietly withdrawing the emergency use of the scam PCR test from 31st December 2021.  After two years they are realising that this useless test is not really testing for anything and can't detect any virus or pathogen  - it was never designed to, the inventor Cary Mullis said this!  This is what it says on the PCR test sent out by the Roche pharmaceutical company: "Not intended for use as an aid in the diagnostic coronavirus infection. For research use only.  Not for use in diagnostic procedures."  And this is what is said on the material sent out by a company called Creative Diagnostics: "For research purposes only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures".   Which is exactly what the creator of the PCR test Carry Mullis said: it cannot detect infectious disease!  "They're testing or antibodies".  Yeah. What antibodies?  These antibodies that they are testing for are completely non-specific.  It could be anything that's generating the antibodies.   The PCR test has produced positives for 'COVID' from samples of a paw-paw fruit, a goat, a puddle!?  Cola?!  This is the test that has produced virtually all of the alleged COVID cases worldwide that turned vast tracks of this world fascist!   The one thing that everyone can do is to refuse testing, because testing is the primary tool that is being used to create artificial cases.  The number of cases being contrived by this test in healthy people is the main justification that the governments have been using to shut us down and take away our freedoms.  If you submit for any reason to this test, YOU are driving that tyranny forward.   Why don't people wonder, when they have this test and test 'positive', why they have no symptoms, huh? Why? Because there's nothing wrong with them!  Why, if there is a real infectious agent they call a virus, do they need to test for it with a test that's not testing for it, the PCR test?  Why rig a test to produce alleged cases that aren't cases if there was a real infectious agent?  The infectious agent would just do its bidding.  If there is a real deadly pathogen, why do you have to introduce this insane policy that if you test positive with a with a test not testing for the virus and die of any other cause - gunshot wounds, falling down the stairs, hit by a bus - within twenty eight days 'COVID-19' goes on your death certificate?   Why do you have to scam the death certificates to make it seem as if people were dying of 'COVID-19' when they're not?  Why is there a need to do all these scams, all this data and test manipulation and death certificates manipulation, if you have a real pathogen??   A real pathogen would do its job. You'd just leave it to it.  It would just do its thing, it would kill people!  You have to test for a deadly virus?  Isn't it obvious?   If there is a real pathogen, why do they have to scam the cases with a fake test that they know is fake?   Why are governments and airliners around the world still using this fraudulent test on people to test for a virus that hasn't been proven to exist?  To still collect people's DNA and harm people by shoving this bioweapon up people's nostrils where it penetrates the blood-brain barrier?  If you are ever in a position where you have to take this test to get on a plane or get surgery done, just make sure to request a saliva test, and make sure you voice your concern that if this virus is so contagious that people must wear a mask, then your saliva should suffice.  Spray your mouth with colloidal silver first before you do your test so that you can get a negative result.  Any doctor or nurse with the brain capacity to think should come to that same conclusion that if wearing a mask is to prevent droplets of saliva from infecting anyone then saliva should contain the virus.  As does Dr Lorraine Day, who agrees that all they need do is swab the inside of your mouth like they do for a DNA test. But no, they take these long Q tips and stick them all the way back into your nasal sinuses and twist them, where there is a very thin plate of bone between the brain and the nasal sinus called the cribriform plate.  Every doctor knows about the cribriform plate.  This has openings where olfactory nerves go from the nose into the brain, it is very porous so substances can go through it.  When they push that swab up there and twist it they are depositing nano particles that are on the end of the Q tip into your brain.  Dr Day explains that they already started the vaccinations a long time ago because the NASAL SWAB TESTS vaccinate you. 

The Sunshine Act

If you want to know if your doctor is getting paid off by Big Pharma you can just look them up.  There is a database that discloses all this information to the public for free.  The website is OpenPaymentsDataCMSGov.  You put in their name and it tells you which company is paying them, how much, and when they got paid.  It's mandated by federal law that you can find out which doctor is being paid by Big Pharma.  It's called the Sunshine Act.

Your God Given Rights

This is important information from Mark Sexton a retired UK police officer, the way he sees it knowing the law surrounding policing and what police powers can and cannot do and should not be doing.   He says the first thing you need to know if you have a run-in with a police officer, which is happening to a lot of folks now, is politely and respectfully ask to see their Warrant Card.  An officer on duty should always carry one.  It should say "Police Constable".   It will not have "Police Officer" written on it. This is crucial because when that Police Constable is first appointed in the role of Constable they swear an Oath to serve the Queen - the people!  Not the government!  It also says they will uphold the fundamental human rights of every person and will prevent all offences against people and property to the best of their ability without fear or favour, without interference, and independent of government. At her Coronation Ceremony in June 1953, the Queen too swore an Oath, agreeing to maintain the laws of God and protect the laws of the Church and the Commonwealth. Nowhere in that Oath did she say she will protect the government.  The government are answerable to the Queen, and if they're causing harm and breaking the law, she was not to support that. The police serve the Queen and the People.  We all have inalienable rights that we are born with, given to us the day we first take air.  These are not given by the Queen, the government or the police.  They are given to us by God, whatever you believe God is, and whether you believe in God or not.  These rights cannot be taken away by anyone.  They are:-

1)    The right to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness.

2)    The right to contract or not contract.  

3)   You were born with a right to earn a living for wages, to put food on the table for you and your family, and nobody can stop you from doing that. What the government and the police are doing in taking that away is illegal, wrong, unlawful!

4)   You have the right to travel.  They're now trying to take that away or implying that they can.  

5)   Privacy and confidentiality are your inalienable rights.  QR apps, barcodes, health passports, wanting to know your details when you walk into a shop and take your phone number, all these go against your rights. Wrong, unlawful.  Can't do it.  

6)   Your right to self-defence, to protect yourself from harm, loss, injury or deceit, you have from the day you are born.  And you have that right in law.   

7)   You also have a right to remain silent.  You do not need to speak.  Nobody, anywhere, can force you to speak!  Despite what people think, if the police talk to you, you can stand there and say nothing!  Nothing they can do.

8)   Equality: everybody is treated the same in Law.  No matter who you are, what your status is, colour, creed, religious beliefs, gender, age, disability, if you are rich or poor, government officer or not, police officer or civilian, we are all equal.  

9)   You have the right to peaceful association including protest. They're trying to take away the right to protest from us but they can't, we were born with this right. Just as it is an inalienable birth right, freedom of peaceful assembly including protest is a given under Article 11 of the Human Rights Act.

10) You have the right to practice your religion, alone or as a group. What happened in a church in South East London at Easter at the hands off two police officers to people who were practising their inalienable right to pray to God as they see fit, should never have happened.  Those officers should be reprimanded.

11)  You have a right to security from tyranny and war.  The tyranny is our own government breaching our rights, and we are at war, the cause of that war being the government who are supposed to protect us.

12)  You have the right to live in peace, to be left alone, if you are law-abiding: if not causing anyone any harm, injury, loss or damage to their property or causing a breach of the peace you are not breaking the law, and they have to leave you alone.

13) You have total bodily integrity without exception.  Super important!  No one can force you to have anything in your body that you don't want them to! No coercion, no blackmail, no threats of violence, no threats of a fine or imprisonment!  No forced quarantine!   It's your choice and no one else's if you don't want to put medication in your body.  

A police constable's job is to protect you from harm, injury, loss or damage to your property and maintain the peace. Not issue fines for a corporation which is the British government, it's illegal, unlawful.  A jury, twelve good men and women, your peers, your equals in society, decides if you're innocent or guilty. If they decide you're guilty, the punishment will be given out by the adjudicator who we call a judge.  The police can't threaten you with or issue you with a £200 fine. They are doing, they shouldn't and it's wrong, immoral, and illegal.  They are acting on behalf of the government which they should not do because they are impartial and independent, they swore their Oath to the Queen and the People, not to the government.  Go to Document 9024 on the UK parliament's Commons Library - when you scroll past the draconian COVID drivel it tells you the powers the police don't have.  You have to scroll down to Section 3 midway to see this contradiction that tells you, the police and the government, that there are no powers to stop people and ask them to account for their movements - where it says:  "Lack of stop and account powers: The police sometimes conduct a ‘stop and account’ where they stop a member of the public and ask them what they are doing. There is no police power to conduct a stop and account and coronavirus restrictions regulations do not (and never have) provided for one.  Members of the public are under no obligation to answer an officer’s questions during a stop and account. They can remain silent if they do not wish to cooperate".  The power has never been there, never been given, and they should not be doing it.   If you are walking, in a vehicle, on bus, a train, going about your business lawfully and they stop you and ask you to account for what you're doing, they don't have that power to do it.  Remind them that they don't have that power. Refer them to that document. An important part of this legislation, as well as in Common Law, is you have a right to remain silent.  It's your inalienable right.  There is NO statutory obligation under the Coronavirus Act for you to give your name and address to the police.  To be forced to give it is wrong and illegal.  You don't have to talk, you don't have to give your name and address.   The Coronavirus Act does not supersede your human rights - super important, because when the police constables swore that Oath, they swore to uphold fundamental human rights.  Our human rights cannot be taken away under this legislation.  They have imposed travel restrictions - but inside the first page of your passport is the Queen's endorsement: "All these whom it may concern, to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary".  The same Queen who swore to uphold the law of the land said that we can travel freely and nobody can stop us, it's in our passports and our passports are still valid, still legal documents that give us permission to travel and there's nothing in our passport that talks about the government.  Travel restriction is a request from Boris and the government, you don't have to accept it. And all police constables swore the same Oath the Queen did to protect our human rights.  As citizens, we all have the power to arrest any person who has committed an indictable offence.  Indictable means serious.  It has to be serious - assault, burglary, murder, attempted murder. Obviously don't be arresting people for dropping litter.  Section 24A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act of 1984 gives us this power if there are no police present.  It's called a Citizens Arrest. You can use reasonable force in law, and you must tell them why they are under arrest.  The police are not above the law!  They enforce the law and they abide by the same laws that we abide by. But they are breaking the law.  If they try to arrest you for refusing to talk, for refusing to give your name and address, for refusing to tell them where you're going, and they threaten to arrest you or issue you with a £200 fine, or lay hands on you and threaten to forcibly imprison you, this is an unlawful act. They are in breach of their Oath and they are committing  an offence that's actually a crime - in law!  It's an offence called Misconduct in Public Office.  It carries a penalty of maximum life imprisonment, that's how serious this offence is.  It amounts to abuse in the public's trust of the office holder.  Following unlawful orders is not a reasonable excuse or justification.  Explain this to the constables.  If they continue, they are breaking the law and committing a criminal offence and you as a citizen have the power to arrest these people.  If there are two police officers present, ask the other police officer to arrest this police officer who is now breaking the law committing Misconduct in Public Office, an indictable offence.   If that other police officer refuses to make that arrest, they too are committing this offence because they are wilfully failing to perform their duty.  The government are there by consent.  We, all of us, give the government and the police that consent, it's a gentleman's agreement, a contract that we give - with conditions. Those conditions are that we don't cause harm, injury, loss or damage to any person or their property.  As long as we don't do any of that they can police, and as long as they govern us properly and transparently and represent the people fairly, that agreement stays in place.  When they start to breach these conditions which the government and police are doing, we remove that consent - because we are giving it to them, we employ them, we pay them with our taxes, we give them that authority, we vote them in, we empower them.  And they are ailing us, they need to be removed, they are not doing their job anymore.  No government is above the people, they govern FOR the people BY the people.  The government and police have no power to control us with fear, to stop us, tell us where we can and can't go, who we can see, who we can meet, when we can travel, when we can run our business, when we can go shopping...if they do it's illegal, it's unlawful, and none of their business.  Arrest them, because they are breaking the common law, our law that we give them.  They are not our masters, we are not their servants.  It's all about our consent. The police are taking liberties abusing their authority and we are letting them - by letting them they will keep doing it - stop them doing it!   Say no!  Take away their consent.  You're all agreeing to do this, stop agreeing!  Who do they think they are?  They are made of flesh and blood and breathe the same air as you and I, and they're trying to take away everything that we have.  We never voted for the World Health Organisation or the World Economic Forum and didn't know about the Great Reset until March 2020... this is what this is all about: Agenda 21/2030 United Nations Sustainable Development which every government in the world is pushing.  Four presidents in Africa who went against this are dead.  We didn't vote for these evil policies of these criminal billionaires, oligarchs and freak organisations, we don't want them.  We decide.  We need to say No we don't want your plan thank you very much, go play somewhere else with your Davos friends, go and do it to each other.  Stop allowing them to control what we're doing and our lives.  Open your business!  Take off the mask!  Live freely!  We were born free!  We are free living men and women, not slaves, and not in prison.  You don't need anybody's permission, God gave it to you the day you were born. We do not need a police officer or a government or a passport... or freedom passport ...these must NEVER come in!!   If you run a hair salon and you need ten customers to come in one day to make ends meet to put food on your table, that is essential to pay your bills.  Why is travel only essential when people are rich?  Footballers, movie stars, sports stars, TV personalities, MPs, they're out there still getting their multibillion pound contracts, business as usual.  Footballers are still getting £300,000 a week playing football with no spectators in the stadiums; Lewis Hamilton is still racing around the track at 200 miles an hour getting £5,000,000 a race, with no fans in the stadiums;  Adele's still selling albums, celebrities are still making their music with no supporters in the concert halls, we're not there - yet they're still doing it and still getting all this money; actors are still making their movies, famous names are still on TV, MPs are still going to parliament.  None of these have lost their business or their livelihoods, none of these with their private yachts and private jets have lost their homes like thousands of people have.  They were going to the gym and getting fit throughout the lockdowns, they have the best food and physiotherapists, they travel around Europe going to all the European games with absolutely no curtailment of travel!  No quarantine hotels when they come back!  No testing.  No self-isolating.  Why are all the people with money allowed to do this?  One rule for them and one rule for us.  No equality there.   And they are silent.   None of them are saying "Hang on a minute, I'm not playing football anymore, the fans aren't here, sorry, we're downing tools".  They don't give a damn about us, because they still have their multibillion pound contracts.  These people are not supporting their people who gave them this money in the first place.  We pay their multibillion pound contracts and wages when we pay for Sky, Netflix all the brands and the music we download.  The money flowed one way, to the rich: they have made 3.29 trillion while we have lost 3.72 trillion.  Stop paying their wages, stop endorsing their brands.  Stop watching them on TV, stop downloading their music on YouTube.  They are not supporting us, they never supported us from Day One; they support the agenda.  Imbecile Piers Morgan shut up, if you want to take the jab then take it; Ian Brown, Jim Davison, Kirsty Alsop and other people, though, are supporting us and being outspoken on our behalf so well done to them.  We are being played, lied to, manipulated, for a very, very, evil, criminal, nefarious agenda.  There is no the Coronavirus Act does not exist anymore!  All this draconian crap isn't warranted anymore.  Live your life freely.  Say No!  Enough is enough, take your country back!  Mums and dads, aunts and uncles, grandmas and granddads, brothers and sisters, everybody should wake up and listen to this, this is vitally important: they are coming for our children!  Then what? When they start dying just as people of all ages from around the world are from these evil vaccines... DO NOT LET THEM TAKE OUR CHILDREN!  There is no need!  Not necessary! This is evil!  Don't let them experiment on our children with an evil gene modifier.  You really, really, really must stop this, people.   Use the Law.  It's there for them just as it is for you and vice versa.   We are all equal in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of God.  We have the law, God, inalienable rights and our human rights that they cannot take away, and we give them the consent.  Take that consent away from these psychopaths before it's too late.  This is Year 2 of a ten year plan and it's going to get a helluva lot worse if people don't stop this  -this was the warning from ex-policeman Mark Sexton speaking in May 2021.

How do you test positive for Omicron?


If there was no virus how can you have variants of it?  First of all, if there was a real pandemic, why were there no excess deaths in 2020 to reflect that?  Why did funeral directors say that during the height of the so-called pandemic the number of people passing through their funeral parlours never increased? But when the fake vaccine started rolling out at the end of 2020 into 2021, one funeral director said they had never seen anything like the numbers who were dying, and an American insurance company said deaths have now increased by 40%, in the very period of the fake vaccine roll-out.  Then there's the Wuhan lab story which a lot of the alternative media has bought, that this virus was released either: (1) by accident, or (2) on purpose, from the highest level bio-lab in China - Wuhan, funded by Fauci's lab in America, the so-called Gain of Function of this virus so it could be passed from animals to humans.  For a start, all the evidence that this COVID hoax was prepared for and planned for from way back to be played out now is overwhelming.  If you take the "it was done by accident" scenario, these people sitting round a table plotted, organised and orchestrated this entire scam - but they forgot one thing: oh my god we forgot the virus, we better just sit here and hope someone's going to release it by accident.   Oh look, they just have, what a stroke of luck.  What a nonsense.  And then you have the "it was released on purpose" alternative.  You're creating a pathogen to impact the whole world.   Yeah, okay.  So, um, where are you going to release it?  Well we thought we'd release it down the street from the lab, in Wuhan!  But you don't think that other people are going to actually make that connection to Fauci because of the paper trail?  No?  If you were the Chinese authorities and you wanted to create a virus to foist upon the world for your own reasons,  you wouldn't involve financial input from Fauci that's going to leave a paper trail all the way back to his department, you'd fund it yourself so that you have complete control over it and complete anonymity.  Fake narratives are put out in the alternative media for those who question the other narrative and look for a conspiracy. So you give them a conspiracy, it's just the wrong conspiracy, while all the time the real conspiracy is missed, and that is: there is no virus, there never has been!  Why has so much illusion had to have been going on to maintain that there is a virus, if there IS one?  The cult has to make you believe in a virus because everything else comes from that. Whether you believe the virus was natural, whether you believe the virus was released by accident or whether you believe the virus was released on purpose, the common theme of all three is there is a virus.  And if there is a virus there is something to deal with.  Once you realise there is no virus there never has been a virus, the whole house of cards comes down, the game is over, because nothing at all in response to a non-existent virus is justified... masks, distancing, lockdowns, jabs... or variants.  Many doctors say there can be no variant of something that was never identified in the first place.  

Dr Andrew Kaufman explains what alleged 'variants' really are.  He was interviewed about "Omicron" on GreenMed Info at, a platform that is not censoring doctors. Dr Kaufman is one of the most censored, vilified doctors on earth must mean he is on the right track.  He says they never did the isolation procedure of the Wuhan virus from a sick person that they could say was a new virus!  They did a tissue culture experiment which has been shown to be able to produce the same results even without any virus being present.  It has been done before, by the inventor of the culture process, John Franklin Enders in 1954.  Also last year virologist Stefan Lanka from Germany showed that you get the same proof of a virus even when there's no virus in the experiment.  Can this finding co-exist with the narrative some hold who argue that there was a weaponised virus circulating, or does this finding cancel that out as a psy op? Dr Kaufman's answer is they just haven't isolated any virus, no natural one from bats and no proof that any was created as part of any bioweapons program.  On every single occasion whenever Freedom of Information requests have been sent to governments and universities around the world there's been no scientific evidence that there actually is a virus.  Dr Kaufman explained that it has all been a simulation done using computer modelling, either doing experiments in a computer OR by making pseudo viruses or things that don't exist in nature. They are not studying real organisms from the real world, only a manufactured version which they study in a laboratory and claim to be real, and then put forth these variants, to say they have certain clinical properties wanting us to believe they're tracking it in real time, to justify restrictions.  The COVID jabs are causing massive harm in the population so they have come up with a new variant to blame that on and use as leverage to push mask wearing, mandatory vaccination and other agendas, vilifying people who refuse vaccination saying we are the reason everyone is dying.   To explain what variants are, and what it has to do with a particle identified from someone in South Africa, Dr Kaufman explained how a sample was taken from someone's lung fluid who was sick who they thought had COVID and just assumed there was a virus there without separating the virus out from the lung fluid. They didn't even look for it.  A sample of lung fluid was put into a test tube, they looked at every small strand of RNA in it, over 56 million strands, and a computer just put those together and created a genome they said was this virus!  They this process according to a written published set of instructions they have repeated it around the world many, many, many times.  The UK government boasted that just in the UK they have completed over one million SARS-COV-2 whole genome sequences, or sequenced over one million people (it's on their website).  This is a computer making up millions of little bits of RNA.  Basically they are calling our own genetic material viruses and calling viruses our own genetic material.  They never once took any of these genetic sequences out of a virus particle that was isolated in a test tube, they extracted genetic material and just sequenced that.  That's the way any organism is sequenced, and the way the Human Genome was sequenced.  No virus existed so they had to do a simulation using a computer to construct a fake genome sequence out of your own RNA, RNA from all the bacteria and fungi and other organisms that are in your body.    Every time they repeat this experiment they get a different result and call it a variant. This diagram is from the GISAID database where all of these so-called variants are catalogued.  This new one is what they call an "in silico genome".   They gave it the nomenclature "hCov-19".

They performed this five and a half million times.  They designate them Greek letters.   Delta.  Omicron.  They created vsv-based SARS 78 Cov-2 pseudo viruses that contain mutations.    They took what they think is an animal virus, particles, removed the material inside, and replaced it with a spike protein gene that they synthesized in the lab artificially but it matches the variant sequence.  They call that a pseudo virus, something they can't get from nature or from any living organism, and then they interact it in a cell culture with different antibodies to classify how transmissible or severe it is, and to say it might even be resistant to the vaccine.  And use these bogus results to promulgate falsehoods to the public.   Now they are saying three jabs aren't sufficient and Pfizer and Novartis will make a new vaccine.  Something on a subatomic scale they need an electron microscope to render visible, they've never tried to look at any variant under a microscope or do physical experiments with it.  It's only computer simulation.  They say there are no tests for this Omicron variant but current SARS-COV-2 PCR 'diagnostics' continue to detect it!  Several labs have indicated that for one widely used PCR test one of the three target genes is not detected and this test can therefore be used as a marker for this variant.  They are saying here that normally in the PCR protocol there are three primers, if you have positive for all three then you have a positive test.  They are saying that Omicron only is positive for two out of those three.  If previously you have a negative PCR test, now they can call it a positive PCR test for Omicron.  They didn't need to create a new test, they just found a way to convert negative results to positive ones and then say that it's this new variant.  They have to increase the cases, they'll do it by converting those that would have been called negative before to positive, so they can call it a "variant of concern" to justify further lockdowns.  Tricks, conjecture and zero scientific references.  There's not one scientific paper published on Omicron at all.  On PubMed there are references to some proteins called Omicron that are unrelated; not one thing about SARS-COV-2.  This is the so-called phylogeny of Omicron in different places that it's at but it's all just more computer simulation.  The image below is the spike protein from the Omicron variant with the colours representing the thirty mutations, supposedly. This is completely a computer simulation, taking computer simulation results and putting it into another computer that gives you a rendering.   If you view this on their website, it is a 3D rotating pretty and sophisticated picture.


Even if you're a scientist or a doctor you see this thing rotating and it looks impressive.  You think they did a lot, but really they did nothing and it means nothing.  Doesn't reflect reality. This protein was not purified from virus particles and studied.  There was no genome taken from purified new virus particles called Omicron. To summarise the Omicron variant: there was no known attempt to isolate anything organic or do a viral culture procedure, they didn't even create a pseudo virus in this case, there are no microscope images, no proof it exists at all in reality; discovered only by in silico genome sequencing which is a complete computer simulation; clinical properties only understood by computer modelling;  there's no clinical test authorised, approved or available for purchase, no valid diagnostic test developed for COVID, Omicron or any variant, it is based on converting the negative PCR test that have two out of three primed as positive to now positive and creating cases out of nothing that get it classified as a variant of concern; when they declare an outbreak of Delta or Omicron they don't really have a scientific basis to say it, all they can do is the complete genome sequencing for every individual and see if it's the same but they don't do that, they cheat, taking negative PCR tests and making them magically become positive; and there are no scientific publications!   Yet countries are locking down.  Do an anagram analysis of Omicron we see that it would be moronic to be scared of it.  Even if the PCR test could diagnose, with any diagnostic test you have to do a validation study as that's the gold standard way of identifying the condition you're trying to diagnose, say a viral illness, this would be finding if there's a virus in the person first and then other ratings and steps are required in the validation process in applying to the FDA to get approval for a diagnostic. No one has attempted to do this in applying for the PCR test or any test for COVID.  They claimed they validated the test by synthesizing the sequences that they say correlated with the virus on a machine in a laboratory, showing that the PCR can detect those sequences, but that has nothing to do with diagnosing a disease.  That just says the PCR can measure a certain sequence.  DNA or RNA doesn't correlate with a person's disease at all, and that's what the inventor of the PCR test said, Kary Mullis.  He also said that if you misuse the PCR test as they have been doing by using too many amplification cycles such as 45 or more when 25 is the limit, you could find any sequence.  This is cheating.  Even if Mullis were wrong, the validation study would still need to be done as the first step.   Another big crime is that in May 2020 the US government removed the criteria for determining if someone died from a virus, you only had to have suspicion of a virus and could label someone as having died from COVID.  How they want to use this is to turn the health system into a bio-surveillance system, it's all about the so-called vaccine passport for access to everything and that's the tip of the iceberg.  They plan to turn this into a vehicle for all of your information: social credit system and your financial information with a central bank digital currency that freezes your assets if you have not had your latest booster shot, or you could be prohibited from using public transport to get to work.  The way to resist this, to preserve your freedom and be part of the change and create a new way of living outside of this government tyrannical control, the first step is to SIMPLY NOT COMPLY!  That is the most important thing.  Any of the guidelines, don't follow them!  If businesses require them, sue those businesses.  If enough people do that then the whole thing will just shut down.  It may mean making sacrifices, you may have to let your job go and change your career.  If you think things will get back to normal if you just get this one shot or do this one thing, it's not going to happen.  It is up to us to start creating our own infrastructure for ourselves, our own parallel communities and societies, and anyone who wants to leave the Matrix system they can come over.  If you are mired in fear and pessimism, take a step back and you'll see we have an amazing opportunity to make our own humanity that's much freer.  With people like this wonderful doctor, it's a blessing.  He is trying to create educational and clinical platforms to bring in real true medicine and healing to the world, launching a true medicine university featuring leaders and researchers in these exciting fields, trying to find out what's really going on, creating a body of knowledge outside of the government funded research Matrix of allopathic medicine and cut-and-burn poison and, with the exception of a trauma surgeon here and there, by and large teaching people how to take care of their own health.    His dream is to bring this True Medicine University about into this new era.  The webinar for his True Medicine University will be on Saturday 8th January 2022.  He has partnered up with Marcy Cravat at looking at premiering a documentary called "Terrain" which appeals to people who are just starting to question things, released for a free screening for everyone in the coming new year.  Dr Kaufman has had a run-in with law enforcement and his information is censored.  Please share it.  UPDATE: Dr Joseph Mercola has written an article that there IS a virus called SARS-COV-2.  He supports the claims of journalist Jeremy Hammond that this virus has been isolated. Dr Kaufman dissected these claims.

Dr Tom Cowan MD, speaker and author of "Breaking The Spell", is a friend of Dr Andrew Kaufman.  Dr Cowan said he and a group he is working with have asked 140 different health institutions around the world, the Canadian government, the CDC, the NIH, the New Zealand government, British government, health institutions in different cities and different countries...all of them said in writing "We have no record of any SARS-COV-2 being found in any person who has COVID."  Dr Cowan said they asked the lead authors who produced the papers who claimed they found SARS-COV-2 in people with COVID and all of them said in writing they never isolated i.e. found any SARS-COV-2 in any fluid of anybody with COVID.  A group of leading lawyers, activists, scientists, the biggest names who are fighting for health freedom were not happy with what Dr Cowan had to say and invited him to talk about this. They had two or three virologists there and a man who spent twenty years as senior virologist for the Chinese Centre for Disease Control in Wuhan and twenty years as senior pathologist at Yale University as the Head of Viral Laboratory Science. Dr Cowan's team asked this Yale expert if he agreed that no one has ever found a virus that causes disease in any biological fluid, and he said Yes.  They asked him what is the theory that is causing disease then?  The Yale expert answered: "There is not enough virus to find."  They asked him if you mix the fluid of ten people with COVID would you then have enough to be able to find the virus?  He said No.  What about a hundred people?  He said No.  What about a thousand people with COVID?  Would you have enough biological fluid from their lungs to find even one virus?  He said No!  They said what about ten thousand people?  He said no there's not enough to find!  So what are they talking about when they say "virus"? Here's how they do it: it is a process called a" viral culture" that started in 1954 with John Franklin Enders.  From every single paper that Dr Cowan has read for the last two years, it's become apparent that they use a uniform particle that has a protein coat and a piece of genetic material inside (which should all be identical and there should be thousands of them).  They take fluid from somebody they say has COVID and either centrifuge it or filter it which is not isolation, it's just to get some of the debris out.    Then they take this liquid and mix it with calf's foetal serum and spread it on monkey kidney cells and observe what happens.  They try to 'grow the virus'.  If they just did that the virus wouldn't grow, though.  So what they do next is take away the nutrients from the cells - it is called "Dulbecco's Minimum Nutrient Medium".  Still nothing happens.  So then they add in two antibiotics, gentamicin and amphotericin nowadays, two highly toxic kidney substances. Then what happens is the kidney cells break down into thousands of particles of all different sizes and shapes  called the "cytopathic effect" otherwise known as CPE. The cytopathic effect is 'proof' of existence of the virus and that the virus causes disease!   They mix unpurified snot with calf's foetal serum, spread it on monkey cells, poison the monkey cells, the money cells break down and they say that proves there's a virus.  For the first time in sixty years, Dr Cowan and Dr Kaufman with Stefan Lanka the German virologist took it upon themselves to repeat this experiment.  They reproduced the 'isolation' experiment. They took cell cultures, kidney cells, and grew them...and they were fine.  They added calf serum and a little bit of antibiotics and they were fine.  They took away the cells' nutrients and added the same amount of antibiotics that they do in all the 'isolation' experiments except they never added anything in from anybody who is sick, and they proved that the cells break down in that characteristic cytopathic effect 'proving that the virus killed the cells' even though at no time was a virus ever added to the mixture.  The way Dr Cowan explained how they do isolation, the whole thing they do is nonsense, madness.  Why are the medical people accepting this?  Well the first pillar of virology is cytopathic effect, caused by the method they use to starve and poison cells.  Then they show pictures of the 'virus'.   'Seeing the virus' is the second pillar.  You don't see anything, what you see is when you starve and poison tissue it breaks down into little pieces, and that is not a virus. Papers going back to 1973 show identical pictures from kidney biopsies, lung cancers and all kinds of diseased states, and in 1973 the CDC held a conference saying "these little particles are actually not viruses, they are simply debris from the breakdown of tissue".   The third pillar is "we took the cell culture that broke down into little pieces and put it in our computer and it reassembled the pieces and found the SARS-COV-2 genome".  And that proves the genome is there.  So Dr Cowan and his buddies took a cell culture that had no virus, and added pure RNA from yeast (with it being an RNA virus) and ran the program exactly the way the SARS-COV-2 program had been run.  Lo and behold they came out with the genome for SARS-COV-2!  Even though there was never any virus or any person with COVID anywhere near that mixture!  Yup, you get the same result using RNA from yeast!  Proving that the production of that genome is based on a complete artefact, completely antiscientific, illogical, irrational, contrived nonsense!  Dr Cowan's next step was to show that you can find any RNA virus you want - measles, Ebola, Zika,  HIV - by doing the same thing: just add yeast RNA and put it in a computer, it makes it in silico or imaginary.  That's how it's done.  What's the reaction of the medical and scientific community to Dr Cowan redoing their experiment and disproving everything they base their narrative on?  Here's where we're at: they're in an altruistic cult.   Fauci, CDC, MODERNA, they all say the injection "does not stop transmission"...  ask them why they get injected?  So that Aunt Bessie doesn't get sick.  Humanity is in a worldwide virus cult.   Whenever you are in a cult you stop thinking because it's more important you are accepted by the cult.  If they say what Dr Cowan says they'll be shamed, ostracized, there's nothing worse for them and they'll fight to the death for that not to happen.  You know what all cults end with?  Death.  Often by suicide.  Doctors have been committing suicide.  More than hundreds of billions of dollars have been put into their study of virology in the last fifty years.  Dr Cowan fundraised for the cultures, yeast, drugs and picture-taking for an experiment that cost only $42,000 to disprove their virology. 

Dr Mike Yeadon is one of the most credentialed medical professionals. This is his resume: Senior Principal Scientist at Wellcome Research, 1988-1995; virologist and former vice president of Pfizer 2005-2008; Head of Allergy and Respiratory Research  Consultant on the Scientific Advisory Board, Pulmatrix, 2011-2017; Consultant at Apellis Pharmaceuticals, 2011-2016; co-founder of Ziarco, 2011-2017. He thinks our health leaders have abandoned science and reason. Dr Yeadon looked into what they were doing for diagnostics using the PCR test and spoke on, a platform that gives him a floor to break down the lies.  Dr Yeadon says the PCR test is a powerful technique but NOT a technique for diagnosing infections and he quotes Professor Kary B Mullis who won a Novel Prize for its invention, who told us this repeatedly.  Professor Mullis who invented the PCR test said the PCR is separate, that it's just a process you use to make a whole lot of something out of something, if you do the PCR well you can find almost anything in anybody by amplifying one single molecule enough, it doesn't tell you that you're sick, is what he said.   Dr Yeadon said it's good at detecting DNA or RNA.  He could see bad actors operating in the testing, people working in the UK being sneaky, not using an internal standard, not having samples of the virus and refusing to disclose how many cycles they were using... you should use samples of the thing you are trying to detect...they weren't using these standards, and were using as much amplification as the machines could use, not appropriate to the amount you would use to work out if an infection were present... turning up the amplifications, over-amplifying, with no internal standards in use.  The New York Times did their own investigation into the PCR test and found that every lab in America was running about 45 amplification cycles which is gigantic - anything found looks like a problem.  Amplification means amplifying genetic material by doubling it in dozens of cycles, until you have billions or trillions of the original molecules, using a machine that reads: cycle, copies of the target DNA (goes into the trillions with the increase in number of cycles), and variable margin DNA fragment.  If you have enough of the identified RNA fragment, then they use that for results, and you are considered 'positive'.  They use a microscope, it can detect anything, a fragment of a dead cell... it doesn't mean you are infected.  They worked out the relationship between those who 'had' SARS-COV-2 and those who didn't...  they found that when they got a positive test within about 25 cycles it became more and more difficult to infect cells in a culture, that is when you try to infect a culture, when you grow the virus in cells.  Dr Fauci himself said "You can never culture a virus from a 37 threshold cycle".   He said "it's just dead nucleotides, period."  From the horse's mouth.  Dr Yeadon drew the line there at 25 or cycles in the mid twenties and said there's not enough virus there to make you infectious at all.  And in the UK they were using 39, even 40 plus.  Professor Carl Heneghan, Head of Oxford University, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, said a cycle threshold above 35 generally is people who are not infectious, yet NHS England runs cycle thresholds of 45, which is identifying people who are not infectious.  Each cycle doubles the amount of material - Dr Yeadon did the maths on this and the multiplication of material was about a trillion-fold.  If you run very high cycles of one harmless molecule on a PCR test, you can end up with a false positive.    A test that is declared positive attained by cheating circumstances, artificially inflating infection rates.  What it doesn't do is tell you the person is clinically ill or infectious.  We have ended up with fake cases by the thousands of millions around the world because of this.  It produced a scare story that there were more cases than there really were.  Dr Yeadon wrote a paper  "The PCR False Positive Pseudo Epidemic" published 30th November 2020 and updated on 25th December 2020.  It was the third of four papers that he wrote.  He was one of more than twenty authors that wrote a critique of the test designed in the Corman-Drosten test from Professor Drosten  in Berlin (who is part of it).  That Drosten test was designed in such a loose way that everyone around the world would end up with an inaccurate test result that very often would show positive when there was nothing there.  Jeffrey Jaxen an investigative reporter talked about the reference on the Drosten Report to the cycling: that if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles is used as is the case in most labs in Europe and the US , the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that the said result is a false positive is 97%!  The test is 97% inaccurate!  And the test is contaminated.  Ex police officer Mark Sexton has reported this to police as an act of terrorism on the people and speaks about this

Christine Massey is a former bio-statistician who is known for issuing Freedom Of Information requests to various government agencies in the United States and elsewhere that show that according to CDC records there is no SARS-COV-2 virus sample that has been shown to cause any disease or infection.  Christine spoke with Mike Adams in this interview.  She says people have been looking in the public domain and not finding legitimate studies that match what's been asked for in FOI requests.  After a year and a half of people from around the world submitting requests from 137 institutions in over 25 countries, no one to this day has provided even one record of the alleged virus having been purified from a patient sample. Not one institution has responded with any document showing the proof it has been isolated.  When they say that they isolated the virus on their papers that are convincing, when you read the methods, it doesn't add up to any real evidence.  Reading the methods of how they come up with a genome,  it becomes apparent they work with a soup of genetic material from the patient sample or from the mixture from the monkey cells and the bovine foetal serum and allege to detect many gene sequences in that and that involves using PCR technology with many cycles, and they put all these sequences on a computer software to match, align and edit, that invents a pattern they call a genome. 

Nuremberg Code Violations making mainstream airways


Nuremberg Code Violations now making mainstream airways in the UK! 

When they use term "selfish" when it comes to you exercising your freewill to decide what goes into your body, the term "selfish" is mind control and manipulation fooling uncritically thinking people to surrender their freewill because they think it is "selfish" to have a right to choose.  Understand that Freewill is a Divine Birth Right.  It is one of the most important birth rights that you have. 

Not a protest, but an uprising!

In England the overfed, over-privileged, overpaid bumbling old Etonian oaf Johnson, an actor who has acted many scenes in his allotted role like going into his Peppa Pig routine, vroom, vroom, brah brah....on the 27th November announced that face nappies will be back in public places and on public transport as of 30th November.  If the need for nappy wearing were that urgent you'd want to bring it in straight away, wouldn't you?  So when he announced it on Saturday, why not say: "As of now, first thing Sunday, they have to come back"?  Why leave it until Tuesday?  Yeah, it's me, Moronic. Now you're all right for Monday, but Tuesday, if you ain't got a mask I'm coming to get yer.  You been warned. Boris announced that this is to be reviewed in three weeks.  So, three weeks from 30th November takes us to the 21st of December, Winter Solstice, an important ritual date for occultists.  Through 2020 all kinds of restrictions were brought in in the UK on key dates of ancient pagan traditions.  It was at the spring equinox when the first lockdown was introduced.  So the review date is on the Winter Solstice, and if he announces lockdown restrictions, that you can't go anywhere or do anything,  well that would be just in time to fuck up yet another Christmas, ruining plans that people had for the festive season.  He tried to do this last year.  Of course you should ignore these instructions, you have a duty and a responsibility to ignore rules that are immoral and violate natural rights.  Mass non-compliance is the way out of this, enough of us to say we're not doing it.  So now we have this "Omicron" strain.  An anagram of MORONIC, which is what you are if you fall for this crap again, and which is how they view the profane masses the useless eaters, because they are moronic because they're buying all this bullshit.   Also, Omicron is an anagram of ONCOMIR which is an mRNA cancer causing gene.  Also, Omicron was the title of a dystopian 1963 movie about an alien that came to earth and took over the body of a corpse in order to attack all of humanity.  That's not a coincidence.  They have been telling you everything in movies: predictive programming.   They've gone from Delta which ties into delta brainwaves, the brainwave humans have when in a near sleep state. They see us as asleep and moronic.  Add the variants together, Delta + Omicron (anagrams), and you have Media Control.  Bang!   So now all these footballers and other sports players who just happen to have been dropping on the sports field and either dying or clutching their chest in agony and convulsing, the mainstream media chalk it all up as coincidence.  They accepted the jab as a condition of being able to continue playing their sport and became seriously ill, heart problems being one of the documented adverse effects of the jab.  So now, all these sports people dropping down and dropping dead in some cases, can be blamed on the new variant and "we've got to introduce lockdown measures once again". And now many of these double-jabbed people are starting to ask themselves, why it is they were told that if they went out and got two pricks, their society could get back to normal a lot quicker, and now face nappies are coming back?  And why is it that they're told that infection rates are going through the roof?   Why is it that they're told there's a new mutant strain, and that the double or triple pricks that they've already taken are ineffective and don't protect them?  Why is it that they're told that even though they are double-pricked they can still contract the virus and spread the virus?  Why is it that they're told that even though they are double-pricked they still have to quarantine when they get back to the UK from abroad? Why is it they still have to do lateral flow and PCR tests every five minutes to get into venues? Why is that?  Hmmm.   Penny starts to drop, albeit very slowly, but seems to get there.  We need many of them on our side. We warriors who are on the frontline in the battlefield fighting this one for the sake of them and their children and everybody else's as well as our own, we need many of them to realise it was never supposed to stop with two or three shots.   The idea was to find an excuse to coerce people into taking these jabs every year for the rest of their lives, which may well be shortened as a result of what they've been allowing to happen to themselves.   A leaked document from the World Health Organisation appears to list the various variants of the variant variant that are to be unleashed. It covers 2022 going into 2023.  If this document is genuine, it lists different strains with dates on which they are due to be released.  It lists Moronic as being released in May 2022.   It seems they fast-tracked it by six months. This document is further proof that this is a PLANDEMIC, not a pandemic with a virus mutating randomly.  The bastards in control know exactly what's going to happen next because they are making it happen.  Last week Chris Witty was delivering a lecture and it was bum-rushed by a group of activists that included Piers Corbyn who were heckling him and dropping truth bombs - and he looked nervous.  So he knows that a significant proportion of us know what they're doing. Seeming to have an accurate gage on the situation, Witty said that the public won't tolerate much more of it.  Neil Ferguson got bum-rushed a couple of weeks ago as well. Great. We could do with a lot more of us confronting these bastards at their public addresses.  They couldn't meet up in Davos recently because the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos was cancelled due to death threats.  Step up the activism, to show that many of us are not having it and we know.  We got the Rebels on Roundabouts, campaigns at cities outside schools, Stand In The Park meet-ups.  And there is an event happening in York, England, on Saturday 4th December 2021, starting at 1pm from York Minster.

Their mantra is this is not a protest, this is an uprising. Forwarded from THE NORTH UNITES (



📣 We WILL wake up the masses to this PLANDEMIC  

📣 We will educate and inform them of the real AGENDA 

📣 We WILL educate small businesses how to STAY OPEN through future lockdowns under COMMON LAW

📣 Their NARRATIVE is FALLING APART as more people are WAKING UP every single day to their LIES and CORRUPTION.

📣 Bring FLAGS of the WORLD to show unity across OUR EARTH

📣 Fly them UPSIDE DOWN to signify countries in DISTRESS


📣 Health Workers & Veterans – Come in your UNIFORM 




IMPORTANT:  The UK government's own principles of consent for immunisation say "For consent to immunisation to the valid, it must be given freely, voluntarily and without coercion by an appropriately informed person."

A vaccine passport won't give you your freedom

Today we are relatively free to do as we please except where our actions are prohibited in law.  If you submit to accepting a vaccine passport, however, that concept of freedom will be consigned to history.  You will only be allowed to do what you are given explicit permission to do, with every detail of your day-to-day trivia dictated by an unseen algorithmic power mediated through the screen of your smartphone - one green tick at a time.   Those permissions are liable to change from one day to the next.  Can I go into this shop?  Can I get on this bus?  Can I go to this concert?   Don't think for one minute that because you are double vaccinated you will have your freedom.  Australia has signed contracts to secure 195 million doses of more vaccines, on top of the doses people have already had!    This is all about a booster every six months for the next four years, for whatever the latest Covid variant is.   If you are two days late getting your booster you still can't go to that shop, go to that restaurant, or get on that bus.  Your privileges are revoked.  It won't stop there.  The vaccine passport is just a Trojan horse, there is a digital ID scheme behind it based on software that is designed to be "upgraded" over time.  Today your vaccine passport will be a simple green tick or red cross indicating your authorised inclusion or exclusion from everyday society.   But tomorrow you will be rated on every aspect of your life by a social credit system: points added for behaviour deemed supportive of the government and points subtracted for anything deemed a diversion from the required norms.  How many times did you break the 1.5 metre social distancing rule today?  What about that mildly critical post on social media about some government policy?  Or that video you shared raising legitimate concerns about a government approved narrative?  Watch your social credit score tumble and as it does, your access to essential services for everyday life are revoked - one privilege at a time.  Extreme?  The social credit system is already a reality in China, where people can't even board a train if their social credit score falls below a certain threshold.  This is the plan for the world, hidden in the vaccine passport.  Desensitization to being told what to do has already begun.  We already live in a high-tech world of surveillance from Big Data with algorithms building detailed profiles on us that gather information on our political preferences, beliefs, and fears,  including telephone calls, text messages and emails.  If we allow the vaccine passports to roll out,  the vaccine passport and the social credit system will rapidly evolve into the final piece in the automated architecture of total surveillance and control.  We are familiar with the watching and monitoring in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty Four, how it puts a human being under stress, as you know when you are driving down the road under speed cameras.  But the surveillance is more than about speeding fines.  It is the disciplinary aspect, being punished for non-compliance.   That is the final piece of the architecture.  The mechanism to automatically discipline those who do not submit to norms and mandated rules, is snuck in with the vaccine passport, carried in everyone's pocket every moment of every day.   "Turnkey totalitarianism" is a surveillance around us that has not yet been switched on.  The machine is ready but the key has not yet been turned.  Vaccines passports are the final part of that infrastructure, the last cog in the machine.   Once we allow this final part of the infrastructure to be slotted into place, once we accept this as a normal part of daily life, the key will be turned, the threshold will be crossed, and there will be no going back.   There will be no space for dissent or deviation from prescribed norms and behaviours.   The machine will be on, eternally watching and directing our lives and behaviours, scoring and punishing. We will be forever at the mercy of our masters who set the rules, those who decide if we deserve a green tick or a red cross, those who decide if we can be included in society or pushed to the various margins of existence.  There will be no coming back from it.  Freedom as we have known it all our lives and for generations before us, will be extinguished forever.  The freedom we enjoy today, even the very idea of it, will be inconceivable to our children and all the generations that follow.  Under the cover of Covid-19 we're about to let a totalitarian world of total surveillance control and compliance be ushered in, welcome by many in the name of "doing their part" in the battle against the virus.  Look at the in-group out-group mentality and the divide between mask wearers and non-mask wearers, vaxxed and non-vaxxed.  Look at how far we've come in less than two short years.  The destination laid bare, for those willing to see.  For generations, freedom has often been paid for with blood.  We who live in free societies remember all those who gave their lives so we might live free, those who fought for our liberty.  Are you willing to look them in the eye and tell them the torch went out forever, because you were too fearful, too apathetic, or too easily manipulated to stand firm and keep the flame alive?  Now look forward in time and to all descendants and generations that follow us, telling them that the fight for freedom was handed down to us but we allowed it to be taken from us because we didn't see the sleight of hand trick that was being played, or if we did, we did nothing to stop it.  Can you feel the weight of responsibility that rests upon your shoulders?  Will you be able to live with the shame of knowing that you were one of those who stood idle and looked down, cowardly in your home, as the precious gift of  freedom through sleight of hand manipulation and misdirection was stolen from you and from all future generations to come?  It does not matter what our views are on masks, vaccines and lockdowns, we may disagree on many things but we can all agree on this: that the freedom we enjoy today is the most precious of gifts that has been passed down to us, and must be  cherished and defended at all costs for the generations to come.  It should be clear that the vaccine passport has nothing to do with your health.  Despite how its being sold to us, its roll-out worldwide is NOT the way we will get our old lives back.   In fact the reverse is true.  Vaccine passports are the perfectly engineered gateway for a completely new type of control and surveillance the likes of which we have never seen before.  Therefore, under NO circumstances, no matter what pressure is applied to us, must we allow vaccine passports to be introduced.  Make no mistake, the true scale of what is at stake cannot be overstated.  We are at a pivotal point now.  This is not a message of fear, this is to sound the alarm and call attention to imminent danger.  This is a message of hope, of unity and not division.   We are born free, sovereign beings, we are one human family.  We simply need to stand up, stand united, and say:  Enough Is Enough.  We've seen through the tricks, and we will not allow our freedom to be taken from us.  The torch of liberty will not be extinguished. Not now, not ever, and certainly not on our watch.  Pass the torch of flames on intact to the generations that follow us.  To our descendants we must say in unison: "We will not let you down."  Share this message, for the time to act is now.

Sign the declaration

Nurse witnesses politicians and elites only get the placebo jab

A big scandal erupted in Slovenia, all of Slovenia talking about vaccinations.  The head nurse of the University Medical Centre, a clinical centre in Ljubljana, who takes care of receiving the vials and manages everything, quit her job, went out in front of the cameras and took out the vials of vaccines.  She showed people the codes on the bottles, each containing 1, 2 or 3 digits of the code, and then explained the meaning of those digits. 

Number 1 is placebo, saline. Number 2 is the classic bottle of RNA. Number 3 is the RNA core that contains an oncology gene associated with an adenovirus that promotes cancer. For these bottles, the number 3 indicates that people who received them within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer.

She says that she personally witnessed the injection of all politicians and tycoons, and they all received the number 1 injection.


Taking the jab is Russian Roulette.

The jabbing has to stop


We have the evidence needed to stop the jabbing programs.  Here is a paper - Abstract 10712from a well-respected 71 year old peer-reviewed medical journal "Circulation" which was rated the world's No.1 journal in the cardiac and cardio-vascular system category.  Their statement is that this mRNA jab "dramatically increases inflammation of the endothelium and T cell infiltration of the cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other events following vaccination".  

Dr Vernon Coleman in his video of December 2020 reeled off a list of possible adverse events, a list that was officially published by the American government, by the way!  Now we can prove the link.  And we know the jab is known NOT to stop people catching Covid-19 and NOT to stop people spreading it. On Dr. Coleman's website is a horrific list of deaths and serious injuries that have occurred among people who have been jabbed in the article headed "UPDATE: How many are the vaccines killing?"  Now we have the evidence needed to stop this mRNA jab experiment immediately, today.  If there were any honest journalists this news should be lead item on all TV and radio programs and on the front pages of all newspapers.

To experiment on people without their consent or full understanding of the risks, and force this on people, is a crime. If this mRNA experiment continues after today then we shall know for certainty that this is not a medical treatment but a cull.  Any nurse or doctor that administers an mRNA Covid-19 jab after today must be struck off the appropriate register.  This is the moment the jabbing has to stop.

It has to stop.  HORRIFIC: Baby Paralyzed By COVID Vaccine (

Tick-Tock, Doc

The collapse of the medical system is well on its way as more doctors who took the Mark of the Beast jab are dropping dead like flies - Tick-Tock, Doc.  The American Medical Association reported that 96% of US doctors as of June have been vaccinated. It's ironic that some of the most outspoken of them who were peddling the injections are now dead.  Booster shots commenced on 22nd September, and they have been dropping since mid-October, in deaths described as "sudden" and "unexpected".  Here are photos of doctors who died and some injuries and reactions.  For the remaining nurses and doctors who have refused the jab, they are quitting their profession.  

Surprise surprise!  The MSM is now reporting jab deaths and injuries
The matrix is collapsing, one system at a time.  Start to embrace a new way of living.  Be your own health authority,  be sovereign knowing how to take care of your body, mind and spirit.