Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Bill Gates from Hell and Coronavirus

The Plan
Multi billionaire former Microsoft giant Bill Gates and wife Melinda, fronting the Coronavirus plandemic, know exactly what they are doing.  Melinda Gates admitted: "Billionaire prepared for years for Coronavirus pandemic".  Quote: "plandemic", a planned pandemic because it was a plan.  Mr and Mrs Gates prepared for it because they planned it. They fund all the moving parts which even include the BBC who interview Mr Gates, he put 2 million pounds into the BBC.  Speaking to BBC Radio 5 Live, Belinda described how she and her husband spoke about the possibility of a pandemic like Coronavirus for years and prepared for the eventuality of having to move from their home.  They prepared for it to justify what is happening now, the pandemic THEY knew was coming is a staged event.  It was was made to happen, so that they can lay claim to "a disease that we are all in together".  THEY  are all in this together.  The following information will explain how.  The things they say and the Gates-owned WHO (World Health Organisation) say match up.  The institutions that were involved in planning this Corona crisis included the John Hopkins University which co-organised Event 201 in October 2019, six weeks before the Corona panic broke out.  Event 201 was a rehearsal they did of how the pandemic should play out.  The JHU maintains the Corona cases and deaths statistics and gives them to the media.  Gates donated more than $200 million in the last ten years to the JHU.  The other  participant in the drill was the World Economic Forum and it got large donations from the Gates Foundation.  The plan all along was to bring in a Smart vaccine, unlike other vaccines of the past, which they plan to administer worldwide, hoping to keep everyone locked down until they accept it.  As they've always targeted Africa, and the first Covid case there was reported on  14th February in Egypt and since then no more than about 18,000 cases were confirmed in an entire continent, it is obvious that exactly the same scam is now to be played on Africa as seen in the west.  Mrs Gates said to the BBC: "Africa will soon have dead bodies lying on the streets.  The lack of testing kits in Africa is the reason why the continent's Covid-19 numbers are low but soon Africa will have bodies out in the streets".  She is not such a simpleton that she would say that by mistake, or that he would allow her to say that by mistake, or that it is a slip of the tongue for Bill to say: "things are going very well, things like producing childhood death".  The Gates's were speaking in a recent CNN interview saying: "The virus will still hit Africa hard.  Covid-19 will be horrid in the developing world.  My heart is in Africa. I worry.  I see dead bodies in the streets of Africa".  Immediately after that the WHO said "Three million people could die from Coronavirus in Africa unless the spread is contained".   The UN report said: "WHO officials say the continent could be the next Covid-19 epicentre.   Africa could see between 300,000 and 3.3 million deaths due to Coronavirus according to the UN Economic Commission for Africa.  If the continent does not implement measures to prevent the spread of the virus then total infections could spiral out of control and reach 1.2 billion. But if intense social distancing measures are implemented the number of total infections could drop to 1 to 22 million by the end of the pandemic."   They have always targeted Africa, and up to now the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been vaccinating children in remote areas in poor countries for over twenty years, often causing the very illness the vaccine claims to prevent (e.g. polio).  After his vaccination campaigns extraordinary numbers of  children became paralyzed, women could not bear children, some kids died.

Africa: meningitis vaccine: paralysis
During Gates's 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in sub-Saharan Africa, Gates' operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of children with a meningitis vaccine.  About 50 out of 500 children became paralyzed.  Nelson Mandela's economist at the time, Professor Bond, described it as "ruthless and immoral". 

Africa: malaria vaccine: deaths and fits
In 2010 the Gates Foundation funded another trial of experimental malaria vaccines made by GlaxoSmithKline.  They killed 151 African infants and caused paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions  to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.  South African newspapers complained: "We are guinea pigs for the drug makers".

Africa: tetanus vaccine - women left sterile
In October 2014 in Kenya the Catholic Health Commission raised accusations  about tetanus vaccinations carried out by WHO and UNICEF.  There was no health necessity for these vaccinations.  And they were only being given to girls and women aged between 14-49, which raised suspicion as to whether they were used for covert birth control.  And in 2014 millions of women who thought they were getting an innocent injection to prevent tetanus, were sterilized. The vaccine was laced with HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone produced by the placenta after implantation; its presence is what a pregnancy strip test detects to tell if you are pregnant.  That Kenyan Catholic doctor's statement said that when injected into a non-pregnant woman, the Beta HCG in the vaccine combined with tetanus toxoid develops antibodies against both the tetanus and against HCG, in around 2-3 years after the last injection.   If the woman's egg becomes fertilized, this destroys her own HCG hormone rendering her permanently infertile.   In February 2015, gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Wahome Ngare published an article in the Catholic Medical Quarterly of the Catholic Medical Society of Great Britain in  which he explained the accusations about how that tetanus vaccination campaign was about population control and the vaccine was deliberately imported, it had a different batch number from usual tetanus vaccines.  They were administered in five rounds in intervals of six months, unusual for tetanus procedure but normal for HCG to prevent pregnancy. The target group were females of childbearing age.   Pregnancy hormones were detected in the vaccine doses when and independently tested in private, but the doses delivered later by the WHO tested negative, said scientists. The vaccine had been swapped.  The vaccination campaign had been coordinated from a hotel, not a medical facility; collection of the vaccine was carried out under police protection. The work of the nurses was also monitored by WHO and police.  The Gates Foundation and the WHO had covertly forced sterilization.   Similar accusations of women being sterilized come from Tanzania.

Africa: DPT vaccine: deaths
A study in 2017, Morgenson et al, showed that the DPT vaccine was killing more African children than the disease that it was supposed to prevent.  DPT vaccinated girls suffered ten times the death rate of children who didn't get the vaccine.   But Bill Gates threw hundreds of millions of dollars at the WHO and convinced them to conduct experimental vaccination programs and drop disease prevention programs which provided clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development, so the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine, and continued to force that vaccine upon tens of millions of African children annually.

Latin America and Philippines: women left sterile
Accusations similar to what happened in Kenya came from Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines.  The WHO conducted massive tetanus vaccination campaigns laced with HCG in Mexico in 1993, and Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994, targeting females aged 14-49 years, giving each a total of five injections.  Catholic representatives gained access to some doses of the vaccine and got them tested independently when it was found women and girls in Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines were unknowingly sterilized.  The labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested.  After denying the charges, the WHO admitted it.  A scientific paper published in October 2017 by the Universities of Louisiana and British Columbia, together with Dr Wahome Ngare, confirmed the allegations.  

India: polio vaccine: children left paralyzed
Gates promised to donate $450 million to eradicate polio in India.  He took control of India's National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization which mandated up to 50 doses of polio vaccines to children before the age of five.  Indian doctors blame his campaign for the non-polio acute flaccid paralysis epidemic which paralyzed over 490,000 children between 2000 and 2017, all left crippled by that vaccine.  Dr Raymond Francis explains how the polio vaccine is actually causing polio.

India: HPV vaccine - damage, paralysis, infertility
In 2014 the Gates Foundation funded the tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces.  Seven died, and 1,200 suffered autoimmune disorders and infertility.  The Indian government investigated.  It was found that Gates-funded researchers pressured vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls.  
Most of these vaccination programs were done without the informed consent of the children's parents, guardians or teachers, done by forged consent such as getting the signature from the hostel where the girls were residing or getting a thumb print from an illiterate parent.   In 2017 the Indian government asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India, and paralysis rates dropped precipitously.  The case is now in India's Supreme Court.

Who's WHO
The most frightening polio epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan and the Philippines are linked to vaccination programs and they all went ahead with the backing of the WHO and its UN agency UNICEF assigned with the responsibility to protect children, and PATH, all which Bill Gates funds and controls.
Bill Gates owns and controls the WHO.  His Foundation is second only to the USA in being the biggest funder of the WHO (which the President has now de-funded).  Gates gave the WHO more than $200 million in 2018.  Another way he finances the WHO is through GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) which he controls, he gave that an additional $150 million in 2018 and he also funded the establishment of the Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation, CEPI, which researches and develops vaccines. His beneficiaries are Pfizer, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi Aventis.   Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that makes vaccines, donating $50 million to twelve drug companies for a Coronavirus vaccine.  
Scientists have known since the 1970's that sterilization without consent was being done under the name of 'family planning'.  The WHO research program on developing vaccines for population control began in 1972. A study was published in 1976.  Tetanus vaccines are not normally given in five doses. They have been, however, when used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines containing the pregnancy hormone HCG - which the WHO developed in 1992.  After denying the charges that came after those Catholics raised the accusations and got the proof, the WHO admitted to developing vaccines with sterility agents in them for over a decade.   And in 2017 the WHO reluctantly admitted that the worldwide explosion of polio was predominantly caused by a vaccine strain.  By 2018, 70% of cases in the world indeed were.   And now we know that the polio vaccine used a specific strain and that strain was found to have caused a major polio epidemic worldwide.  

ID 2020
His activities are not limited to health aspects, he monopolizes technology and the media as well.  He wants everyone on the planet to have a Digital Identity, ID 2020, for people  to "identify themselves across borders" and their personal data is controllable, called "digital immunity proof".  The founding companies are Gates' company Microsoft, GAVI, the management consultancy Accenture and the Rockefeller Foundation.  Google and Apple are cooperating in providing a Corona app that he wants everyone to download on their mobile phones to "identify Covid-19 infected persons".  The Gates Foundation funds the established media, Germany's magazine Der Spiegel got $2.5 million in December 2018 and  Die Zeit got $300,000 in December 2019. He is given attention by the media using Covid-19 as a pretext to accelerate his plans to force vaccinations on 7 billion people and dictate global health policy with technology  - Gates's Globalist Vaccination Agenda.   The Digital Identity Alliance has been cooperating with the government of Bangladesh to introduce digital ID since September 2019 to provide digital ID with vaccines.    Gates teamed up with DAARPA (who make bioweapons). Injectable DNA-altering technology does exist and is being used.  The ploy was to scare the world with a threat of a catastrophe, numbers of dead coming, and the only way to stop it is to isolate people from other humans, vaccinate and chip them and impose a Chinese-type surveillance state.  

Bill has lawsuits against him
The Gates Foundation HAVE been sued by governments around the world - India (the Supreme Court), where he has a lawsuit pending, and Kenya, the Philippines and more.   

Exposed by Robert F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposed Bill Gates's vaccination programs, calling for an investigation.  In his article he lists the whole series of abuses in projects that Gates supported.  Kennedy's organisation "Children's Health Defense" URGENTLY WARNS AGAINST A GATES VACCINE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CORONA CRISIS -  Bill Gates and the depopulation agenda   (Global Research 18th April 2020, biotechnology and GMO, crimes against humanity, science and medicine).  He explained how African children are used as guinea pigs.  Recently he talked about Dr Fauci, family history and the JFK assassination.  Site for Children's Health Defense him on Instagram: @robertfkennedyjr

We do not consent, and were never asked
There is a lot of media buzz about a mandatory vaccine and reports that there is 'something very different Covid-19 and our bodies cannot develop immunity to that virus'.  If that's the case then a vaccine would be totally useless if vaccination - immunization - is supposed to trigger our body to create immunity.   It would then be entirely irrational to even develop a Covid-19 vaccine, much less give it to people for immunization.   We hear a lot of media chatter about how mandatory vaccines are coming for Covid-19.  It is as though they are testing us to see if we will object.  We are objecting. 

How can you tell somebody we're going to force you to take a medication you don't want to take? said Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently. After World War II we signed a Treaty in the Nuremberg Charter, because physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on prisoners without their permission.  They were testing medications on people, without their consent.  We signed the UN Charter of Human Rights. Modern scientists overwhelmingly reject the use of results from these experiments, they constitute a war crime.  Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code states that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential, without intervention by force.  And that includes fraud, deceit, duress, or other form of constraint or coercion.  It states that the person should have sufficient knowledge to make a decision.  And we know vaccines cause injury, the Vaccine Court has paid out $4 billion in compensation.   
Bill Gates has publicly identified vaccinations as a means of achieving one of his personal goals: to reduce population.  He is on record for that. His father was the head of Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates is not a doctor, and has no formal medical education. Bill Gates has publicly advocated that his vaccinations be taken by everyone in the world.  Bill Gates shares companies with other billionaires who have also stated a desire for global depopulation.  If someone wanted to harm you, the ideal way is to inject something into your body.   We know many vaccines have toxins,  carcinogens, DNA altering materials, sterility causing agents, and now RFID identifiers...and who knows what else because they don't tell us.  The person giving you the injection has no idea what undisclosed agent is in the vaccine, and they have no way of even finding out.  The pharmaceutical industry has lobbied for and received immunity laws that prevent you from receiving any compensation from the drug industry for the harm they caused with their vaccine.  The vaccine industry would not have wanted immunity unless it knew it was harming people.  Now that the vaccine industry is not liable for the harm that they do they have no incentive to make their products safe, and once you have taken their vaccine, that product cannot be recalled. There is a very high risk of allowing yourself to be injected with something.  Whenever there is risk, you have the right of refusal.  Because you have the right to guard your life and safety.  If something may not be safe you have the right to refuse it.  There may be some people in government or the medical industry who are so stupid, corrupt or evil that they do not realize or care that you have the right to refuse vaccination for yourself and your children.  If that is the case, they are a real problem. Every one of is the sole authority over what is injected into our bodies and no medical treatment may be given to us without our consent.  If we cannot control what goes into our own bodies then there is no such thing as individual rights and the state and Bill Gates can simply dispose of people in any way they want.  So let's get prepared.  The first thing we must do is state our position clearly and on the record to those people who administer vaccines.   There are two free download documents  The first document is a requirement that all medical service and vaccine providers sign for YOU. 

Here is Gates disclosing on CNBC that the vaccine that he wants to put out there could kill, affect or maim 700,000 people...but the worst part about it is he says it with a smile?    
Dr Fauci, and Melinda and Bill Gates should all be in jail for the rest of their lives for crimes against humanity and the jail should be CROWDED with these people.  Bill needs to be jailed for being a domestic terrorist and have his bank accounts frozen.  Exposing Bill Gates's crimes  More on the Gates's Crime Record

COVID stands for Certificate of Vaccination Identity

10 Best Bill Gates (Genocidal Maniac) images | Bill gates, This or ...
Second only to the United States government in funding, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second largest donor to the World Health Organisation. The Gates's contributed almost $327 million to it. Bill Gates funds the NIH, the CDC, and the UN, and funded the Pirbright Institute that holds the patent for the Coronavirus vaccine.  Bill and his Gates Foundation also funded the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and malaria of which Dr Deborah Birx is a board member.  The Gates Foundation is known for fraudulent misuse of funds.  Gates sponsored Even 201 and he also funds an 'educational' service to the BBC, who broadcast drone footage of mass graves in New York while talking about Covid19.   It is old footage from 2017 on Hart Island, of unclaimed bodies of prisoners who did labouring. At a TED Conference in 2010 Bill Gates gave a speech called "Innovating to Zero!" which was about reducing man-made CO2 emissions (a ruse to build the smart grid via 5G) to zero. Gates declared there were too many people, 6.8 billion headed up to about 9 billion.  Quoting what he said at that lecture: "If we do a really great job on new vaccinations, healthcare, reproductive healthcare we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15%".  That's talking about having less people because of 'vaccination'.   Older vaccinations that targeted developing nations have already killed a lot of people in Africa and India and left many women in India sterile.  And now he is saying that unless we have mass vaccinations we might never be able to gather together in groups ever again and he wants to have a vaccine for the entire world.  Did he vaccinate his own children?  No. Gates REFUSED to have his own children vaccinated. The Gates's family's personal physician in Seattle, speaking behind closed doors at a symposium from where someone leaked the conversation, said: "I can point blank tell you he refused to have them vaccinated as children"  "I can point blank tell you he refused to have them vaccinated as children"
Gates is a Bilderberg attender and eugenics madman.    A historian exposes Bill Gates's ties to the Nazis and more.  Eugenics ('of noble birth')  believes in cultivating a master race of 'noble' bloodlines because 'some people are a burden on the rest'.  Eugenics became an academic discipline in universities early in the 20th Century, gaining public support for their organisations.  The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and the Cold Spring Harbour Institute rejected the idea that all humans are born equal.  Planned Parenthood was formed by eugenicist Margaret Sanger.  President of IBM Thomas Watson established a subsidiary in Poland called Watson Business Machines to assist in the Nazi invasion of Poland and IBM managed their operations from their headquarters in New York. The Nazis were admonished for war crimes but not Thomas Watson and he passed IBM on to his son, and Thomas Watson's granddaughter ended up marrying Margaret Sanger's grandson.   Bill Gates's father worked at the board for Planned Parenthood and his mother worked at the corporate board for IBM.  It was THIS which Bill partnered with to create Microsoft.  Bill Gates has NO medical background yet went on to become the world's foremost pusher of vaccines and population control.  This is a quote from what Anthony S. Fauci in January 2017 told a crowd at Georgetown University: that "there would be a 'challenge' in the coming administration, in the arena of infectious diseases..." and he added "but also there will be a surprise outbreak".     In October 2019 Bill Gates sponsored Event 201, the simulation that estimated 65 million people would die from Coronavirus.  In November 2013 the Pirbright Institute - funded by Bill Gates - was granted European patent number EP3172319B1 for Coronavirus vaccine or vaccine composition "of the invention that may be used to treat a human".  Dr Fauci says this virus "might keep coming back" and he says "the ultimate game-changer in this will be a vaccine".    This was a quote from Henry Kissinger: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries."   The CDC itself in a federal court admitted it does not have studies to support the claim that vaccines do not cause autism.  A top UN scientist admitted that vaccines are killing people.   But genocidal maniac Kissinger and psychopath Gates are calling for mass vaccinations and global governance by a One World government.  "Things are going very well, things like producing childhood death" - Bill Gates.  He just flat out said it.  They don't even hide it and were never hiding it.

There is another clip of Bill Gates from "TED", he is talking about having certificates for who is vaccinated and who is not.  And there is a sentence in it that was edited out, which said: "So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up".  A "Digital Certificate". 
Facui, Gates and Kissinger need military trials and quick execution before they execute all of US.