Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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If you have taken the jab... chlorine dioxide

If you have taken the jab... according to this Abstract and Dr Andreas Kalcker, chlorine dioxide aqueous solution can inactivate the binding of the variant spike proteins to the human ACE2 receptor protein.  This means that if you took it and you need to get rid of the spike proteins chlorine dioxide can do it.  To learn more on chlorine dioxide (CDS) and how to make it, how to take it and the different protocols etc., this is Dr Andreas Kalcker’s website:

Monkey Business


Chimpanzee adenovirus. 😳😳😳  People willingly injected themselves with jabs and they had no clue what was inside of them.   Now looking at the ingredients list, it has the monkey pox listed as one the ingredients.  Monkey pox has been planned like the Corona virus - pdf file here

The electric car


This is why they want you to have electric cars. 

This is what firefighters fear when it comes to electric cars: a battery of an electric scooter exploded while charging. 

  Always do the exact opposite of what is being promoted to the masses. 

How to stay out of the digital ID and social credit system

In Arizona they are not far away from implementation of the social credit system and there digital ID is already in place, Arizona is the first state to support digital driver's licenses in Apple Wallet on iPhone that aim to replace cash, credit cards, loyalty cards and IDs with digital equivalents on the iPhone app.  The digital ID feature is another step in Apple's long-term strategy to replace credit cards, cash, loyalty cards and IDs with digital equivalents on the iPhone app.  Never set up these payment systems Apple Pay or Google Pay    Be careful with your Apple devices, the newer models have very sophisticated tracking, monitoring,  wiretapping and spying technologies that they don't disclose to their customers.  This family is learning Apple Air Tag feature is tracking their teen around Disney world -  They need people's compliance for these systems to work.  Don't join them, and don't update your software either.  Stay on the oldest system as possible, it offers more privacy than these new updates. 

Pfizer is done!


Pfizer went from making billions to now being D-listed and worthless.   Just like that.  Read here.   Pfizer could also lose liability protection and be sued if the deaths they have caused are proven as wilful.  Thomas Renz said: "I don't know how much more wilful you can get than sending the FDA a document that says there's a 3% mortality rate and a huge, huge percentage of people with adverse reactions." 4,000 women have lost their babies because of MODERNA'S lies claiming that the jabs are safe and effective.  This is wilful misconduct setting the stage for class action lawsuits.  Stocks for MODERNA have also taken a massive nosedive as well.  MODERNA'S stock value is going to be worthless by the end of this year.

A group of scientists and microscopy experts have vindicated Dr. Bryan Ardis and his concerns about Pfizer's COVID jab being directly related to snake venom.  They say that undiluted Pfizer vials reveal snake venom gland organoides and the blood of those injected has been showing echinocytosis all along. The scientists confirmed that other tests revealed that this is King Cobra snake venom organoid material.  More evidence is coming forward corroborating with Dr. Bryan Ardis's findings.  A Codon usage analysis shows kraits and king cobras share the greatest genetic similarities with SARS-CoV-2… were venom peptides engineered into the virus payload?

The jabbing is under criminal investigation

Mark Sexton an ex police officer in the UK has been reporting the jab death crimes to all police forces up and down the country.  His update on 2nd January 2022 confirmed that chief constables in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are now aware of the live criminal complaint/investigation with the Metropolitan Police, the allocated crime number and the ICC application to The Hague.  They were all emailed on the 23rd December 2021 (some of them are acknowledging) and Sadiq Khan the Mayor and Police Crime Commissioner for London was emailed on 27th December and made aware.  There is now no excuse for the police from any force or the Mayor of London to ignore our calls to stop the vaccination programme as this is a matter of urgency.  This is being made public to assist and encourage all of the victims who want to make criminal complaints to come forward and do so.  This information can be provided to the police as supporting proof of a live criminal investigation taking place by the Metropolitan Police.  The police and the Mayor are public servants and they have a duty of care to protect us from harm, injury death and loss.  Let's make sure they are contacted and reminded and please demand the vaccination program is stopped immediately.

Next update from Mark:  On 5th January Mark submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith CID.  Two excellent detectives accepted and signed for the paperwork.  They confirmed the crime report is now significant and very lengthy.  A number of other world experts added their details and support and they too were acknowledged by the Metropolitan Police.  Mark Steele provided a massive amount of evidence about the damage the jab is causing.  The Superintendent acknowledged Mark's submission.  Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss, Dr Sam White and others are working around the clock providing evidence, statements and support.  Another demand was made to stop the jabbing program immediately, this was added to the crime report.  Sadiq Khan did not reply to the emails or return Mark Sexton's team's phone calls as promised.  Due to the amount of evidence and allegations this is going to be a huge lengthy investigation.  Michael O'Bernicia and his team have added their weight and support to it, the evidence they possess is vast and significant with regards to the midazolam and the deaths/murders attributed to this drug.  Michael emailed the Met directly outlining the evidence they have.  Allegations have been made of the most serious crimes by a number of named government ministers, civil servants and bosses of the UK news networks.  The crimes cited are:  

1.  malfeasance in public office  2. misconduct in public office  3. conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm  4. conspiracy to administer a poisonous and noxious substance to cause serious harm and death  5. gross negligence manslaughter  6. corporate manslaughter   7. corruption  8. fraud  9. blackmail  10. murder  11. conspiracy to commit murder  12. terrorism  13. genocide  14. torture  15. crimes against humanity   16.  false imprisonment   17. multiple breaches of our human rights  18. war crimes  19. multiple breaches of the Nuremburg Code 1947  20. multiple breaches of the Human Rights Act 1998.  Treason will also be added.  

We must get this criminal investigation into the public domain as soon as possible, we need to put pressure on the police to stop the jab and arrest those responsible and we need to be emailing the BBC and Sky News in the thousands to force them to air this to the masses, quoting Crime Number 6029679/21 and the International Criminal Court reference number OTP-CR-473/21, to: and  The BBC have a What'sApp telephone number, it is 07756 165803.

The next update from Mark:  On 13th January 2022 at 13.00 hours  Mark hand delivered 115 signed statements  that were prepared by Lois Bayliss and her team to detective Tobias Hussey at Hammersmith CID at 11.00 hours.  These are: 103 statements from those who have been vax damaged and relatives of those who have died, and 12 statements from identifiable NHS whistle blowers. Some of this evidence is deeply disturbing.  And Mark provided the detective with a brilliant forensic report produced by Craig Paardekooper, detailing the vials and their levels of toxicity.  His assertions and those of Mark's team prove pre-meditated murder. This information was made public by Wolfgang Wodarg in an interview with Reiner Fuellmich.  Mark has also stated that Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Bhakti are to be contacted immediately in order for them to provide their expert accounts, and to discuss how best the police can receive and document their evidence. The other credible experts must be contacted immediately.  This additional evidence proves the need to stop the jabs without delay, demanding they close down all vaccination centres and seize all vials as evidence; Mark reiterates that the public are demanding and expecting the police to do this straight away, further adding if the police fail to protect the public from harm, the public will be forced to do this and it is proper and lawful to do so using “Section 3 of The criminal Law Act 1967.”   It was made clear there are now a significant number of people across the country ready to close these centres if the police do not!  Many more statements are being obtained and it is and only right that the police now take these statements with this being a major criminal investigation.   It was demanded as a matter of urgency that the Metropolitan Police alert the public of the dangers of the jabs.  The superintendent stated he'd be guided by his supervisors when he met with them later that afternoon to discuss this further evidence.  It was made clear the evidence is now so overwhelming that they have no choice.  Hammersmith CID are overwhelmed and he confirmed there is a massive amount of information coming in and a huge amount of contact by email and phone. This was also confirmed by the Detective Sergeant in an email to Dr Stephen Frost. There are more officers now involved.  We keep the pressure on and ultimately with the amount of irrefutable evidence of harm, injury and death they have no excuse and must stop the jabbing.  If they don’t, in law, we can.  And we will.   Act 1967, Section 3, states: "(1) A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large."

Nuremburg 2.0 Update

Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a German corporate lawyer,  just one of many in the Corona Investigative Committee. Before that in his law practice he had been going after large German criminal organisations such as Deutsche Bank and the shipping company Kunenagal for crimes committed since 1992. He won the emissions scandal case against Volkswagen Audi.  In March 2020 when the scamdemic began he and his wife were in Northern California, they got phone calls from friends and relatives telling him about a lockdown which he thought was ridiculous, the stories reminded him a lot of what had happened during the swine flu hysteria of 2009.  So Reiner got in touch with a doctor friend of his, Dr Wolgang Wodarg, who as a lung specialist with lots of experience, managed to expose the swine flu hoax as a mild flu when he was then in a position of power as a member of the German parliament and a member of the Council of Europe.   Even back then the same blatant liars, Professor Drosten who made the thesis that claimed the PCR test could tell us about infections (a complete lie) and Neil Fergusson from Britain, had come very far.  They got lots of people especially in the Scandinavian countries to take their 'vaccine' that left 1,300 children (now young adults) permanently disabled because they suffer from narcolepsy.  That's how the Committee got started, Dr Fuellmich's wife said they had to do something to fight these liars.  Reiner didn't hold much hope of counting on anyone in the German judiciary to be his allies as in his experience they were cowards only in it for the money and their careers.  Wolfgang put him in touch with Viviane Fischer an attorney in Berlin who is in it for the cause, not the money.  Viviane and Reiner set up the  Corona Investigative Committee on 10th July 2020.   The devastation that the Corona measures have caused is a great crime against humanity.  Dr Mike Yeadon former president of Pfizer concludes that is this is worse than what happened in World Ward II.  There is undeniable evidence that this jab is a kill shot, in the most recent findings that Dr Yeadon and a group of five or six scientists came up with. Dr Yeadon's video on Bitchute "Compelling Evidence for Premeditated Mass Murder" takes a look in great detail at three 'vaccine' makers (we know it's not a vaccine): BioNTech Pfizer, MODERNA, and Johnson and Johnson, and the findings that he showed were that all three of these so-called vaccine makers are looking for lethal doses, they are trying out the dosage, it is very obvious that if you follow the batch numbers, there are some that don't seem to cause any problems whatsoever, at least not now.  One of their scientists, a biologist and immunologist, showed that of the batches that seem to be harmless, if it is mRNA they shut off the immune system so the victims don't necessarily die immediately but sooner or later will run into a virus or some illness and their body won't be able to fight it.  But some of these batches are so dangerous  that if you follow them through 36 states of the US they they caused many thousands of deaths all across the country.  From the way Dr Yeadon explained it seems obvious that they did this taking turns: first MODERNA, then Pfizer, then Johnson and Johnson, taking breaks in between, a couple of batches that were completely harmless again and then all of a sudden it starts again with these very lethal batches - if they had used only the lethal doses right from the start they would have killed everyone and too many people would have been alarmed, it would deter anyone from getting the shot. There have been batches released purposefully by Big Pharma giants that are placebos, saline shots, then they are knowingly releasing kill shots, taking a break, releasing some more saline, releasing some more kill shots, on purpose knowing full well what they are doing.   The evidence Reiner's team have arrived at is they are trying to figure out a way in which they can cause a lot of harm and kill as many people as possible without alerting too many people.  There is no benign explanation for what they have done. So compellingly undeniable and inescapable is the evidence that this is intentional, that Reiner and his team will make this the centrepiece of their international criminal trial which will start in a couple of weeks when they have the complete story (it is undeniable now).  Panic papers were released, written by the German Secretary of the Interior they in detail how to get the population to panic, for example, they wanted to make children feel responsible for the tortured death of their granny if they don't wash their hands, wear a mask, etc.  They needed to create cases to justify calling an international public health emergency.  A public health emergency of international concern was the only basis on which they could introduce untested new drugs - the mRNA gene manipulation shots they call 'vaccines'.  How did they create cases if they didn't have any?  Just as they did some ten years earlier during the swine flu or twenty years earlier during the bird flu they called Drosden who is neither a professor nor a doctor of medicine but a fake, to come up with a PCR test that will tell us about infections, which he did.  The two blatant lies which it all falls on are come from him:  (1) there are asymptomatic infections, they needed this lie to be promoted to the entire world to make everyone afraid of everyone and every perfectly healthy looking person can be feared to be a potential danger; (2) the new the PCR test can tell you precisely who is infectious and who isn't, that is the solution, courtesy of Drosden.  The real inventor of the PCR test Carry Mullis said over and over again that it is only for scientific purposes, not for diagnostic purposes, because it cannot tell the difference between dead and live matter.    On top of this they set the test so that it was guaranteed to create false positives.  When they put the samples in the machine something called "cycles of amplification" magnifies the stuff that's in there.  That's how they create the cases in order to declare a public health emergency and walk us through the obedience to mass mandates and lockdowns until we agree to anything to have this end, anything meaning the deadly shots.    The CEO of an Indiana life insurance company revealed that since the beginning of the shots we have excess mortality of 40%.  This is unheard of.  This cannot be swept under the rug much longer.  Too many people are now talking about people they know who are disabled or dead from the kill shot.  And now the world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court.  The UK police are launching a major investigation into mRNA jab-related corporate crimes and threats to public health.   The Metropolitan Police Crime Number is: 6029679/21.  The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed under the above crime number.  The case was lodged on 20th December 2021 by Sam White MD, Philip Hyland (PJH Law), Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman Mark Sexton.  International Criminal Court (The Hague) case number is: OTP‐CR‐473/21. Requests for further assistance have been made to international lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr (J F Kennedy's nephew), Dr Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer Vice President), plus countless other doctors, professors, virologists, biologists, data experts and lawyers nationally and internationally; some of whom have already made direct contact with the police and have been acknowledged by Superintendent Simpson (Assistant to Cressida Dick, Head of The Metropolitan Police).   The complaints of crimes are misfeasance and misconduct in public office, gross negligence, manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, murder, conspiracy to murder, genocide and crimes against humanity.  The evidence submitted by Philip Hyland and Dr Sam White against the UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) shows they did not carry out due diligence surrounding the 'vaccine' data, trials and studies and that they continued to ignore the death, harm and injury the shots cause.  Mark Sexton ex UK police officer says: “This is now a live criminal investigation. We were forced to act due to the complacency of the UK Government, despite them being fully aware of the catastrophic death and injury figures to adults and children alike. This is nothing short of genocide; once again it seems that profit over people is the overriding motive. There is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway. Many don’t even realise that the covid Vaccine is still an experimental product. This is the most far-reaching criminal inquiry ever undertaken. A national scandal that threatens the lives and the livelihoods of every person in the UK. If people want unassailable current evidence, I'd suggest in the interim they look at  In years to come this will be the equivalent of another Thalidomide scandal, but for now we have to act on a united front to get the truth out to the public and stop the unsafe COVID vaccine rollout. We have several thousand pieces of evidence to discredit the safety and efficacy of this vaccine, but we are still encouraging members of the public to contact us to further support our claim. We therefore appeal to anyone who has suffered the death of a loved one following a COVID vaccine and anyone who has been injured by it, e.g. blindness, heart issues, blood clots, stroke, myocarditis etc. We’d also like to hear from those illegally threatened with 'No jab, no job'”.   DOCUMENT LINKS:  International Criminal Court filing  This is happening in the international court at The Hague in the Netherlands.  There will be a real Judge with real attorneys and evidence and information from real experts who really now what they are talking about. They will all testify in great detail to what has really been going on, to how this is a long-planned agenda.   A Grand Jury will be asking the Jury (the people) for indictments against four of the figureheads: Drosten, Fauci, Tedross of the WHO and of course Bill Gates.   If these people are found guilty, all of those involved in trying to talk people into getting the shots are going to pay a very, very high price.  There will be a final spiritual reckoning.  Many of those who were responsible and stupid enough to take the shots themselves won't survive.  Those of them still here who survive the great reckoning, our new legal system will deal with them, they will go to prison.  There is no immunity for premeditated murder and intentional infliction of harm.   The Corona Committee has interviewed over 150 experts from all walks of science including Dr Robert Malone who recently has come around, he was on the Joe Rogan show; what he believed were conspiracy theories he realises are absolutely true now.  

This is an update on 2nd January 2022 from Mark Sexton the ex police officer in the UK who has been reporting the jab death crimes.  All chief constables in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are now aware of the live criminal complaint/investigation with the Metropolitan Police, the allocated crime number and the ICC application to The Hague.  They were all emailed on the 23rd December 2021 (some of them are acknowledging) and Sadiq Khan the Mayor and Police Crime Commissioner for London was emailed on 27th December and made aware.  There is now no excuse for the police from any force or the Mayor of London to ignore our calls to stop the vaccination programme as this is a matter of urgency.  This is being made public to assist and encourage all of the victims who want to make criminal complaints to come forward and do so.  This information can be provided to the police as supporting proof of a live criminal investigation taking place by the Metropolitan Police.  The police and the Mayor are public servants and they have a duty of care to protect us from harm, injury death and loss.  Let's make sure they are contacted and reminded and please demand the vaccination program is stopped immediately.

Next update from Mark:  On 5th January Mark submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith CID.  Two excellent detectives accepted and signed for the paperwork.  They confirmed the crime report is now significant and very lengthy.  A number of other world experts added their details and support and they too were acknowledged by the Metropolitan Police.  Mark Steele provided a massive amount of evidence about the damage the jab is causing.  The Superintendent acknowledged Mark's submission.  Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss, Dr Sam White and others are working around the clock providing evidence, statements and support.  Another demand was made to stop the jabbing program immediately, this was added to the crime report.  Sadiq Khan did not reply to the emails or return Mark Sexton's team's phone calls as promised.  Due to the amount of evidence and allegations this is going to be a huge lengthy investigation.  Michael O'Bernicia and his team have added their weight and support to it, the evidence they possess is vast and significant with regards to the midazolam and the deaths/murders attributed to this drug.  Michael emailed the Met directly outlining the evidence they have.  Allegations have been made of the most serious crimes by a number of named government ministers, civil servants and bosses of the UK news networks.  The crimes cited are:  

1.  malfeasance in public office  2. misconduct in public office  3. conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm  4. conspiracy to administer a poisonous and noxious substance to cause serious harm and death  5. gross negligence manslaughter  6. corporate manslaughter   7. corruption  8. fraud  9. blackmail  10. murder  11. conspiracy to commit murder  12. terrorism  13. genocide  14. torture  15. crimes against humanity   16.  false imprisonment   17. multiple breaches of our human rights  18. war crimes  19. multiple breaches of the Nuremburg Code 1947  20. multiple breaches of the Human Rights Act 1998.  Treason will also be added.  

We must get this criminal investigation into the public domain as soon as possible, we need to put pressure on the police to stop the jab and arrest those responsible and we need to be emailing the BBC and Sky News in the thousands to force them to air this to the masses, quoting Crime Number 6029679/21 and the International Criminal Court reference number OTP-CR-473/21, to: and  The BBC have a What'sApp telephone number, it is 07756 165803.

The next update from Mark:  On 13th January 2022 at 13.00 hours  Mark hand delivered 115 signed statements  that were prepared by Lois Bayliss and her team to detective Tobias Hussey at Hammersmith CID at 11.00 hours.  These are: 103 statements from those who have been vax damaged and relatives of those who have died, and 12 statements from identifiable NHS whistle blowers. Some of this evidence is deeply disturbing.  And Mark provided the detective with a brilliant forensic report produced by Craig Paardekooper, detailing the vials and their levels of toxicity.  His assertions and those of Mark's team prove pre-meditated murder. This information was made public by Wolfgang Wodarg in an interview with Reiner Fuellmich.  Mark has also stated that Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Bhakti are to be contacted immediately in order for them to provide their expert accounts, and to discuss how best the police can receive and document their evidence. The other credible experts must be contacted immediately.  This additional evidence proves the need to stop the jabs without delay, demanding they close down all vaccination centres and seize all vials as evidence; Mark reiterates that the public are demanding and expecting the police to do this straight away, further adding if the police fail to protect the public from harm, the public will be forced to do this and it is proper and lawful to do so using “Section 3 of The criminal Law Act 1967.”   It was made clear there are now a significant number of people across the country ready to close these centres if the police do not!  Many more statements are being obtained and it is and only right that the police now take these statements with this being a major criminal investigation.   It was demanded as a matter of urgency that the Metropolitan Police alert the public of the dangers of the jabs.  The superintendent stated he'd be guided by his supervisors when he met with them later that afternoon to discuss this further evidence.  It was made clear the evidence is now so overwhelming that they have no choice.  Hammersmith CID are overwhelmed and he confirmed there is a massive amount of information coming in and a huge amount of contact by email and phone. This was also confirmed by the Detective Sergeant in an email to Dr Stephen Frost. There are more officers now involved.  We keep the pressure on and ultimately with the amount of irrefutable evidence of harm, injury and death they have no excuse and must stop the jabbing.  If they don’t, in law, we can.  And we will.   Act 1967, Section 3, states: "(1) A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large."

Royal Courts of Justice royally served justice

The Royal Courts of Justice in London were served with a Notice of Liability.  One of the Judges, Mr JUSTICE JAY, ruled that all children should be jabbed with the deadly mRNA gene manipulation fake vaccine that that is killing and maiming hundreds of thousands if not millions across the world. He has been served a NOTICE OF LIABILITY for crimes against humanity.  

Mask Madness

Peer-reviewed science papers prove that prolonged wearing of masks causes hypercapnia, hypoxia and hypoxemia and irreversible brain damage and can exacerbate illness. Here  are SCIENTIFIC studies and videos regarding the uselessness of masks and potential side effects, facts you’re not seeing in the fake media.  Turn your  tell-lie-vision off and use critical thinking.

Pubmed article 18500410/

Pubmed article 15340662/ articles 41598-018-35797-3

NIH articles PMC4420971/

SCIENTIFIC papers show masks don't work,   Mask dangers:

Canadian Workplace Test Confirms Dangerous Oxygen Deprivation

Over 3 times the risk of contracting influenza-like illness if a cloth mask is used:

data does not back cloth masks limit covid-19 experts say

Physiological Impact of Wearing an N95 Mask During Haemodialysis as Precaution against SARS in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease:  Pubmed article 15340662/.

Preliminary Report on Surgical Mask Induced De-oxygenation During Major Surgery:  Pubmed article 18500410/

Rational use of face masks in the COVID-19 pandemic  The Lancet - article S2213-2600(20)30134-X/

Cloth masks can  increase infection

****From the WHO: "There is limited evidence that wearing a medical mask by healthy individuals in the households or among contacts of a sick patient, or among attendees of mass gatherings may be beneficial as a preventive measure.14-23 However, there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19".****

Report on surgical mask induced de-oxygenation during major surgery:  Pubmed article 18500410.  Prolonged wearing of a surgical mask causes loss of intellect and cognitive performance due to decrease in blood oxygen and subsequent brain hypoxia.  Some changes may be irreversible.

Crimes of the police

There is overwhelming evidence that a private company we all know, we all use, we all rely on, are probably one of the most corrupt and part of the biggest paedophile rings in the country.  This company only seem to employ child abusers, and some of the most degenerate with a low IQ.  On Truth Pills on Telegram around thirty to thirty five sheets of paper with lists of names on were presented bearing evidence of convictions and charges for sexual crimes and all the worst kinds of crimes against humanity.  There are around twenty five to thirty names on each sheet of paper.   The ones highlighted in pink are the ones who committed crimes against children.  No list of criminals like this has been found from the electrical industry, the plumbing industry, from the carpentry industry, from the transport industry.  It was found from this company, and it's a company we all know.  This company is the British police force.  These are crimes committed by the British police over the last ten years and these are not all of them, just a sample of the very worst.  These are crimes committed while in office serving the public and the majority are children.   A lot of police have left due to the new recruitment programmes.  We can see what types of people they are recruiting.  There are about 800 or 900 to 1000 police officers who have been sacked in the last ten years for some of the worst crimes imaginable. Typical crimes on the list include sexual assault, and typical justice is a few months suspended sentence. Sussex police in 2011, 50,000 images of children all the worst categories, 27 months for that.  A magistrate got four and a half years' jail for killing a two year old (probably served less).  Misusing police database and having sex with vulnerable women, another offence.  Some of them just got sacked, nothing happened to them.  Another, rape of a 7 year old girl and possession of child porn.  Serial sex attacks.  The offence is often on a small baby, one to two days or weeks old or a couple of months old.  All different police forces too, these were everywhere. Merseyside police, a cop sold information to gangsters, he got five years for that.  A Sargent had indecent images of children, 12 months suspended. They look after their own.  Ayrshire police, plotted to rape a baby girl.  Gwent police, masturbating whilst on duty, sacked.  Bedfordshire police, making indecent images with children, 15 months suspended sentence.  Hertfordshire police, rape of a baby girl. North Devon police, indecent assault against boys.  Cleveland police, 9 counts of rape.  It goes on and on. Avon and Somerset police, sexual assault on a 3 year old girl.  Greater Manchester police, sexual assault on a detained girl, a girl they would have arrested for something stupid.  Lincolnshire police, thirty two charges of sexual abuse on young boys.  Four or five on the list had killed their own wives. One killed his mistress. One copper from Milton Keynes was jailed for sixteen months for selling information on the murderer Jon Venables who has since been released and since been caught for having child porn.  Jon Venables was one of the kids that killed Jamie Bulger in 1993, the two year old child from Liverpool who was taken by Venables and another boy, tortured, and then left on a train track to be hit by a train.  According to the guy who analysed these statistics, he believes statistically that if you call the police because your house has been burgled, you stand a good chance of them not solving the crime, but abusing your children while they look in your house for evidence.  These are who we're paying to serve and protect us, this terrorist organisation.  The problem is nationwide.  What to do about it?  It is time to get together. There are some good groups meeting up now.  Start with the Alpha Men Assemble Channel a group on Telegram.

Your jab doesn't make you fit to fly

Not useless - they have put in exactly what they wanted to put in it, which has nothing to do with any fictitious virus.

If you think you need to get COVID-19 shots to fly, get this: a letter delivered to the Federal Aviation Administration and the CEOs of all of the major airlines and insurance companies warns that Federal law prohibits pilots from flying after taking experimental shots.  The letter has put these aviation entities on notice that they have ignored and acted in contravention of their own federal aviation regulations that prohibit the medical clearance of all pilots who have taken non-FDA approved vaccinations.  It means that every single pilot who is flying right now who has been vaccinated for COVID-19 is flying with non-FDA approved products in their body.  Aviation medical examiners do not issue medical certificates to anyone who is using these classes of medications.  The FAA requires at least one year post marketing experience with a new drug before consideration for medical certification.  This observation period allows time for any adverse effects to manifest themselves. They cannot have aero-medically significant adverse events affecting these pilots while they are in the sky, it poses a risk to the pilot and to every passenger flying in that commercial jet.  The Federal Aviation Administration has been turning a blind eye to the fact that pilots have been flying with newly approved products in their bodies and is allowing certain airlines to actually mandate these shots in violation of not just the regulations but also federal law, the Emergency Use Authorisation Act which prohibits any mandating of a product while it is still in the experimental phase.   Pilots are not allowed to be taking experimental drugs, they have a very strict health regime and policy they have to adhere to. There are critical phases of flight and a pilot has to check off a box to certify they are fit to operative the air craft.  But now many of these pilots can't tick that box because they are not fit, they can pass out at any time especially when at high altitudes.  So we have a serious situation here.  Aero-medically significant adverse events have occurred and will keep occurring with these pilots.  There was one pilot who once he got up in the sky felt an extreme burst of pressure in his brain which caused him to become dizzy, shaking, nauseous and to black out at the controls such that he had zero memory of landing that plane.  This pilot who is standing up against the fake Biden administration is admitting that vaccinated pilots are unfit to fly.  He did not want to get the jab, he got it because he was pressured to, and the next morning woke up with a pounding heart. At the ER he was hooked up to an ECG and IV and found to be in atrial fibrillation (a major cause of stroke).  He says there are a number of pilots who are going to work with crushing pains in their chest and head who are fearful to come forward and speak, they are scared they are going to lose their career at 25 years old. This pilot's job is done because of this jab, he will never be able to fly a plane or get on one again.

How reckless and irresponsible this agency is for pushing this jab mandate on the pilots knowing that there's going to be serious consequences.   Already a while ago British Airways were in crisis talks after their third pilot died after taking the shot.

It's not looking very good for the Federal Aviation Administration (the admin that provides all the rules and guidelines for the airline industry), they are going to be facing massive lawsuits for forcing these jab mandates on all of their pilots on all their airlines that violate all of their own laws and regulations.   America is a great country for filing lawsuits, it's really fast and easy, it goes straight to court really quickly and doesn't drag out for long.  The pilots are going to massively sue the Federal Aviation Administration because what they have done, they have destroyed the entire airline industry.  They have destroyed many pilots' lives and they have put many passengers lives at risk because many of these pilots should not be operating these aircrafts.   A lot of industries and systems of the cabal are going to be collapsing - next one is going to be the Federal Drug Administration, the FDA, and the CDC, they will collapse under the weight of their own corruption.  A Judge has ruled that the FDA has to release 55,000 pages a month of Pfizer data to the American public.  Which means that we are going to find out how corrupt this organisation is.  They know that these injections are very dangerous that they kill and harm people yet they still push them and lie to the public that they are safe.  A few of many tragic victims of this jab:   HORRIFIC: Baby Paralyzed By COVID Vaccine ( A mother was told she would not be treated at the hospital unless she was vaccinated. This baby was twitching uncontrollably -  Horrific Side Effects Of Getting COVID Vaccine While Pregnant (  The death jab is loaded with over 47 pathogens including: HIV proteins, graphene oxide, mRNA, Luciferase, monkey cells, animal and human DNA, foetal tissue, mercury... it goes on and on.   This is the curtains on your ascension. Take the jab and it’s lights out.  You will be spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically cut off from nature, the universe and the creator of all living things.  You'll lose all your human rights as being trans-human means being non-human. You'll be owned by the state, slave to a cybernetic system.  

UPDATE: The UK government now admits that the jab has damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated. They've admitted that once you have been double-jabbed you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to 'COVID variants' - or possibly any other virus. In its Week 42 "COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report", the UK Department of Health admits on page 23 that "N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who become infected after two doses of vaccination".  It goes on to say that this drop in antibodies is permanent.  The report says the people who got the jab do not appear to form antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is part of the response in unvaccinated people and the unvaccinated will gain lasting immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being naturally infected with it even once.

This jab situation is really showing people's true colours. Vanessa Feltz was on "This Morning" pushing for boosters every two months. These celebrities are traitors.  Sell-outs who sold their souls.

But now the CONVID narrative is collapsing,  booster jabs in England are to be to be thrown away as demand falls.  Come on!  It's time to fly!

Whistle blower John O-Loony saved from murder

John O'Loony is an independent coroner and funeral director and in the UK who owns his own funeral home, and is and a very, very important whistle blower.  He blew the whistle on the murders in the hospitals in the UK caused by midazolam, he set the record straight on what was happening on the frontlines, he had just done a big exposé of midazolam and dropped a chunk of evidence for an investigation into these midazolam deaths, and that was very, very recent.  John had first-hand knowledge of healthcare workers who had come to him and admitted that that they had been told to give lethal doses of benzodiazepine midazolam which is typically used as a sedative.  It makes you feel woozy.  He found out that certain individuals had been giving lethal dosages.   John exposed the government pressure on coroners and care providers to falsify cause of death on the death certificates to increase the numbers of alleged COVID deaths, giving one resounding example of a man who died in a motorcycle accident and there was the push to record his death as a COVID death, and there were many examples of this, all dying with a 'positive COVID test' with the use of the PCR test which is a technique and not a test(Please read the article "The NHS are being paid to kill you").  John has been pulled from the brink of death's door.  He has himself recently been in hospital where he was held against his will.  American doctor Dr Sam Dube MD., PhD and others had to break John out of a hospital in the UK to save his life.   On 23rd December 2021 Sam received a phone call from his friend, informing him that that John O'Loony had posted on his Telegram that he had been diagnosed with 'COVID' and was in the hospital.   His wife was also ill.  Sam's friend, who is an ex-police officer, sent Sam a screenshot of what John had stated.  Sam knew that there was no way that John would acquiesce to a hospital admission on his own, that there would have to be some pretty dire circumstances or there was something else at play.   In the UK there were prominent people, doctors and friends of John, individuals who knew that he was ill but there was a time lag of a couple of days or more.  Sam contacted the UK by phone calls and messages, he was told they had heard he wasn't feeling well, Sam's friend said they found out from the hospital that John "was not doing well" and was on 10 litres of oxygen.  Sam had just finished interviewing Professor Dolores Cahill (a brilliant, formidable Irish doctor who is part of the World Doctors Alliance and World Freedom Alliance exposing this scamdemic).  Dolores told Sam there were "some extenuating circumstances here" that they needed to consider (1) they didn't know what was going on with John over the last couple of days, (2) John had just presented a lot of evidence for midazolam sedation, and (3) there were two witnesses that came forward about this, who they had not heard from for some time, it is not known what happened to them, it is not known if they are dead, but it is known that they were victims of insufficient care at the hospital, one had gone in with a broken ankle.  Sam spoke with a contact of his in the UK, Teresa, as well as messaging Professor Dolores Cahill and there were many others involved - ex-law enforcement and legal people.  From John's perspective according to his Telegram, he had expressed that he wanted to leave, and the hospital told him No.  There were two security guards outside of his door and the hospital staff maintained that he needed to be 'locked down' because he was 'contagious' and they tried to invoke the Coronavirus Act 2020 to give them 'emergency powers' to hold him against his will, but the ex-police officers really knew the law and convinced the staff that keeping John against his will was unlawful.   This was a real team effort with lawyers to back them up, and doctors and researchers who were movers and shakers behind the scenes.   The ward co-ordinator had refused to even speak to the team.  Sam and the team knew that John wouldn't be able to get out alone, the hospital was not going to release him to the public.  So a brave doctor volunteered to go and advocate for John, and tried to get him released into his care; this doctor drove for four hours to the hospital and presented himself as a medical authority to which the hospital would be able to sign John out.  He had the two retired police officers there to support him.  When the ex-police officers convinced the staff that what they were doing was unlawful in holding John against his will, eventually the ward co-ordinator agreed to speak with the team, and finally they negotiated the release of John into the medical care of the doctor.  They had to sign forms, and they arranged to release him at 1pm.   John was lucky to escape with his life. It was a very dicey situation and they got there just in time.  About an hour and a half after, John posted on his Telegram that thanks to a brave team of doctors he was released from hospital and home and starting to recover, and could not say more for now, and a thank you to all involved, "I am now safe, I love you all", that was it.  The next day John came out with more information with a statement on his Telegram: he had been picked up by an ambulance and in the ambulance he was struggling to breathe; he said "the ambulance crew made a point of constantly berating me and telling me how selfish I was because I wasn't vaccinated".  And when he arrived at the hospital he found a representative from Oxford University at his bedside desperately trying to persuade him to sign waiver forms enabling them to test him with all manner of experimental drugs and that that was why he couldn't breathe!  John declined!  And he recalled that he was being told he needed to take remdesivir!  The representative became aggressive and told John he would die without it. Remdesvir is a failed Ebola drug that was approved by the evil Dr Fauci and has been associated with thousands and thousands of deaths in the US!  It has caused organ failure.  Dr Bryan Ardis really blew the whistle on remdesivir.  It has four major adverse effects, one is acute kidney failure.  It has been the cause of death of hospitalized 'COVID' patients in the US and is being used in the UK now.  Many health care providers nicknamed the drug "Run Death Is Near".   The hospital offered John remdesivir multiple times and he politely and respectfully declined each time... and they shamed him and told him he was the only patient there that hadn't been jabbed... and yet when the team arrived at the hospital they had been told by the health care workers that John had been put into an unjabbed ward!  Which implies there were many more people that were unjabbed! He said on his Telegram that there were two guys opposite him who had got no chance of ever leaving there because they had allowed themselves to be filled up with all manner of God knows what and they were in a far worse state that he for it, and he knows that they will possibly be dead now, one of them certainly.   John said he had long suspected what has been going on inside the wards but to actually experience it first hand and live to tell the tale has left him traumatised.   He said "It's a fucking horror story" and "I am not surprised at all people are dying".   "I honestly thought I was going to die in there", he said.

This is a message from another victim of the same thing, David Hines who was in hospital, forwarded from Devon Mackenzie Friend Service on Telegram:







HOSPITAL: 01745 583910


FRAN’S (DAVID’S PARTNER): 07923 231924


‘Hi, my name is David Hines. I’m sorry to do this through the mask, I actually want to report these crimes on video. I’m in Glan Clwyd Hospital, Rhyl, North Wales. I was forced to take a PCR test against my wishes as I was fighting for air. I was forced, no I wasn’t forced, I was given Remdesivir without my consent. They only gave me one (dose) then I stopped it but the bullying and harassment on a daily basis to take other treatments I don’t want, I just don’t know what to say other than a comparison would be John O’Looney, the funeral director, it’s exactly the same shit he had. I need support, I need all the help I can get to get out of here because they’ve got me on the highest numbers possible of oxygen but the main thing is, as I’ve said, crimes have been committed. As far as I’m concerned I’m no less than a’s’s illegal, it’s a criminal act ok? I don’t know what else to say at this moment in time but I will say something - all I can say is please, please, please of you’re in a position to help me, please do. We need to help everybody in this situation, clearly this is the strategy they’re going to use moving forward.

Thank you

God bless you

The NHS are being paid to kill you

It's that time of the year, it's cold and flu season again, winter.  People who'd be suffering from respiratory illnesses at this time of year are being treated like prisoners and systematically murdered in the hospitals by the NHS.  Loved ones being lost to the NHS is being spoken about by many people, they are being put in a ventilator and killed.  When someone you love is really ill with  flu, pneumonia or a chest infection it's scary and if this was back in 2019 our go-to reaction would be to dial 999 and put the life of your loved on in the hands of the NHS - when we thought we could trust the NHS!  But now what is happening systematically is if you refuse the test, if you do not want that swab stuck far up your nose, that by default means that you are tested positive for COVID-19 and you go straight on to a COVID ward where you are denied any, any family access!  Sometimes you are not even allowed to keep your phone to make a video call to your family.  Because you have refused a COVID test, they will treat you for COVID, no matter what is wrong with you, it doesn't matter to them, they are blindly following a protocol that's been handed down to them.  That will make whatever condition you had deteriorate to such a point that they will say "We are going to put you on a ventilator".  They will make your loved ones unconscious, they will die on a ventilator, you will never see or hear from them again.  Ventilators are used for surgery, for someone who has gone into coma from an accident or head injury. They are not used as a treatment for chest infection.  If your loved one is unwell, in these dark times dialling 999 should be your very last resort.  From what has become apparent over the last two years, if you are dialling 999 hoping for help from the NHS, you will not get the help you need.  People have loved ones who are double jabbed and they are still being murdered by the NHS.  Families cannot get on to a COVID ward to visit their loved ones, they have tried many times, once someone is put in that prison cell that is a COVID ward they are denied ALL access.  We can get people out, but they have to say they want to leave, but what's been happening is a lot of people don't want to leave without treatment.  If you stay, and the hospital say "You can leave, but we're not giving you the antibiotics, or this, or that",  get out!  If you can walk, if you can sit in a wheelchair and get out of that place and self-discharge, then do it!  If you or anyone is suffering from a bad chest infection, the steroid prednisone reduces inflammation on the lungs that enables breathing again, and there are many other steroids that do the same thing, all available online or via a private prescription from a private doctor, and with antibiotics they can get you right again - but we don't all have friends whose wives or husbands can spare prednisone.  However, what we do all have is the internet and if we don't, we know someone who has got the internet, and every single drug in the world can be bought and sold on the internet, if not on the open internet, then certainly on the Dark Web.  And natural remedies can be ordered and bought overnight.  That is known from people doing it.  Use people like the World Doctors Alliance, use these people, call them - all very well them waiting for court cases for this one and court cases for that one, they need to be on the battleground saving lives, these people are doctors.  If you have a friend or loved one in your resistance cell or Stand In The Park Community who is ill and you can get online, order them the medication, get them the treatment or get them a private doctor, have a whip-round within your Stand In The Park Community, get them a couple of hundred quid together to get them a private doctor, to keep them out of hospital.  Okay you can't diagnose whether it's pneumonia or a chest infection...but the hospital won't either.  The hospital will just treat you and your loved ones as COVID.  Because once you go into hospital the chain of events has been seen over and over again: they treat you as a leper because you refuse the test, they put you on a ventilator and you die!  And all we can do to contact a loved one is email the hospitals, only to be told that the person we are enquiring about is now dead!  How many loved ones have to die at the hands of the NHS?  At the hands of their ventilators being treated as COVID, and at hands of their poison injection?  An NHS doctor said that around March 2020 all the other doctors he knew were putting 'COVID-19' on death certificates no matter what they died of!  So the media pump out the figure of deaths we've reached.  No you haven't!  It's been a scam from the start.  So they had to make this differential of dying from COVID and dying with COVID in their narrative; but it makes no difference, they all go together on the death numbers.  Why, if you have a deadly virus, did hospitals have to be given big financial incentives to diagnose the same symptoms as something else like pneumonia, as COVID?  In America hospitals were paid $4,600 for diagnosing regular pneumonia, $13,000 for diagnosing COVID from the same symptoms as pneumonia, and $39,000 for putting a COVID diagnosed patient on a ventilator that will almost certainly kill them.  If there's a real deadly virus going around, why do you have to do that?  In the spring of 2020 the British government with its 'health' secretary Matt Hancock ordered fantastic amounts of an end of life drug called midazolam, and then (provable by the documentation) used it in unprecedented amounts to kill thousands of old people in care homes.  They called this "the first wave of COVID". A documentary called "A Good Death?" exposes all this.  They were putting "Do Not Resuscitate" orders on old people and the disabled and then putting them on an end of life protocol that included midazolam and morphine in amounts that would kill them and did!  What is one of the accepted consequences of midazolam?  Respiratory distress!  So, they were giving them midazolam plus "Do Not Resuscitate" so when they went they went.  They got respiratory distress, were not resuscitated, and when they died, COVID-19 went on the death certificate.  Oh look, the first wave of COVID.  Why the need to do that to manufacture a "first wave" if there really was a deadly pathogen going around?  In America and elsewhere the "first wave" was caused by a drug called remdesivir which was foisted on the medical profession by Fauci for the treatment of "COVID".   It's now used in the UK. What does remdesivir do?  It causes organ failure, particularly kidney failure, which leads to the abdominal cavity and the lungs filling up with water, as Fauci psychopathic mass, mass, mass murderer well knew, because the studies have been done. The patients died. And what went on the death certificates?  COVID-19.  Oh look, the first wave in America.  The overwhelming majority of people who died of 'COVID' had several co-morbidities, reasons to die, and 'COVID' is the re-designation of people dying from other conditions that were being labelled 'COVID-19'.  The first western country to have a 'COVID crisis' after China was Italy, particularly northern Italy.  You saw all those pictures, catastrophic scenes in hospital, people dying, they were overwhelmed.  It terrified the rest of the west into compliance with lockdowns.  Then the Italian authorities said: "Professor Walter Ricciardi scientific advisor to the Italian Ministry of Health said after the Lombardy hysteria had done its job, that COVID death rates were due to Italy having the second oldest population in the world and to how hospitals record deaths.  The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.  On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health only 12% of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus while 88% of patients who have died have at least one or more pre-comorbidity, many had two or three.  That 12% without underlying health conditions, how do we know they had coronavirus, 'diagnosed' by a bogus test?  Now even the authorities are admitting that all these 'COVID' patients in hospital, the majority of them went in there with other things like broken legs, whatever, and then they give them the bogus test while they're in there and they test 'positive' and go on the data as someone in hospital with 'COVID'.  Why did so many old people die of 'COVID-19'?  And until the fake vaccine was rolled out, virtually no young people? Because old people die!  They have lots of disease!  You can re-designate it to 'COVID-19'. Whereas young people don't die in anything like those numbers, so your re-designation is a fraction of what it is with old people.  A hospital used the drug haloperidol on a 94 year old man when he did not want to have any more intravenous treatment.  Haloperidol may increase the risk of death in older adults with dementia-related psychosis, so isn't approved for this use.  They gave it to him when he was alone and didn't tell his relatives when they came to visit.  It's a doddle to re-designate the cause of death in the elderly to COVID when they are dying of other things, many of them being midazolam and remdesvir!   David Hines (one of several victims in the last few weeks) was in Glan Clwd hospital in Wales with pneumonia.  Instead of giving him the proper antibiotics that they know full well clears up respiratory issues (Zithromax), they were determined to give him remdesivir…  he was given a dose when they were trying to get him into ICU even though he had refused it.   They kept telling him he was going to die and kept offering him experimental medication that was not suitable for pneumonia.  He did get out of the hospital and go home for a short while but there was incredible resistance from the hospital to provide David with what he needed (oxygen and nurses) to be able to recuperate at home.  Caring members of the public with the Devon McKenzie friends service fought hard campaigning to get him out of there and then to get him the correct treatment he needed.  We had sent hundreds of emails and made phone calls to the ward matron. On Friday 21st January 2022 he passed away.   David had had a full mask on of oxygen being rammed down him, he got the oxygen taken down and down until he was nearly off it until one day he was down to 2 litres an hour.  And then they put it up in the night to 15.  They said he had struggled in the night.   They didn't want him to come off the oxygen, and it's easy to become oxygen dependent this way.  They said he may have had a clot on the lung but they didn't do any tests to verify if that was the case, it was an excuse to force more medications on him.  His partner Fran and the whole community of caring people are going to get the medical notes and fight this.   Fran wants to expose what's going on so that people know and can protect their loved ones.  What's going on in these hospitals is so so dark.

Leona Peach was kidnapped by social services


Mainstream media are covering up for the heinous activities of the police and Devon Council (UK) by saying that Leona Peach was "abducted" and "last seen in a park".  Anyone who reads their article would assume she was kidnapped by a stranger.   No.  Not the case.  Read on.

This is the background to her case: when Leona was a baby her mother and father split up.  The mother went on to have a relationship with another man, someone she met online.  Leona's father, Billy Peach, discovered that this man was suspected of breaking the nose and arm of his own child.  Billy warned the social services five times that this man should not be in his baby daughter's life and social services ignored him.  He turned out to be absolutely right.  After the mother's boyfriend had been in baby Leona's life for five months, he raped her!  She nearly bled to death from the rape, the surgeons said she lost so much blood that nearly died.  There were seventeen human teeth bite marks on the entirety of baby Leona's body.  Committed on Leona by her own mother's boyfriend.  There was an enormous court case for this and it made the national press.  The Judge found the man guilty, his comment was he wished he could "throw a millstone" around this man's neck and he very much wanted to send him to jail for life, but because of some technicality he could only give him a seventeen and a half year sentence.  Leona is now 12 and people speculate that this man could likely be released soon so Leona's life could be endangered by having him in the public domain.  Leona's mother was very much part of this and was found guilty of neglect.  She received a two and a half year custodial sentence.  Neither showed any remorse.  Just after the mother got convicted of abusing and neglecting her own daughter she formed a relationship with another known paedophile and had his child, and that child was removed from her at birth.  Billy fought like hell to get Leona and that child in his care and bring the two half-sisters up together.  He didn't win custody of that child, and that child is now lost in the system.  But he did win custody of Leona. About a year later after the rape case had died down it is understood that Leona came to live with her father, Billy.  Nothing went awry and everything was fine right up until the time of last summer (2021) when Billy decided to home school Leona, because he wanted to safeguard her because he doesn't believe in children wearing masks all day long, doesn't believe they should be penetrated with long swabs up their nose to their blood-brain barrier and be given an experimental mRNA gene therapy injection. There were no complaints about Billy's parenting skills.  Billy had broken no laws, common or statutory.  All he did was voice his convictions, he started posting vociferously about the COVID tyranny on social media.  Because he was posting against the narrative on social media, it drew the attention of the mother.  The mother took screenshots of his posts and approached social services and started saying to them that Billy had lost his mind and wasn't a fit parent.  Social services approached Billy but he did not engage with them, he may have shouted or been a bit aggressive but never violent.  One evening while Leona was getting ready for bed six policemen kicked his door in and ripped Leona away from the only guardian who has ever protected her.   They barricaded her father in his bedroom and held him down while they dragged Leona out.  Trying to defend herself, Leona tried to fight them off with a metal draw slide.  She was crying and traumatised, she told them to bugger off.  She did not want to be taken from her father and her home.  The social services have an interim care order, and they are looking to place Leona back with the mother's relatives, introducing the mother back into Leona's life, with this man who could be out there already!  Jan Shadbolt was the county solicitor and Julie Mepham was the woman in charge of social services for this case, both from County Hall on Topsham Road in Exeter.  These two Devon Council employees were considering reintroducing Leona back into the mother's life. Between Jan Shadbolt and Julie Mepham they wrote two letters to Billy.  And in those letters they lied.  They said to Billy in those letters that Leona wanted the COVID-19 vaccination.  They told Billy in their letter that they were giving him 14 days to get legal representation, and after the 14 days they had the legal right (which they don't!) to take Leona to a place where she will be injected because she wants this.   The fact that a vaccination was planned for Monday 20th December 2021 means that they blatantly lied in the letter dated 9th December in which they promised Billy Peach he had 14 days before they would proceed with the jabbing and that she wished to receive the jab.

Leona was dead against it.  Billy knew his own daughter and that she was completely against the experimental injections.  He became frantic and was begging everybody for help.  It was then that Leona absconded from the foster carer at 7.30 on the morning of 20th December 2021.  After she was noticed missing, police offers were sniffing around Billy's house but Leona was not there.  Billy had promised to ring the police and give them any update.  Miraculously, Leona turned up at her father's door, screaming, crying, scared, because the people she had been with were trying to harm her.  The house she had come from was 2 hours away by car.  She had previously planned the route from the foster carer's house to her family home.  She had got on a bus, a train and a taxi to arrive in her home town, and had hidden, waiting for the right time to knock on her father's door.  Her father went to ring the police to update them as he'd promised, but she pleaded with him not to, on the grounds that she did not want to be jabbed.  She begged her father not to be returned to the foster home, because she was being offered a free haircut in exchange for the COVID jab on Monday 20th December 2021, nine days after the letter was sent by the county solicitor Jan Shadbolt and the woman in charge of social services, Julie Mepham, giving him 14 days to seek legal advice.  They were going to take Leona on the ninth day to inject her, and Leona knew this, and it triggered her to run like hell out of the house.  She showed incredible determination to escape from her captors and return to her father and her pets where she feels safe and loved.  Billy took his daughter to a place of safety.  They were on the run for ten days.  They were up north being looked after on a sort of a farm, and they were happy.   She has never been in any kind of danger with Billy, she has never run away from home; in the seven years since Billy got custody they had never spent a night apart.  Those who spent spent Christmas there with them had never seen a daughter and father so devoted to each other.  They were all sat down watching a film... and thirty police smashed their way in to the property, most of them armed in balaclavas... for a twelve year old.  Billy and Leona took off. running barefoot across fields at night in the cold, and got to a river and could go no further as they were cut off by the river, which then has them captured.   The cops brought them back for five or six hours to Devon from up north and they even put them in separate vans.  They didn't even let them travel together.  This came up in court, and they have left this on the table open to interpretation: that Billy and Leona "ran to the river to kill themselves", as if this father who loves his daughter was going to do something.  They are trying to paint him in the worst light possible.
They say words like "kidnapped, abducted".  They were fleeing.  They were fleeing people wanting to hurt them.  They arrested him for child abduction of his own daughter who they decided was Gillick competent enough by lying and saying she wanted an experimental jab, but not Gillick competent enough to decide that she wants to live with her father and not some foster carer strangers. Devon County Council failed in their duty of care for Leona and put her in an extremely vulnerable position exacerbating her anxiety to such a level that she had no other alternative but to travel alone to seek safety.  She was very distressed and needed the comfort of her father, but they twist that and blame her psychological distress on the father.  Billy was banged up in Exeter Prison on remand.  There was no reason for him to be there, it's all based on lies.  Since August he lost everything.  He lost his daughter, his home, his four cats have gone, and his parrot and two budgies.  He has no family, his mum and dad died.  He has ulcers on his legs due to a car crash he had in the past, when a whole strip of muscle from his arm had to be grafted on to his calf.  It didn't work and had to be taken off.  He is left with no muscle on his ribs. UPDATE:  His court appearance was on 6th January 2022.  He wasn't presented, because since he's been in custody he has refused the PCR test because he knows the tests are poisonous and they give out 97% false positives, and for that they have kept him in isolation, treating him as tested positive.   He was allowed out only to make one phone call to one specific number, his legal representative.  They were not letting him use any of his own money from his bank to top up his prison card to buy necessary items.  Good people sent money in to him through the prison system and the prison refused to let him use that as well.  And he still doesn't know anything about his daughter or what's happened to her.  The court put a ban on the media reporting that he is Leona's father.  Fifteen people in that courtroom told the media to withhold reporting and not to report that they are father and daughter.   So Billy was in danger because being in prison under charges of kidnapping a child.  You have heard what prisoners do to child kidnappers.  They took away his basic right as a parent for people to know who his child is, the fact that they are father and daughter, and are making him out to be a child snatcher when it was his own daughter who ran to him for help, because people were trying to inject her against her wishes with an mRNA gene modification jab which could kill her.   UPDATE: Come the 13th January 2022 the date of Billy's next hearing date, they allowed him to have the hearing via video link instead of appearing physically in the court room.   He pleaded guilty to 'abducting' his daughter, to get out of there.  He got a twelve month suspended sentence.   It has now got to go to the family court.  The court did this bargain with Billy because the good people united in enough numbers and went to Exeter to support Billy (including the McKenzie Friends who worked relentlessly to get Billy out) and put eyes on this case making the whole world look at this.  And on 13th January Billy was allowed to walk out of the prison.

To summarise, these social services and Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (CAFCASS) are the people we pay to look after us.  Here is some first-hand evidence that CAFCASS, who are aided and abetted by social services and police, steal children and split up innocent and loving families. 

Just read some of the terrible reviews here!  Story after story of child abuse against innocent families.  If any other business like a restaurant had this many bad reviews it would be investigated and shut down.   It rests on the good people in the UK to now investigate this evil empire and get rid of these systems that are run by paedophiles for paedophiles who like to take children and shut you up. Get them shut down for good! And give the evil child snatchers long prison sentences!