Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Ex police officer reports vaccine deaths and injuries to police

Since the passing of the Coronavirus Act 2020 in Britain, ex-policeman Mark Sexton has done a lot of his own investigation.  He uncovered from the Yellow Card Scheme on the government's own website the sheer number of deaths and adverse reactions as a direct result of the Covid vaccination programme.   He was also given information that the PCR tests are contaminated with the dangerous gas ethylene oxide, lithium (dangerous unless prescribed by a doctor) and hydrogel.  So on 25th May 2021 Mark visited four hospitals in Birmingham in the West Midlands, UK,  and showed them the literature.  They passed it on to their relevant heads of department.  Doctors, nurses and administration staff in all four hospitals confirmed to him that they were having a massive influx of patients suffering all sorts of serious adverse effects from the Covid vaccination.  Mark made contact with MP Nadhim Zahawi who is in charge of the vaccination roll-out across the UK, through an email on 6th June 2021; and he sent Recorded Delivery letters to Mr Zahawi's constituency address in Stratford-upon-Avon and to Parliament, and also to Covid Vaccine NHS England Department. He wrote:  "Dear Mr Zahawi, My name is Mark Sexton.  I am a retired police constable from Birmingham.  I am making contact in order to bring to your urgent attention some very disturbing facts and information that have come to light over the last few days.  On 31st May 2021 a report was released on to the internet by a Dr Byram Bridle from Canada.  In the audio and the video he is addressing some serious and grave concerns surrounding the vaccines for Covid-19. This is a direct quote from his audio: "We screwed up.  We didn't realise the spike protein is a toxin.  Does this mean everyone vaccinated is manufacturing their own spike proteins in their own bodies?"  He goes on to say: "The spike proteins travel to the brain, the heart, the kidneys, and the ovaries.  This is going to cause serious problems for every vaccinated person."   On the 3th May 20021 a Twitter feed was picked up and sent to me and this feed is from Dr A H Khan Syed.  The feed is talking about a study from Pfizer where serious life-changing and life threatening effects have been brought to light surrounding the vaccine for Covid-19.  The report is alluding to composites from the vaccine settling in the ovaries and other organs.  This fully supports the report of a Canadian doctor, Dr Byram Bridle.  Serious menstrual irregularities, reproductive dysfunction, heart inflammation and blood clots are occurring.  There are some reports to suggest there is a 2000% increase in miscarriages.  This information is of huge concern.  It is so disturbing I am asking for and demanding all vaccines for Covid-19 are stopped as a matter of urgency in order to protect the public from serious harm and death.  It is also documented that Polysorbate-80 is contained within the vaccines and this is known to cause issues relating to fertility.  Prior to these reports coming out and on Tuesday 25th May, I attended the four biggest hospitals in the West Midlands: The Queen Elizabeth, Heartlands, the City, and Solihull.  I was sent a research report from Slovakia suggesting that the PCR tests are contaminated with hydrogel and lithium.   Such is my concern, I reported this to the police.  They in turn forwarded this on to Special Branch to investigate.  I deem this to be a targeted terrorist attack.  I took it upon myself to attend the four hospitals mentioned.  This was in order to make them aware of my concern regarding the PCR tests.  Copies of the Slovakia report were given to allow them to be given the opportunity to withdraw all PCR testing kits.  All PCR testing kits are made in China.  While I was at all four hospitals it was confirmed to me by doctors, nurses and members of the administration staff that they are having a significant increase in patients.  The patients are suffering from heart inflammation, blood clots and serious menstrual irregularities.   All of these patients have had both doses of the vaccination.  It is therefore incumbent upon you as the Minister overseeing the vaccination programme and the COVAX Team for the roll-out of these vaccines to order an immediate cessation of the administering of the vaccines.  An investigation must be carried out into these serious allegations coupled with the worrying information related to me in person from all four hospitals to suggest these two reports are factually correct.  I would also like to add the Yellow Card Scheme is a very disturbing read.  The deaths from the vaccines are over 1,300 and the serious injury and damage being caused is in the hundreds of thousands.  The damage these vaccines are causing is now a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions and must be treated as a national emergency.  They must be stopped without delay. It is of great concern and worry to me and to many of us that you are rolling our these vaccines and giving them to our children.  This must not happen, especially in considering the reports from the doctors of the four Birmingham hospitals.  I will await your immediate reply before I go to the national press and media outlets. This is very scary, very damning information surrounding the vaccines. The two links are attached here and also the report from Slovakia. I have attached the report from Dr Bridle from Canada confirming my assertions and the information from Dr Syed and the Slovakia report and I signed it".   (Dr Bridle's report: Dr Byram Bridle Canadian Vaccine Expert - WE MADE A MISTAKE - (   Mr Zahawi responded to Mark's first letter by providing him with an email address for Mark to write to Parliament, saying: "Dear Mark, Thank you for your letter sent to my constituency office.  If you are trying to reach me in my capacity as Minister for the Covid vaccine deployment please go to to receive a response from the Department of Health and Social Care, you may wish to contact or receive a response from them, or you may wish to contact your own MP.  Warmest regards, Nadhim Zahawi, Member of Parliament for Stratford-upon-Avon."  He never acknowledged the content of Mark's letter or emails.  Because he didn't address those serious concerns which he was made aware of by the content of the letter, Mark sent a second letter which he delivered by hand on 10th June 2021 and recorded it to show that he had sent it.  It said: 

"Dear Mr Zahawi,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to the letter I sent to your constituency address in Stratford-upon-Avon.   For information, the same letter was sent for your attention to Parliament.  While grateful for the reply, I am I am somewhat dismayed that having received my letter you have made no mention of the very disturbing content within.  May I also bring to your attention the following: 

1.  I have already made contact with NHS England.  I received a telephone call from them and they advised me as a matter of urgency to make direct contact with you.  They gave me your minister correspondence and email address.  

2. I also made direct contact with the Department of Health and Social Care on 02072104850.  They advised me to make contact with you as a matter of urgency, provided me with your email address, and advised me to write to your parliament and constituency in Stratford-upon-Avon.  

3.  I made contact with the Yellow Card Side Effects Scheme on 0800 7316789 and again they advised me they cannot do anything to stop the roll-out of the vaccination.  It can only come from the government.

4.  Contact was also made with Public Health England on 02076548000.  The response from them was to contact the Department of Health and Social Care.  

As you can see Mr Zahawi, all roads lead to you as the Member of Parliament with the ultimate responsibility for the vaccination programme.  To suggest making contact with any other department or organisation would prove futile.  Therefore yet again as a matter of urgency an immediate cessation of the vaccine roll-out pertaining to the Coronavirus and also the Yellow Card Scheme death and serious harm entries are alarming.  Such is the scale of deaths and injuries it is incumbent upon you as the minister responsible to stop all vaccinations forthwith with an urgent nationwide address to alert the public, hospitals, care homes, doctors' surgeries and all other sites administering the vaccine to stop immediately.  I also need to bring to your attention an Open Letter from Dr Tess Lawrie.  She too is now calling for an urgent halt to all vaccinations due to the exceedingly high amount of deaths and serious harms being caused.  This is a copy of the Letter from Dr Laurie.  She writes to the UK Medicines Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency after evaluating the Yellow Card data.  She recommends an immediate halt to the vaccine programme.  This is a direct quote:  "The nature and variety of ADRs reported to the Yellow Card system are consistent with the potential pathologies described in this paper and supported by other recent recent scientific papers on vaccine induced harms which are mediated through the vaccine's spike protein product.  It is now apparent that these products in the bloodstream are toxic to humans.  An immediate halt to the vaccine programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms.  The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card sstem to declare the Covid-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Please spread this everywhere.  Send it to journalists, your MP, your children's school and our employer.  As you can see this is now a national emergency.  It is now down to you Mr Zahawi to take the necessary and immediate steps to stop the vaccine roll-out in order to prevent any more deaths and serious harms from occurring.  I am sure you will agree this is alarming and the scale of the problem is catastrophic to say the least.  Doctors, nurses, hospitals,  the Yellow Card Scheme and government departments are all raising the alarm.  This needs your immediate attention and it needs you to suspend and stop the whole vaccination programme without delay.  The very thought of this being rolled out to our children in September is sickening.  This must never happen considering the damage the vaccines are causing.  I am sure you will agree as a family man yourself.  The BBC and Sky News await contact to be made by you or your office.  If this can be done as a matter of urgency, Mr Zahawi.   Thank you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Sexton."  

Mark also has this document from 24th August 2020 from the Chief Medical Advisor to the government, Dr Jenny Harries.  It says:  "School children are at greater risk from seasonal flu or a road traffic accident than from Coronavirus, England's Deputy Chief Medical Officer has insisted.  Dr Jenny Harries told Sky News this morning that she can understand entirely why parents are wary about sending their children back to classrooms when the new academic begins next week but in a well controlled school environment the information and knowledge that we have about Covid now should be a safe one.  No environment is every entirely risk free. Every time a parent sent their child off to school pre-Covid they may have been involved in a road traffic accident.  There are all sorts of things.  And in fact that risk or the risk of seasonal flu we think is probably higher than the current risks of Covid.  Harries' intervention comes as Boris Johnson moves to seize control of the school agenda, as to being criticised for heading off for a holiday in Scotland amidst the exam chaos, writes The Guardian.  After returning to Downing Street the prime minister has issued a statement: "The risk of contracting Coronavirus at school is low and it is far more damaging for a child's development and their health and their wellbeing to be away from school any longer.  We have always been guided by our scientific and medical experts and we know far more about Coronavirus than than we did earlier this year" Johnson said.  As the Chief Medical Officer has said, the risk of contracting Covid-19 in school is very small.  The PM's pleas to parents comes amid fears that parental concerns are the final stumbling block to the minister's efforts to return youngsters to full-time education.  Johnson's message has been given the added backing of the new Public Health England figures showing the reopening of schools in June did not lead to a single child being hospitalised with Coronavirus."    This other document in his possession says: "The prime minister Boris Johnson in April 2020 was hospitalised for two weeks with Coronavirus, and by his own admission stated his life was in danger, and it was 50:50 as to whether he would survive.  Boris Johnson has had the vaccination against the Coronavirus.   It is now a statement of fact that those who have had Covid have antibodies and will not get Covid again.  This has been known for over a year.  So why did Boris Johnson have the vaccine if his body already has antibodies to fight any future Covid infection, including any variant?  So by having the vaccine he has now compromised his immune system.  Why would he does this considering he has some of the best medical experts in the world advising him?  The 4.6 million people who have already allegedly been infected with Covid since March 2020 should not in any way be receiving a vaccine because they have the antibodies.  So why has this not been advertised all over the television and by the government?  This is a huge issue and very dangerous if people take the vaccine, because that in itself will compromise significantly the immune system.  Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Patrick Valance, Chris Witty, Dominic Raab and Michael Gove were saying from the onset once the vaccine is rolled out we will get back to normal.  Forty two million UK residents have had at least one vaccine, and 30, 440,000 have had both vaccines.  Why are these people still wearing a mask?  Why are they social distancing?  Why can't they fly?  And why are they still subject to lockdown conditions?  They have now been told they cannot fly because the vaccine is causing blood clots.   It is now fact the vaccine does not stop transmission, it does not people catching the virus, it merely reduces symptoms in the individual.  I therefore ask, what is the vaccine for?  It would appear it is merely a treatment.  If this is the case, we already have Ivermectin which is now proven almost 100% effective, hydroxychloroquine, almost 100% effective, and Vitamin D - that significantly reduce and cure within 48 hours the symptoms of Coronavirus.  So why does the whole population need to have a rushed and now proven dangerous vaccine that doesn't work?  For fifteen months the above named individuals have been shouting "vaccine vaccine vaccine" and never once talked about healthy living, healthy lifestyle, stop smoking, stop drinking, get fresh air, go to the gym, eat fruit and vegetables.  All it has been about is the vaccine.  And now the vaccine is here it has made no difference to the restrictions imposed on the people.   In February 2021 Boris Johnson addressed the nation live on television and he stated: "No matter what, June 21st all Covid restrictions will end 100%.  We are now in another extended period, and yet again these people are blatantly lying in public office.  We are being told there are numerous variantsL the South African variant, Brazilian, Kent, Indian, Nepalese and Thai.  However, the Indian government has written to the World Health Organisationdemanding the phrase "Indian variant" is no longer used.  This is serious misinformation and fake news.  The World Health Organisation agreed, and rebranded the Indian variant the "Delta variant".  That in itself is significant.  It's a lie, misinformation and blatant fear-mongering by the above six ministers against the people of the United Kingdom.  The Nepalese government have also gone on record to state there is no variant from their country.  From the government's own Office of National Statistics over 95% of those who are over seventy years of age are now fully vaccinated in the UK.  Therefore care homes are the safest place in the United Kingdom to be with almost zero risk from catching or dying from Covid.  Why are all care home staff now being ordered to take the vaccine or the will lose their job?  This is immoral, impractical, disproportionate and criminal.  This is actually blackmail.  Blackmail is a criminal offence contrary to Section 21 of the Theft Act 1968.  The Yellow Card Scheme is now showing hundreds of thousands of harm, injury and disability, blood clots, nervous system disorders,  and over 1,300 deaths.  The hospitals are now filling up with people who've had the vaccine and suffering from serious harm, and as a result they are also testing positive for Covid after having the vaccines.  The people who have not been vaccinated, do not wear masks, do not social distance and do not get tested, remain healthy and are causing no issue or strain on the National Health Service. It is now blatantly obvious and apparent that it is the vaccinated people causing a strain on the National Health Service.  Yet on the 17th June the Health Minister Matt Hancock has stated: "The unvaccinated will not get NHS treatment if the hospitals are busy".  This is a disgusting comment for any minister to make let alone the Health Minister considering it is now the vaccinated people who are putting a strain on the NHS, and it is the vaccinated people who are suffering from death, serious harm and serious injury as a result of the vaccination programme.  The vaccinated individuals are suffering death, serious harm and injury, and they have been told it is likely cannot fly due to the risk of blood clots.  They now have a significant disadvantage in society as a result of being vaccinated.  How is this possible?  Under 16s do not catch, do not spread and do not die or get ill from Coronavirus, this is fact.  The Office of National Statistics and the government's own Head of Medicine Dr Jenny Harries has stated that children are more at risk of dying from the flu or car accident on their way to school than they are of Covid. So why are they giving the under 16s a vaccine?  A vaccine that does not protect them or stop transmission to others.  It only reduces symptoms, symptoms that they don't get.  This is nonsensical.  It is now proven it is only given to reduce the symptoms so if children don't have symptoms, what is the point of the vaccine?  They said the vaccines would bring society back to normal.  On the contrary, the vaccines are causing chaos, death, harm and injury and putting a strain on the NHS we have all been told to protect.  It is blatantly and abundantly clear this is not about health, this is not about protecting the NHS.  This has always been about administering a vaccine.  We now know this is a gene therapy disguised as a vaccine and the above six people have lied, been disingenuous, and they know what is going on and why.  They are therefore guilty of misconduct and malfeasance in public office.  The vaccine programme must be stopped as a matter of urgency to protect people from death, injury and harm - and the evidence is now overwhelming.  It is incumbent upon you, the police, to make sure this happens now, today, before any more people die, suffer serious harm and injury, and to protect the people of this country and to protect the NHS.  No individual or organisation are above the law.  The police have a duty to investigate these serious allegations, arrest those responsible, and put them before the court with the advice from the Crown Prosecution Service and the Director of Public Prosecution. This is something that must happen now today and cannot and must not wait. The police are independent of the government and represent the people.   This is your duty of office fully supported by the Oath that you swore."

And so on Friday 18th June 2021 Mark went to Leamington Spa police station and reported the criminal offence of misconduct of public office against MP Nadhim Zahawi, and presented this document and the other documents and correspondence to police and read them out.  He showed them the letter from the Indian government to the World Health Organisation (which they've made public) proving there's no such thing as the Indian variant.  He read them the Oath from a Constable to show them they are independent of government: "Police constables are servants of the crime and are strictly independent of Her Majesty's government.  It would be unlawful for any member of government such as the prime minister to attempt to control, coerce, direct or command constables of any rank.  Constables are not employees of the police, and cannot take any industrial action whilst performing their roles as constables and considered in law to be special legal entities who are responsible for their own actions whilst carrying out police duties."  And then the Crime Recording Guidelines by the Home Office, April 2020: "A belief by the victim or a person reasonably assumed to be acting on behalf of the victim that a crime has occurred, is usually sufficient to justify recording".  And to any police constable who fails to investigate these crimes: "Any deliberate or accidental failure to do what you should do as part of your job is a dereliction of duty".  He presented a document with the response to a Freedom of Information Request from Birmingham City Council dated 10th February 2021 asking how many people have been buried and cremated in the Birmingham Metropolitan Borough (the biggest metropolitan borough in Europe!) in the last six years.  It provided a full breakdown of the figures for burials and cremations from 2015 to 2020.  More burials and cremations took place in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. 2020 was the sixth lowest rate for burials and cremations out of the six years.  Where are all the dead? How were we in a pandemic if there were less people buried and cremated?  Mark presented Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council's reply to a Freedom of Information Request with their data from 1415 all the way to 2021; it's the fifth lowest in the last six years.  There were more deaths in the five years previous to 2020. Mark presented the Great Barrington Declaration signed by 625,000 citizens around the world, 11,297 medical and public health scientists and 34,415 medical practitioners. He gave copies of all of these documents to the constable he spoke to.  Mark reported this vaccination swindle as a terrorist attack on us, and declared it incumbent upon him as a constable to investigate the allegations he was making, with the Division and Purpose Statement.   It was Incident Number 181 and forwarded on to Special Branch.    


That's it, the vaccine truth is out.  Make viral ASAP. 

UPDATE:  This is the number of casualties reported on the European version of the adverse reactions reporting site, EudraVigilance, as of 26th June 2021: from MODERNA the number of deaths is 56,331; from Pfizer, 255,715; AstraZeneca 303,763; and Jansen 12,777.   The total number of deaths for Europe alone is 628,586.  This is just from the injections, and not the totality that's to result from the triggers that could activate the massive death tsunami that's coming up.

A new way to identify if someone has been injected with nanotech from the vaccination has been discovered by shining a UV black light over the injection point.  The spot lit up, and other parts of the injected arm glowed, i.e. a vein in the hand. black light to identify a chip using a pet scanner.

Now another toxic chemical has been found in all of these 'vaccines' (in all of the brands, it doesn't matter which one) and also in the masks and PRC tests: graphene oxide.  Scientists and researchers in Spain have discovered its presence in the 'vaccines' and it is causing a number of problems: coagulation of the blood which is why we are seeing a high rate of blood clots; brain, neurological and respiratory damage; it causes the immune system to collapse, it causes the cytokine storm which is a multi-system organ failure throughout the body. And graphene oxide becomes magnetic in contact with the hydrogen in the body causing electromagnetic fields and superconductivity in the body.  This is causing the phenomenon of magnetism around the vaccination site that people are experiencing  
Ricardo Delgado: 'They are injecting graphene oxide as an adjuvant in vaccines' - ORWELL CITY.  
The Spanish report was covered on "La Quinta Columna" by bio-statistician Ricardo Delgado and Dr Jose Luis Sevillano - "Las "vacunas" llevan oxido de grafeno ('vaccines' contain graphene oxide)  It is this graphene oxide that produces a metallic taste in the mouth and inflammation in the mucus membrane which is the reason why people have lost their sense of smell and taste.  A lot of people who had the PCR test have been reporting a loss of their of smell and partial or total loss of taste. Combined with 5G radiation it causes massive oxidative stress depleting the body of glutathione which keeps the body young and vital, causing the cells to decay and die and the organs to shut down.  These dark ones know exactly what they are doing with their technology, they are now talking about introducing intranasal vaccination with graphene oxide nano particles for both influenza and Covid-19, as it is much more potent in aerosols. These are the foods with higher amounts of glutathione to eat in higher quantities to help combat oxidative stress that causes cellular damage: organic spinach, asparagus, avocados, okra, turmeric, milk thistle; and the anti-aging C60 olive oil helps to remove a tremendous amount of toxins and heavy metals from your system

Got Jab? No More Fly

For a very long time it's been known that anyone with circulatory problems such as a heart condition and susceptibility to strokes is not allowed to fly.  Now people who have subjected themselves to being vaccinated have put themselves in that category, because being at a certain altitude can trigger deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) or a stroke which could lead to airline companies being liable for their deaths.  Now t
here's been discussion among airlines about not allowing vaccinated people to fly because they have become a liability.  They have actually been discussing this behind the scenes.  This is ironic since so much propaganda and media campaigning has been telling you: "No jab no fly!"  Now it's come to the surface that a lot of people who have taken the jab are at risk of developing blood clots!  Being at a high altitude puts them at risk of thrombosis. They agreed to take the jab under the pretext they would be able to travel and go on holiday but little do they know the airlines are talking about not allowing them to fly although they haven't released this information yet.  The airlines are feeling screwed because it means their market has shrunk, they can't provide a service for an entire sector of people who have taken the jab, which is a very, very large population.  The population who are vaccinated versus the population who have not been vaccinated is huge.   It is difficult enough for airline companies to survive after the lockdown from this scamdemic.  Now they are facing detriment to their business with the situation of most of the population - the vaccinated - not being able to board their flights.  More reasons you shouldn't get the jab, you're putting your health at risk and you're going to be losing these types of freedoms because they have lied to the people!  Got jab? No more fly. (   UPDATE:  Now it's been officially announced.  One of the Australian news channels publicly talked about not letting vaccinated people on flights.  On Bernardi Skynews:  "Here's an inconvenient truth: in other parts of the world airlines are now advising people who have been vaccinated not to fly!  Yep, you heard me correctly, airlines in Spain and Russia are warning people who have been vaccinated against Coronavirus not to travel because of the risk of blood clots.  It is a well-known risk of long haul flights but this is exacerbated by the potential side effects of of the clotting side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine.  It is a sign that there isn't anybody in authority that you can truly trust anymore".  Here is the news clip that is saying this: No flights for the vaccinated because of blood clot risk (    Now they can't fly.  They got played by the media, they all ran to get the jab to go on their holidays, now they won’t be able to board a plane ✈️.  This information will irritate and aggravate those who believed the narrative and took it because they wanted to fly and now airliners are going to ban them from flying because they are a flight risk as they can have a huge blood clot during a flight.  British Airways have been in discussion with the UK government because quite a few of their pilots have dropped dead from blood clots, and they're young,  they would have been told they had to go get this thing if they wanted to keep their jobs, and now they have got this crisis situation.  But you try telling that to people who aren't awake and they will say "prove it" and you can't, because the information is hushed up.  
The ticker keeps rising

But it's true, and they are keeping it on the hush-hush.  The reason why the Danish government is censoring Bitchute because of 'dangerous' Covid-19 information because Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen was vaccinated and collapsed and suffered a heart attack, and required CPR.  Bitchute is the one platform that creators can report the truth, and now the Danish government is trying to censor and cover it up.  If you live in Denmark, this is an act of war on your consciousness.  They are trying to control your reality.  You must fight and resist this control.  If you live in Pakistan, more coercion - they are deciding to block the Sim cards of people refusing to get the jab.  Resist!  It won't be for long.  Don't be coerced or tricked.  People who were dumb enough to take the kill shot not only will they be unable to fly, they are going to be impeded from working, in this pre-meditated murder of people across all industries - companies are planning to replace staff that have taken the jab.  Anyone who had to sign NDA's preventing them from mentioning names... their families, their relatives, their loved ones, people that know who they worked for, they are the ones that are going to leak it big time though, because they are going to be so mad, it'll get out through that.  Dr Sherri Tenpenny has stood before Ohio legislature in favour of Ohio House Bill 248 (Vaccine Choice and Anti Discriminatory Act), a bill aimed at protecting the rights to vaccine refusal for the citizens of Ohio, and testified against the killer shot testified against the killer shot.  Prepare for the changes that are about to take place in our society. Our way of living will change drastically.  The more you are physically, mentally and spiritually prepared for this, you are going to be the ones that will survive this shift in consciousness.