Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Nuremberg Code Violations making mainstream airways


Nuremberg Code Violations now making mainstream airways in the UK! 

When they use term "selfish" when it comes to you exercising your freewill to decide what goes into your body, the term "selfish" is mind control and manipulation fooling uncritically thinking people to surrender their freewill because they think it is "selfish" to have a right to choose.  Understand that Freewill is a Divine Birth Right.  It is one of the most important birth rights that you have. 

Not a protest, but an uprising!

In England the overfed, over-privileged, overpaid bumbling old Etonian oaf Johnson, an actor who has acted many scenes in his allotted role like going into his Peppa Pig routine, vroom, vroom, brah brah....on the 27th November announced that face nappies will be back in public places and on public transport as of 30th November.  If the need for nappy wearing were that urgent you'd want to bring it in straight away, wouldn't you?  So when he announced it on Saturday, why not say: "As of now, first thing Sunday, they have to come back"?  Why leave it until Tuesday?  Yeah, it's me, Moronic. Now you're all right for Monday, but Tuesday, if you ain't got a mask I'm coming to get yer.  You been warned. Boris announced that this is to be reviewed in three weeks.  So, three weeks from 30th November takes us to the 21st of December, Winter Solstice, an important ritual date for occultists.  Through 2020 all kinds of restrictions were brought in in the UK on key dates of ancient pagan traditions.  It was at the spring equinox when the first lockdown was introduced.  So the review date is on the Winter Solstice, and if he announces lockdown restrictions, that you can't go anywhere or do anything,  well that would be just in time to fuck up yet another Christmas, ruining plans that people had for the festive season.  He tried to do this last year.  Of course you should ignore these instructions, you have a duty and a responsibility to ignore rules that are immoral and violate natural rights.  Mass non-compliance is the way out of this, enough of us to say we're not doing it.  So now we have this "Omicron" strain.  An anagram of MORONIC, which is what you are if you fall for this crap again, and which is how they view the profane masses the useless eaters, because they are moronic because they're buying all this bullshit.   Also, Omicron is an anagram of ONCOMIR which is an mRNA cancer causing gene.  Also, Omicron was the title of a dystopian 1963 movie about an alien that came to earth and took over the body of a corpse in order to attack all of humanity.  That's not a coincidence.  They have been telling you everything in movies: predictive programming.   They've gone from Delta which ties into delta brainwaves, the brainwave humans have when in a near sleep state. They see us as asleep and moronic.  Add the variants together, Delta + Omicron (anagrams), and you have Media Control.  Bang!   So now all these footballers and other sports players who just happen to have been dropping on the sports field and either dying or clutching their chest in agony and convulsing, the mainstream media chalk it all up as coincidence.  They accepted the jab as a condition of being able to continue playing their sport and became seriously ill, heart problems being one of the documented adverse effects of the jab.  So now, all these sports people dropping down and dropping dead in some cases, can be blamed on the new variant and "we've got to introduce lockdown measures once again". And now many of these double-jabbed people are starting to ask themselves, why it is they were told that if they went out and got two pricks, their society could get back to normal a lot quicker, and now face nappies are coming back?  And why is it that they're told that infection rates are going through the roof?   Why is it that they're told there's a new mutant strain, and that the double or triple pricks that they've already taken are ineffective and don't protect them?  Why is it that they're told that even though they are double-pricked they can still contract the virus and spread the virus?  Why is it that they're told that even though they are double-pricked they still have to quarantine when they get back to the UK from abroad? Why is it they still have to do lateral flow and PCR tests every five minutes to get into venues? Why is that?  Hmmm.   Penny starts to drop, albeit very slowly, but seems to get there.  We need many of them on our side. We warriors who are on the frontline in the battlefield fighting this one for the sake of them and their children and everybody else's as well as our own, we need many of them to realise it was never supposed to stop with two or three shots.   The idea was to find an excuse to coerce people into taking these jabs every year for the rest of their lives, which may well be shortened as a result of what they've been allowing to happen to themselves.   A leaked document from the World Health Organisation appears to list the various variants of the variant variant that are to be unleashed. It covers 2022 going into 2023.  If this document is genuine, it lists different strains with dates on which they are due to be released.  It lists Moronic as being released in May 2022.   It seems they fast-tracked it by six months. This document is further proof that this is a PLANDEMIC, not a pandemic with a virus mutating randomly.  The bastards in control know exactly what's going to happen next because they are making it happen.  Last week Chris Witty was delivering a lecture and it was bum-rushed by a group of activists that included Piers Corbyn who were heckling him and dropping truth bombs - and he looked nervous.  So he knows that a significant proportion of us know what they're doing. Seeming to have an accurate gage on the situation, Witty said that the public won't tolerate much more of it.  Neil Ferguson got bum-rushed a couple of weeks ago as well. Great. We could do with a lot more of us confronting these bastards at their public addresses.  They couldn't meet up in Davos recently because the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos was cancelled due to death threats.  Step up the activism, to show that many of us are not having it and we know.  We got the Rebels on Roundabouts, campaigns at cities outside schools, Stand In The Park meet-ups.  And there is an event happening in York, England, on Saturday 4th December 2021, starting at 1pm from York Minster.

Their mantra is this is not a protest, this is an uprising. Forwarded from THE NORTH UNITES (



📣 We WILL wake up the masses to this PLANDEMIC  

📣 We will educate and inform them of the real AGENDA 

📣 We WILL educate small businesses how to STAY OPEN through future lockdowns under COMMON LAW

📣 Their NARRATIVE is FALLING APART as more people are WAKING UP every single day to their LIES and CORRUPTION.

📣 Bring FLAGS of the WORLD to show unity across OUR EARTH

📣 Fly them UPSIDE DOWN to signify countries in DISTRESS


📣 Health Workers & Veterans – Come in your UNIFORM 




IMPORTANT:  The UK government's own principles of consent for immunisation say "For consent to immunisation to the valid, it must be given freely, voluntarily and without coercion by an appropriately informed person."

A vaccine passport won't give you your freedom

Today we are relatively free to do as we please except where our actions are prohibited in law.  If you submit to accepting a vaccine passport, however, that concept of freedom will be consigned to history.  You will only be allowed to do what you are given explicit permission to do, with every detail of your day-to-day trivia dictated by an unseen algorithmic power mediated through the screen of your smartphone - one green tick at a time.   Those permissions are liable to change from one day to the next.  Can I go into this shop?  Can I get on this bus?  Can I go to this concert?   Don't think for one minute that because you are double vaccinated you will have your freedom.  Australia has signed contracts to secure 195 million doses of more vaccines, on top of the doses people have already had!    This is all about a booster every six months for the next four years, for whatever the latest Covid variant is.   If you are two days late getting your booster you still can't go to that shop, go to that restaurant, or get on that bus.  Your privileges are revoked.  It won't stop there.  The vaccine passport is just a Trojan horse, there is a digital ID scheme behind it based on software that is designed to be "upgraded" over time.  Today your vaccine passport will be a simple green tick or red cross indicating your authorised inclusion or exclusion from everyday society.   But tomorrow you will be rated on every aspect of your life by a social credit system: points added for behaviour deemed supportive of the government and points subtracted for anything deemed a diversion from the required norms.  How many times did you break the 1.5 metre social distancing rule today?  What about that mildly critical post on social media about some government policy?  Or that video you shared raising legitimate concerns about a government approved narrative?  Watch your social credit score tumble and as it does, your access to essential services for everyday life are revoked - one privilege at a time.  Extreme?  The social credit system is already a reality in China, where people can't even board a train if their social credit score falls below a certain threshold.  This is the plan for the world, hidden in the vaccine passport.  Desensitization to being told what to do has already begun.  We already live in a high-tech world of surveillance from Big Data with algorithms building detailed profiles on us that gather information on our political preferences, beliefs, and fears,  including telephone calls, text messages and emails.  If we allow the vaccine passports to roll out,  the vaccine passport and the social credit system will rapidly evolve into the final piece in the automated architecture of total surveillance and control.  We are familiar with the watching and monitoring in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty Four, how it puts a human being under stress, as you know when you are driving down the road under speed cameras.  But the surveillance is more than about speeding fines.  It is the disciplinary aspect, being punished for non-compliance.   That is the final piece of the architecture.  The mechanism to automatically discipline those who do not submit to norms and mandated rules, is snuck in with the vaccine passport, carried in everyone's pocket every moment of every day.   "Turnkey totalitarianism" is a surveillance around us that has not yet been switched on.  The machine is ready but the key has not yet been turned.  Vaccines passports are the final part of that infrastructure, the last cog in the machine.   Once we allow this final part of the infrastructure to be slotted into place, once we accept this as a normal part of daily life, the key will be turned, the threshold will be crossed, and there will be no going back.   There will be no space for dissent or deviation from prescribed norms and behaviours.   The machine will be on, eternally watching and directing our lives and behaviours, scoring and punishing. We will be forever at the mercy of our masters who set the rules, those who decide if we deserve a green tick or a red cross, those who decide if we can be included in society or pushed to the various margins of existence.  There will be no coming back from it.  Freedom as we have known it all our lives and for generations before us, will be extinguished forever.  The freedom we enjoy today, even the very idea of it, will be inconceivable to our children and all the generations that follow.  Under the cover of Covid-19 we're about to let a totalitarian world of total surveillance control and compliance be ushered in, welcome by many in the name of "doing their part" in the battle against the virus.  Look at the in-group out-group mentality and the divide between mask wearers and non-mask wearers, vaxxed and non-vaxxed.  Look at how far we've come in less than two short years.  The destination laid bare, for those willing to see.  For generations, freedom has often been paid for with blood.  We who live in free societies remember all those who gave their lives so we might live free, those who fought for our liberty.  Are you willing to look them in the eye and tell them the torch went out forever, because you were too fearful, too apathetic, or too easily manipulated to stand firm and keep the flame alive?  Now look forward in time and to all descendants and generations that follow us, telling them that the fight for freedom was handed down to us but we allowed it to be taken from us because we didn't see the sleight of hand trick that was being played, or if we did, we did nothing to stop it.  Can you feel the weight of responsibility that rests upon your shoulders?  Will you be able to live with the shame of knowing that you were one of those who stood idle and looked down, cowardly in your home, as the precious gift of  freedom through sleight of hand manipulation and misdirection was stolen from you and from all future generations to come?  It does not matter what our views are on masks, vaccines and lockdowns, we may disagree on many things but we can all agree on this: that the freedom we enjoy today is the most precious of gifts that has been passed down to us, and must be  cherished and defended at all costs for the generations to come.  It should be clear that the vaccine passport has nothing to do with your health.  Despite how its being sold to us, its roll-out worldwide is NOT the way we will get our old lives back.   In fact the reverse is true.  Vaccine passports are the perfectly engineered gateway for a completely new type of control and surveillance the likes of which we have never seen before.  Therefore, under NO circumstances, no matter what pressure is applied to us, must we allow vaccine passports to be introduced.  Make no mistake, the true scale of what is at stake cannot be overstated.  We are at a pivotal point now.  This is not a message of fear, this is to sound the alarm and call attention to imminent danger.  This is a message of hope, of unity and not division.   We are born free, sovereign beings, we are one human family.  We simply need to stand up, stand united, and say:  Enough Is Enough.  We've seen through the tricks, and we will not allow our freedom to be taken from us.  The torch of liberty will not be extinguished. Not now, not ever, and certainly not on our watch.  Pass the torch of flames on intact to the generations that follow us.  To our descendants we must say in unison: "We will not let you down."  Share this message, for the time to act is now.

Sign the declaration

Nurse witnesses politicians and elites only get the placebo jab

A big scandal erupted in Slovenia, all of Slovenia talking about vaccinations.  The head nurse of the University Medical Centre, a clinical centre in Ljubljana, who takes care of receiving the vials and manages everything, quit her job, went out in front of the cameras and took out the vials of vaccines.  She showed people the codes on the bottles, each containing 1, 2 or 3 digits of the code, and then explained the meaning of those digits. 

Number 1 is placebo, saline. Number 2 is the classic bottle of RNA. Number 3 is the RNA core that contains an oncology gene associated with an adenovirus that promotes cancer. For these bottles, the number 3 indicates that people who received them within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer.

She says that she personally witnessed the injection of all politicians and tycoons, and they all received the number 1 injection.


Taking the jab is Russian Roulette.

The jabbing has to stop


We have the evidence needed to stop the jabbing programs.  Here is a paper - Abstract 10712from a well-respected 71 year old peer-reviewed medical journal "Circulation" which was rated the world's No.1 journal in the cardiac and cardio-vascular system category.  Their statement is that this mRNA jab "dramatically increases inflammation of the endothelium and T cell infiltration of the cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other events following vaccination".  

Dr Vernon Coleman in his video of December 2020 reeled off a list of possible adverse events, a list that was officially published by the American government, by the way!  Now we can prove the link.  And we know the jab is known NOT to stop people catching Covid-19 and NOT to stop people spreading it. On Dr. Coleman's website is a horrific list of deaths and serious injuries that have occurred among people who have been jabbed in the article headed "UPDATE: How many are the vaccines killing?"  Now we have the evidence needed to stop this mRNA jab experiment immediately, today.  If there were any honest journalists this news should be lead item on all TV and radio programs and on the front pages of all newspapers.

To experiment on people without their consent or full understanding of the risks, and force this on people, is a crime. If this mRNA experiment continues after today then we shall know for certainty that this is not a medical treatment but a cull.  Any nurse or doctor that administers an mRNA Covid-19 jab after today must be struck off the appropriate register.  This is the moment the jabbing has to stop.

It has to stop.  HORRIFIC: Baby Paralyzed By COVID Vaccine (

Tick-Tock, Doc

The collapse of the medical system is well on its way as more doctors who took the Mark of the Beast jab are dropping dead like flies - Tick-Tock, Doc.  The American Medical Association reported that 96% of US doctors as of June have been vaccinated. It's ironic that some of the most outspoken of them who were peddling the injections are now dead.  Booster shots commenced on 22nd September, and they have been dropping since mid-October, in deaths described as "sudden" and "unexpected".  Here are photos of doctors who died and some injuries and reactions.  For the remaining nurses and doctors who have refused the jab, they are quitting their profession.  

Surprise surprise!  The MSM is now reporting jab deaths and injuries
The matrix is collapsing, one system at a time.  Start to embrace a new way of living.  Be your own health authority,  be sovereign knowing how to take care of your body, mind and spirit.