Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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10 reasons not to get a Covid test

1.  Distress, injury and death
Emotional distress, receiving tragic news, seeing blood or having blood withdrawn, witnessing something terrifying, bodily changes, heat exhaustion, all these can cause a reaction known as "vasovagal syndrome".  So can shoving a long piece of plastic deep into the back of your nose practically into your brain.  It isn't just a cotton swab, it is a hard piece of plastic.  The vagus is the tenth and the longest cranial nerve that arises from the medulla in the brain and connects to other locations in the central nervous system.  When that plastic thing is pushed in deep inside the nostril for the PCR test, when it gets to the soft and hard palate it can activate the vagus nerve. Directly stimulating the vagus nerve can bring on vasovagal syndrome.  This is a response reflex, where the body's natural immune response malfunctions because it is tricked into thinking it is being attacked by a dangerous invader. Dr Shawn Nasseri, an ear nose and throat surgeon in Los Angeles said the resultant sneezing it triggers in some people is to rid the body of anything unwanted. This is a primitive response to protect you from running out of oxygen, and may cause fainting episodes, a lady named Jane Pauw described how she had to crawl to get herself some water, believing it was Covid but her doctor said she had a vasovagal reaction.  She said it felt like she was being cleaned from behind her eyeball leading to an hour long headache.  Penetrating the thin membrane of the nasal passage by hard plastic swabs often damages the vagus nerve - that is exactly what is being done in the PCR tests.  It's been described as feeling like it is digging into your brain by people who have had them, and has brought on headache, dizziness, fainting - even death.   The vagus nerve controls the larynx, ear, heart, lungs and digestive system and vasovagal syndrome can be preceded by pallor, a rapid drop in blood pressure, a weak pulse, a slowing of the heart, blurred or tunnel vision, nausea, light-headedness and a cold clammy sweat, and yawning due to lack of oxygen in the blood, according to the Mayo Clinic; you may feel hot and overheated even in a cool place.  The heart and brain has become deprived of oxygen. Those with a compromised immune system or stressful lifestyle will be more severely impacted.  Vasovagal syndrome is accompanied by a fever, cough and general malaise.  A woman explained how all the staff in her office got so-called 'Covid'.  It was mostly a fever and she only had a cough but her husband got really sick.   First they got the test and then they all got sick.  Before the test everyone was fine and not sick at all.  It was only after the Covid 'positive' test that they were sick.  They had no idea how they got it, they had been isolating, keeping their distance, and wearing masks.  The common denominator was the test, which was the cause.  Her husband was sick for about a week and continued to get worse.  They took him to hospital where he spent eight days in Intensive Care.  The moment he stepped into the hospital he was a dead man, with his age and pre-existing health conditions combined with the concoction of dangerous experimental drugs they gave him then putting him on lethal a ventilator.  He passed away the day before Christmas. Here is the full account  The verdict is vasovagal syndrome caused by stimulation or damage of the vagus nerve, not by a virus.  Combine that with the fear that people have of this 'deadly plague'.   Fear alone causes vasovagal reactions.  All this fear porn in the News is causing acute stress.  They fear that millions are dying and they can't step outside their door and must stay away from their family because they going to drop dead of a plague because obviously they are getting the test. Emotional stress can cause vasovagal syncope due to a drop in cardiac output causing cerebral hypo-perfusion...and it's causing pain and discomfort and possibly a vasovagal reaction depriving the brain of oxygen which drops the blood pressure, and the plastic thing hitting the back of the nose tricking the body into having an immune response to a foreign object is going to produce vomiting, fever, congestion, and inflammation in the bronchi, the lungs! Causing difficulty in breathing! Exactly what's happening, why people are sick, and why the woman whose husband died was fooled into believing her husband died of a plague.  The authorities need to be held accountable for this absolute fraud and mass murder.  This has been well-researched and they know it, they are complicit. By doctors' own admissions the reactions are not due to the so-called virus.  A plague does not pick a single business in one household to infect and then ignore the surrounding businesses and skip over to a different neighbourhood that took the test.  DO NOT TAKE THE TEST.  If the test doesn't kill you, you will be put on the list to be permanently tracked for life due to contact tracing, since the test gives a 'positive' almost every time, even though it has nothing to actually test for, and then you believe Covid exists.   Even the inventor of the PCR test himself said that it could not be used to test for a virus.   The test can find anything that you want if you multiply the particles many many times - even if nothing is really there.  The process is known as amplification.   With that and the fact that the ventilators are also causing deaths, most people who go to hospital for Covid are not likely to walk out again.

2.  DNA Retention
The UK passed a law quietly that they will be retaining people's DNA as well as their fingerprints after they have tested for this scam virus.  The reason why is this nefarious government has intentions to create an artificial copy You.  You are the natural sovereign being.  In their NWO dream they want to make a simulation of You with your DNA, fingerprint, facial recognition and persona data that they have collected through Facebook and other social media.  The government has technology - which they are not releasing to the surface population - that allows them to track your bloodline and lineage and different versions of You through multiple timelines and multiple parallel realities.  So many people won't be able to get their heads round that if they are still not believing in the concept of reincarnation, due to religious teaching. Religion right now is one of the strongholds that is keeping the collective from ascending because it does not teach the idea of reincarnation. Reincarnation is factual. Behind closed doors they are compiling this information keeping tabs of certain people, profiling them and connecting them through different timelines so they are able to identify who are the galactic races on this planet that are a threat to this NWO agenda, so they can identify dissidents and light workers who will stop them.  In due time the galactics will force them to release this technology.  It will put an end to religion.

3.  Vaccination
These nasal swabs are a are a form of vaccination.  They can release star-shaped micro devices into your nasal cavity, nano bot technology, and target the brain.

There have been strange fibres found coming off of them causing a Morgellon's condition on the skin.  Former FEMA whistle blower Celeste Solum explains that the PCR test is implanting a microchip.

4.  Ethylene Oxide
The swabs contain ethylene oxide, a cancer causing substance which raises the risk of lymphoma and leukaemia.  Ethylene oxide is the worst cancer causing substance there is, and this fact is admitted by the National Cancer Institute

5.  DAARPA hydrogel
These tests are leaving hollow tubes in the human body that contain DAARPA hydrogel.  This is a very advanced biological weapon that  can turn people into controllable bio robots.  It's a substance that creates a converter between the electromagnetic signal and living cells, tissue and organs.  Under microscopic examination of these seemingly innocent looking swabs, they are not cotton (which doesn't break off and stab people in the nose), but instead what were seen were jagged shards coming out that looked like Plexiglas shards which lodge their way into flesh and break off.  They did a demonstration, they rubbed a chunk of meat with one of these swabs only lightly, yet what they are doing on the membrane inside kids' and adults' noses is much more rough than this.  When they zoomed in on this piece of meat after the experiment, shards were seen sticking out of the flesh. The experiment was called "Analysis of test sticks from surface testing in the Slovak Republic - confirmation of genocide" and was performed in November 2020 and March 2021 in a laboratory in Bratislava, Slovakia, named "5D Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal".  They were swabs used in Slovakia and in hospitals.  It has not been verified if this experiment and its claims are a hoax or not but the document showed microscopic imaging of nylon hollow fibres, the tips of these fibres coming out from the swab, and said that this test can be verified by anyone with a standard school microscope and a test microscope and mentioned "broken shaped ends" that disrupt the epithelium of the mucosa and leaks in this fibre content which is DAARPA hydrogel, nylon fibres and lithium, and claims that the threads are patented by DAARPA.  The caption reads "DAARPA hydrogel beads form the content of hollow nylon fibres".  In their experiment, the effect of DAARPA hydrogel on human blood cells resulted in a total massacre of the red blood cells, and forms blood clots within a few seconds. We have been hearing a lot about blood clots in the media. These are causing blood clots, strokes, neurological damage and people are reporting losing their sense of smell and taste. The study showed that when DAARPA hydrogel hydrogel comes into contact with saliva, the hydrogel forms rectangular crystal structures that grow in a fractal manner when they added saliva to the hydrogels - reportedly.  They added the saliva of someone who overcame Covid naturally and who had antibodies, and it caused disintegration of the hydrogel crystal structures.  And the next image was of hydrogels applied with Ivermectin, and it resulted in complete and permanent destruction of the DAARPA hydrogel crystal structures.  If you have allowed yourself to take this PCR test, the solution to destroying the DAARPA hydrogel is to take Ivermectin.  Doctors have discovered that Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medicine that completely destroys the DAARPA hydrogel in your system.  Notice the war on Ivermectin, how the WHO and mainstream have attacked it.

6.  Lithium
That Slovakian report claims they contain lithium.  It appears that lithium has several capabilities, it is an element that can be used for energy and it is a compound used to treat schizophrenia and bi-polar manic depressive disorder.  It really dulls the emotions, and it has an impact on people's way of thinking.  We have heard them say in the News "Scientists say we need to add lithium to the water to reduce suicides and violent crimes".    The swabs (with the hydrogel beads) are being used as a drug delivery system, then.  Lithium is highly toxic to the pineal gland and can block it, and in higher doses, completely destroy it.   Ivermectin gets rid of the lithium too.  Micron sized colloidal silver is another solution too.

7.  Attacks pineal gland
When people allow these substances to be inserted up their nose with these swabs they are not aware of the damage it is causing to their pineal gland.  So the shrapnels lodging in the blood-brain bind to tissue and replicate once they come into contact with body fluids, and keep growing throughout the tissues.  These fractal shapes that start forming in the tissues are conductive due to the lithium in them and transmit signals to the cells. They act as nano antennae and they start growing in the direction of the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field.  The pineal gland is responsible for  creativity and all higher brain activity, intuition, psychic abilities, and produces serotonin, a hormone of happiness.  The dark ones are trying to block people's ascension.  The pineal gland responds to magnetic fields, and is highly activated during the ascension time.  

8.  You might as well inhale asbestos
An experimental physicist and bio materials researcher examined various PCR swabs under a microscope and found that the ingredients the fibres contain include silver, aluminium, titanium and glass fibres, which are NOT declared on the PCR test package insert and are harmful if they get stuck in the mucus membrane, and that a cocktail of ingredients in the test are as dangerous as inhaling asbestos

9.  Child slave labour
Here's how the little sticks people are shoving up their nose to 'test for Covid' are being packed up, by little children in India

10.  The test is unreliable
The 'test' is useless.  The  PCR test is far from being a reliable means of testing and is designed to give false positives. It was never originally designed to test for a virus
Every single person, in the UK and around the world, stop taking the PCR test NOW.  Take them all to your local police station and show them the evidence from Slovakia.  Do not consent to this testing.

Covid-19 does not exist

This entire Covid deception is truly being exposed for its absence of scientific or medical evidence to support it based on the fact that this virus has not even been isolated! Science demands that viruses be isolated in a laboratory and adhere to the Koch's Postulates very stringent list of requirements before they can be deemed to be viruses to validate that a virus exists.  From a medical standpoint, those with experience who are qualified have told us that there is no one "Coronavirus", there are many. Several are responsible for the common cold, and 14% of them are responsible for influenza.  It is any of these viruses that are picked up in the antigen tests, and these tests do not detect a specific "SARS-COV-2" virus claimed to be the sole cause of a disease they are calling "Covid-19".  Medical professionals say there are in fact no studies or documents from government and non-government agencies such as the CDC that indicate that SARS-COV-2 has been isolated.  There is one paper from pubmed arguing in a desperately tight circle using the PCR test as evidence for SARS-CoV-2 infection in a patient. That PCR tests are useless has already been exposed by international scientists and experts, many call this a PCR-test pandemic, not a Covid pandemic, they are used to create fear not to diagnose; very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive.  The abstract cites characteristics of viruses of the family Coronaviridae.  They found a coronavirus that looks like a coronavirus. The abstract cites genome sequencing of the viral isolate showed greater than 99.99% sequence identity with other publicly available SARS-COV-2 genomes.  They found a coronavirus never before been isolated that 99.99% plus looks like other publicly available genomes of the same coronavirus never before isolated.  Here is legal proof of this FRAUD.  Earlier than October of 2020 a group of investigators as part of their legal action demanded evidence from the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) in South Dublin, Ireland, that a virus for Covid-19 actually exists, to provide proof that it been scientifically isolated and they could not.  These people also demanded in their court case evidence that lockdowns actually had any impact on the containment of viruses.  They also demanded that they provide evidence that face masks are safe and that they do deter the spread of viruses.  No such studies exist.  They had been asking for evidence that 'social distancing' is based in science.  It isn't, it's made up.  They have been asking for evidence that contact tracing has any bearing on containing the spread of a virus. It doesn't.  They have been asking NPHET. Gemma O'Doherty speaking for her legal action investigation team that are working to expose the lies about Covid-19, went outside of the Department of Health's offices on Baggot Street in South Dublin and put the question to NPHET and Tony Holoham who had headed the organisation, and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre's Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, and asked them for proof of the existence of the virus SAR-COV-2 that is said to be responsible for Covid-19.  She went back there at Christmas time, again to ask WHY had they refused to provide an answer to the Freedom of Information request that they put in several months ago asking if the Department of Health could provide proof that the virus SARS-COV-2 Covid-19 actually exists, if it has been isolated in a laboratory - and they live streamed it.  This live stream got a huge amount of attraction from all around the country  By failing to provide a response to the question within the deadline they have broken the legislation pertaining to the Freedom of Information request.  They have been forced to admit that the Covid-19 virus DOES NOT EXIST.  The morning after this live the stream Gemma received a letter in the post dated 23rd December 2020 from Sinead Roche the Freedom of Information Decision Maker speaking for the HSE, giving the answer that was expected that they would have to give, proving that the virus "Covid-19" does not exist!  The "virus" does not adhere to any of the requirements of the Koch's Postulates.  The question put to them was: "We have requested a full accurate and complete list of records held by the HSE or under the authority of the HSE which describe the isolation of the SARS-COV-2 virus Coronavirus, Covid-19, taken directly from a symptomatic patient with Covid-19 where the sample was not combined or mixed with any other source of genetic material such as for example monkey kidney cells or cancer cells thereby eliminating contamination as a possible source alternative".  And this is the response to that request in the letter from the HSE: "FOLLOWING CONSULTATION WITH MY COLLEAGUES BOTH FROM THE SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL AREAS OF THE HPSE I CAN CONFIRM THAT WE WOULD HOLD NO RECORDS IN RELATION TO YOUR REQUEST.  THESE ARE THE REASONABLE STEPS I HAVE TAKEN TO ASCERTAIN THE WHEREABOUTS OF EXISTENCE OF SUCH RECORDS AND FORTUNATELY I MUST INFORM YOU THAT HAVING UNDERTAKEN THESE SEARCHES, WE WERE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE RECORDS IN QUESTION.  I AM SATISFIED THAT ALL REASONABLE STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO LOCATE THE RECORDS THAT YOU HAVE REQUESTED AND I MUST REFUSE THEREFORE YOUR REQUEST. They go on to say: "THE RECORD CONCERNED DOES NOT EXIST" and they outlined that sentence in yellow.  Then more verbiage, telling you they can refuse on administrative grounds to grant your request because the requester was too vague about their request, or they don't need to prove the existence of the virus because it's "been found to be circulating and did not create any relevant records", or because a head to whom a Freedom of Information request is made may refuse to grant the request where the record concerned does not exist or cannot be found after all reasonable steps to ascertain its whereabouts have been taken. Then why can't they find it? A virus that deadly they've shoved it down our throats for ten months, shouldn't they be able to find record of it? There is nothing vague in the request "Does the virus SARS-CoV-2 exist?"  Clear, specific.  "The record concerned does not exist".  There's your answer.  This is proof that you need to cite now.  Businesses have been ruined, people's lives have been devastated by this FRAUD.  Children have been traumatised en masse being made to feel they are to blame for the "painful tortured death of their parents/grandparents" if they don't wash their hands with corrosive gel constantly or stay away from their grandparents.  This is a MASSIVE crime against humanity.  Now is the time to unite and collectively file class action lawsuits and TAKE BACK all your liberties and freedoms because these demon rats won't hand them to you, they're going to fight this to the end.  They are in it to win and enslave humanity and you cannot sit back and allow them to continue to infringe upon all your basic rights including your right to breathe fresh air.  Share this message and the video.  More business owners can unite and collectively file class action lawsuits, they are very effective and you are going to win big in the court.  You can also collect a lot of money for the loss that you have incurred during this entire scamdemic. In Germany a group of tort lawyers led by Dr Reiner Fuellmich have banded together explaining how under the rules of civil tort law companies, self-employed and employed persons harmed by lockdown and PCR-test-induced quarantines are entitled to full compensation.  File lawsuits against police headquarters and public officials implementing these unscientific measures. Hit them back where it hurts, in their pocket, livelihood and reputation.  They have been acting unscrupulously with seemingly no checks on how much they can enforce these lawless mandates. They must be sued for civil damages. It's about time people fight back and hold them legally accountable for what they have done.

Doctors worldwide warn Covid vaccine is not safe

Silenced doctors from all over the world speak out about the Covid vaccine.  Doctors from all over the world warn that the Covid vaccine is not safe and should be refused.   Share, download and re-upload this video. It is banned by YouTube and Facebook.  Each and every one of these doctors confirm NO additional deaths higher than in the average year have occurred in 2020 in relation to a new disease, there is no real medical global pandemic, there hasn't been a clear definition of any new disease against which to test a vaccine so one is unnecessary, there has not been enough time to develop one, and the Covid vaccine is neither proven safe nor effective - ALL affirmed by Dr Andrew Kauffman a Medical Doctor and Forensic Psychiatrist and the following doctors. As well as stating that Covid is not a real medical epidemic and the Covid vaccines are not safe or effective, each had their own additional statements:   

Dr Hilde de Smet, M.D. from Belgium  affirms that for almost 20 years the pharmaceutical industry has been trying to develop Corona vaccines but never succeeded because in animal trials they saw serious side effects and autoimmune disorders that we might get as we will be the guinea pigs. 

Dr Nils R Fosse, M.D. from Norway urges you to do your own research. This vaccine is a totally new technology tested on a few thousands of people in a few months.  

Dr Elizabeth Evans, retired M.D. and Co-Founder of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance warns that these vaccines being recklessly rolled out to millions of people are experimental, using a completely new mRNA technology when there's only limited short-term safety data and NO long-term safety data to rule out late onset autoimmune diseases, infertility and cancers.

Dr Mohammed Adil, Medical Doctor and Consultant Surgeon from the UK, 30 years in the NHS with an unblemished record, announces the World Doctors Alliance recently formed by thousands of health professionals across the world and their webinar, viewed by millions of people.

Dr Vernon Coleman, GP from the UK had his 50 year career and reputation trashed in 2020 because doctors are not allowed to publicly question Covid-19. Material and videos by doctors presenting the truth about the alleged disease and the vaccine have been censored or banned. The principle of informed consent is essential in medicine, but patients now having vaccines can't give informed consent because they aren't being informed. Dr Coleman put out this urgent news about the Covid vaccine with this report

Professor Dolores Cahill, Molecular Biologist and Immunologist from Ireland affirms there's never been a licence for a vaccine not because there haven't been many clinical trials, but because there were many adverse effects and deaths in the animals that were used in studies over the past 20 years. Covid symptoms can be treated very successfully and safely with Vitamins D, C and Zinc with no need for quarantines, social distancing, masks or vaccination. 

Dr R Zac Cox, Holistic Dentist and Homeopath of the UK, founder member of the World Doctor's Alliance, believes that this pandemic is fundamentally over and was so in the summer. As there's no long-term safety data, having these vaccines experimented on us is against the Nuremburg Code.

Dr Anna Forbes, M.D. from the UK represents the UK Medical Freedom Alliance, the growing body of doctors, scientists and lawyers calling for the preservation of informed consent, medical choice and bodily autonomy.  They believe this has been an overestimation of the SARS-COV-2 public health risk by misrepresentation of data and inappropriate use of the PCR test. 

Dr Ralph E R Sunberg, MD., PhD, of Sweden, former professor in transplant surgery, does not trust this vaccine or the inaccurate PCR test which causes so many false positives.

Dr Johan Denis, MD., and Homeopath, Belgium, rejects the extreme disproportionate measures taken by governments for a fake pandemic orchestrated to make you fearful enough to take a vaccine, which he'll never give to himself, his family nor to his patients. In terms of mortality and transmissibility, Coronavirus is comparable to a seasonal flu.  There is no hurry or emergency.  The vaccine has been developed too quickly.  It needs much more investigation. We have no idea what the long-term effects will be, it might possibly change your DNA. This is irreversible and irreparable for all future generations.  

Dr Daniel Cullum, Chiropractor of Oklahoma, USA, would not take or recommend this vaccine because there is no safe vaccine.  Period.  

Moritz von der Borch, Medical Journalist from Germany urges you not to take this vaccine, this vaccine is dangerous, this pandemic is a fraud. 

Dr Anne Fiarlafijn, M.D. from Belgium specialist in chronic infectious diseases such as Lyme, Epstein Barr, moulds etc., advises you to do your own research, don't let the media manipulate you, stand up for your freedom and your children's future and don't give in to anxiety and governmental control under the false pretext of a virus. The Corona measures caused far more collateral damage than the virus itself. The numbers of cases worldwide are falsely represented to drive the population to obedient behaviour and vaccination.  It is unacceptable that all liabilities have been waived for the companies that are producing a vaccine that hasn't been proven safe. If Big Pharma does not take responsibility for the products they make how can they expect doctors to inject them into their patients without doubt of doing harm?   

Dr Tom Cowan, M.D. from the USA Health does not come from the injection of toxins into the body.

Dr Kevin P Corbett, retired nurse and health scientist from the UK states that the vaccines use synthetic products that will alter your genes, allow monitoring of  your vaccination status, and produce dangerous chemicals. Scientists are demanding that all Covid vaccinations be immediately stopped. The real epidemic is hysteria that started in China and was spread by the WHO. Corporations profited from selling fast-tracked dangerous vaccines and fatally flawed tests like the PCR that was never examined properly by the UK's NHS and should never have been used either on the sick or those with no symptoms. To read about the flaws in the PCR tests see the Corman-Drosten Review ReportStandard precautions to protect the public, the Phase 3 tests that vaccines undergo, have been disregarded.

Dr Carrie Madei, M.D. from the USA runs her own clinic and has been medical director of two different clinics and a physician for medical students for the last 19 years, and will not take the Covid vaccine nor recommend it to her patients. The PCR tests were never created to diagnose any infection and are not the way we should be diagnosing. Doctors and hospitals are getting financial incentives to diagnose Covid-19. Multiple lab errors all over the world are giving false positives. Dr Madei's alarm call to the world is this is an experimentation on us because they are proposing to use modified messenger RNA or modified DNA, synthetic to the human body, and in addition nanolipid technology, nanotechnology. This is the first time this will ever be launched on the human race.  

Dr Barre Lando, physician from the USA, has treated many vaccine damaged children and highly cautions anyone considering taking the Covid vaccine due to the lack of proper testing and spurious conditions around the alleged pandemic.

Kate Shemirani, natural nurse from the UK, believes the government should be arrested for possible genocide.

Sandy Lunge pharmacist from Norway focuses on two safety issues:  1) The vaccines carry the risk of immune enhancement - instead of protecting against infection, vaccinating a person who is infected with a virus can actually make the disease worse. 2) In the UK the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency has made an urgent request: "The MHRA urgently seeks an artificial intelligence software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine adverse drug reactions".

Boris Dragin, acupuncturist from Sweden, has been running a clinic for over 40 years and suggests that our 'leaders' should take this toxic mix. You'd have to be completely mad to accept an untested experimental vaccine from a criminal manufacturer that profits enormously from pressuring people to take it, no insurance company would dare insure it. This fake pandemic is an assault on our human rights, freedoms and societies.  

Dr Piotr Rubas, M.D. from Poland, asserts that every new vaccine has to undergo clinical trials for a period of at least five years, and would not subject his body to an unknown substance when the mortality rate of Coronavirus is similar to death from a seasonal influenza virus. 

Dr Natalia Prego Cancelo, M.D. from Spain - vaccine not proven safe or effective, not a real pandemic

Dr Rashid Buttar, M.D. from USA reminds you to stand up, continue to fight and speak out, regardless of what's going on around you, especially for your children  

Dr Nour de San, M.D. from Belgium knows that anyone who has worked on vaccinations knows that it requires time, and the problem is they want us to believe it was possible to develop a vaccine in less than a year against a new disease using new adjuvant technologies, and they're doing it on such a huge scale, not planning to just vaccinate the target population but nearly every person on earth. 

Dr Kelly Brogan, M.D. from the USA  Vaccination has relied on corrupt science and suppression of truth to get people's consent. But with this Covid vaccine we've reached a point where the truth of the transhumanist agenda is there for all to see. Will you trust eugenicist technocrats that want to strip you of your own humanity, with your health? Vaccination is penetration of the body, mind and spirit by the state.  

Professor Konstantin Pavlidis, Metaphicist, UK, a professor of cognitive science, a biomedical researcher and an integrated healthcare practitioner in London, explained that there are four stages of infection: 1) asymptomatic 2) developmental  3) the manifestation of symptoms when the virus convinces the T cells that it's not an invader and hacks into the immune system 4) the decline of the virus's presence where it is undetectable by tests and not present in the body's fluids. The viral DNA becomes part of the DNA's host immune cells. So for this reason no Covid tests are truly accurate and no produced vaccine either as it tricks the immune system into reacting as if there were a real viral attack. Monocytes are triggered to access the immune memory cells. This can produce symptoms like chronic fatigue, muscular contractions or mental health disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies, all side effects of the vaccine's influence.  

Dr Sherri Tenpenny, M.D. from the USA affirms that when they developed this it was under the umbrella of the 2005 PREP Act that gave them complete liability protection. You can't sue them if this vaccine harms you.  They have been trying to develop a Coronavirus vaccine since 2002 since we had SARS, and every animal study they've done, on rats, rabbits, particularly ferrets whose immune system most mimics the human adult's, all the animals ended up with very high antibody levels which accelerated the infection and made it much worse. Pieces of the virus migrated into the cell and incorporated into the DNA of the recipient of the vaccine via a process called "transduction" which puts that snip of virus into your DNA irreversibly and transforms your cells.

Senta Depuvdt, Journalist from Belgium who represents the Children's Health Defence in Europe with Robert Kennedy Junior, wants to alert you to the fact that the Covid vaccines are an experimental product based on injecting genetic material into our cells.  The risks are unknown. In April the Pandemic Accelerator Act of the European Union gave vaccine producers a free pass.  On 15th July the European Parliament agreed to remove the need for risk evaluation requested under the GMO regulations. That decision was made in ten days. No scientific reports, no hearings in the health commission, no debates, no amendments. The Children's Health Defence has asked for the annulment of this decision in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.  Legislators abandoned caution and put blind faith in a dangerous experiment. Please share this information. 

De Heiko Santelmann, M.D. from Germany now working in Norway, having researched for 30 years, the last 10 years focusing on vaccines, agrees with the British Medical Journal that the Covid testing is not done honestly. It's only 0.2% accurate. Dr Santelmann asks why did Gates and his terrorists spend billions to develop vaccines that can sterilise men, women and even unborn children? 

Dr Margareta Griesz-Brisson, Neurologist from Germanyuniform and forceful medical measures are unethical and cannot be implemented on a defenceless population, neither as tests nor as vaccines. Any medical intervention such as these can only be implemented ethically and legally if they are based on individual consideration and well-informed patient consent, with clinical evidence of harmlessness beyond doubt.

Dr Mikael Nordfors M.D. from Sweden working with integrative medicine - to give an untested vaccine to all of humanity and use them as guinea pigs is complete madness and must stop now. The safest most effective vaccine is Vitamin D which can reduce mortality between 50-95%

Dr Elke F de Klerk M.D. from Holland wants to inform you that this vaccine could: 1) sterilise women and girls 2) cause a viral interference and a cytokine storm, very dangerous for your health, seen in animal testing and in humans 3) change your genetic blueprint forever. 

In an interview this doctor, Dr Elke, states that it contains something that causes a 70% antibody reaction and a second injection can bring on anaphylactic reaction, she warned about viral interference systems and then there's the nanoparticles.  Dr Elke stated that Holland's health minister sent a letter to the Dutch parliament on 16th November 2020 which stated that there are nanoparticles, nanolipids (LLD) in this vaccine and it's patented by Bill Gates.  Dr Elke has seen articles about the nasal Covid tests and warns not to take tests because it's also a vaccination. And she stated that in the Great Game India newspaper there is an article the Coronavirus vaccine trial was stopped after participants tested positive for HIV and so the vaccine has been scrapped in Australia.

And lets not forget Dr Judy Mikovits

Vaccine Ingredients 

Here's wha's listed on the packaging of AstraZeneca's Covid "solution for injection":-  "ChAdOx1-S (recombinant)".  says:

"AbstractBackground: ChAdOx1-S n-Cov-19 is a recombinant adenovirus candidate against SARS-Cov-2.  Although replication defective in normal cells, 28kbp of adenovirus genes are delivered to the cell nucleus alongside the SARS-COV-2 glycoprotein gene.  (Google every single word on here).

Methods: We used direct RNA sequencing to analyse transcript expression from the ChAdOx1-S nCov-19 genome in human MRC-5 and 19 cell lines that are non- permissive for vector replication alongside the replication permissive cell line, HEK 293.  In addition, we used quantitative proteomics to study over time the proteome and phosphoproteome of A549 and MRC5 cells infected with the ChAdOx1-S nCov -19 vaccine candidate."    

"Recombination" is the process of recombining, in genetics meaning the re-arrangement of genetic material, by crossing over in chromosomes or by the artificial joining of segments of DNA from different organisms.  A "recombinant" (noun) is an organism, cell, or piece of genetic material that went through the process of recombination. And "recombinant" (adjective) means relating to an organism, cell or piece of genetic material formed by recombination.  Look up "Recombinant DNA"  They are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of recombination such as molecular cloning and creating sequences in your genome that would not otherwise be found. Genetic modification!  And it contains MRC-5 which is a diploid human cell culture developed from the lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted male foetus that's been replicated over and over again.  Four Ukrainian soldiers died after having the American Covid vaccine tested on them and another volunteer felt spiritually numb after taking it.  Covid testing is another way to deliver nanotech directly to the brain from the swab being inserted into the very thin cellular membrane of the nasal passage. 

Doctors are exposing how faulty the PCR tests are. They are not testing for a virus proving that there's a pandemic, they are just producing case numbers through giving false positive readings because they pick up other material.  There are more and more doctors uniting and getting the truth out.

Boycott all companies mandating vaccination

They can't make you take a vaccine but they are doing this by coercion such as removing your freedoms by not allowing you to go to establishments or travel without vaccination.  Amass rallies and protest against governments that are trying to mandate this.  And collectively boycott any type of company that says you need a vaccine to enter their establishments. Boycott them for a number of months until that company goes bankrupt because that company is a part of the Great Reset.   They are very desperate to implement this vaccination program for a few reasons: 1) It contains the Luciferase enzyme which genetically modifies your RNA so you are no longer a natural living being, you have become a genetically modified being. An organism that has been genetically modified by one of their enzymes becomes patentable.  You have a patented genome.  That means they can own you.  They want to fully enslave and own the human collective on a physiological level.  2) They are trying to implement the Mark of the Beast, exactly as the Bible talked about.  The Luciferase enzyme emits a bio-luminous glow that enables them to scan over the area where they have injected you and verify whether or not you have been vaccinated.  They want to inject into humanity this implantable quantum dot, a tattoo for the hand, lit up by the infrared bioluminescence enzyme from Bill Gates and MIT which is the chemical that makes the quantum dot readable through a special mobile device app, to include your identification mark and vaccination records with a Health Passport. Microsoft published patent number WO2020/060606 on 26th March 2020 under International Application Number PCT/US2019/038084, according to   3) They want to sterilise and kill large numbers of the population to make it more manageable, and controllable by 5G which was designed to interact with the chip implant.  Bill Gates believes the world is grossly overpopulated and they should reduce the population.  There is a law that prevents ANYBODY from suing ANY of these pharmaceutical companies for ANY damages caused by highly dangerous and toxic vaccines.  The people you can thank for this fact that the companies CANNOT be sued are the Clinton Foundation,  the Obamas and the Bushes.  If you get damaged or lose someone from a vaccine there's NOTHING you can do.  Sixty people were brain damaged by the swine flu vaccine of 2009, Pandemrix, manufactured by Glaxo Smith Kline, which refused to supply governments unless it was indemnified against any claim for damage caused. These sixty people are expected to get £60 million, approximately $1 million each, in compensation payment from the UK government, not Glaxo Smith Kline.  This is due to the action of Peter Todd a lawyer who represented them.  Any money the company pay the victims they will claim it back from the government. These victims now have a lifelong condition and need extensive medication.  It was later revealed that that vaccine causes narcolepsy and cataplexy, and across Europe this happened to more than 800 children. Around 80% of those affected are children. Despite a 2011 warning from the European Medicines Agency against giving the vaccine to those under 20, AND a study that linked its risk of narcolepsy to children, GSK refused to acknowledge a link.  Josh Hadfield, 8, from Somerset, is on anti-narcolepsy drugs costing £15,000 a year to keep him awake during the school day. If you make him laugh, he collapses, his memory is shot, there is no cure.  He says he wishes he hadn't been born. His mother says she feels incredibly guilty that she let him have the vaccine.  Emmanuelle Mignot a specialist in sleep disorders at Stanford University, US, was paid by GSK to research the effects of Pandremix, and confirmed it.  NHS medical staff were affected, many of them are unable to do their job because of the symptoms brought on by the vaccine. They too will be suing the government, for millions in lost earnings.   It's the NHS staff and front line workers who will get themselves vaccinated with the Covid vaccine.  And here are the actual death rates for the thing they think they need a vaccine for.   In the UK volunteers were paid to test the new Gates vaccine out.  They had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and so did their families.  Thirty two university students in the UK died after being administered this Covid vaccine but mainstream media never reported it and they deny it.   Covd-19 Vaccine Trial: First Volunteer In UK Has Died (   

4)  They are preventing human ascension.  Killing people forces their soul to go back into the reincarnation loop.  This planet is a prison planet from which you can't leave until you raise your consciousness and vibrate at a higher frequency than the frequency of this planet.  When you die, if your consciousness is no longer vibrating at the same frequency as this planet, you ascend from this planet and move to a different planet.  By them killing off the population, they are preventing people from leaving and keeping them stuck in this reincarnation trap so that they have to reincarnate on a planet that has a similar vibration to the one that their consciousness was resonating at when they died, since this planet's frequency is rising, this planet is ascending.  5)  They want to incorporate the transhumanist agenda, the human version 2.0.  This is a malevolent AI, the anti-Christ consciousness as opposed to our innate Christ consciousness.  Christ consciousness expresses itself through organic beings, natural divine beings.  We are from Source, controlled by the soul and assisted by a higher spiritual realm.  The artificial malevolent AI has the anti-Christ consciousness that only exists in artificial organisms.  This is the spiritual war right now of Armageddon.  This war is about which version of you gets to express itself.  Is it to be the authentic You, the soul, or the artificial version of you?   This anti-Christ consciousness wants these dark ones to do its evil work, to inject humanity with nanobots (which these vaccines have) to change the genome and transform the human organism into half-humanoid half-robotic.  This is why there's a big push right now for vaccinations and the transhumanist agenda.   Covid test swabs are a form of vaccination.  They can vaccinate people through nasal swabs and target the brain.  Nanobots can release medicines when they are inserted up your nasal cavity. The portion of the human collective the ones who are unawakened, can be downgraded to become these types of zombies by getting injected with nanotechnology so that this malevolent AI can infect their organism and take over, and express itself through that person.  This is the greater motive behind all of this.   This is why the story of the Mark of the Beast has been written in the Bible, the Qur'an and the Talmud, it's because the dark ones are behind the creation of the religions.  When they put this story into the scriptures and get you to wholeheartedly believe it, you are actually creating this reality with your beliefs!  They are doing this deception and manipulation the psyche.  They know that the average human being does not know how they are creating their reality with their belief systems, their thoughts, their feelings.  The dark ones have the upper hand by having this knowledge of how we create reality, and they have weaved this narration into the scriptures, and most importantly, into Hollywood movies.  Archonic beings, as they are of the anti-Christ consciousness, don't have the power to create. We do. Whatever they want the human collective to create, they put that narration into the movies for you to tune in and watch so you can believe into it and create for them.  Be awakened to that and don't buy into these narrations anymore.

What's behind the mask

Surgical masks are worn by surgeons in operating theatres to prevent droplets from the nose or mouth getting on to an open wound.  That is what they are for.  In the operating theatre in which they are worn the room is specially highly oxygenated, so that the surgeons can breathe and do not suffer hypoxia. This cannot be compared with wearing these paper masks to go about your daily business. Industrial masks are worn to prevent inhalation of hazardous chemicals.  Likewise, war-time gas masks shielded from mustard gas.  Doctors have come out and specifically said that wearing surgical masks outside of hospital facilities does not protect from viruses.  A surgical mask filters out anything that is 2-10 microns in diameter.   It would keep out a strand of hair, which is the size of 75 microns in diameter.   An N95 mask, as would be worn in a sterile operating theatre,  has a diameter filtration capacity  for 0.3 microns.  A Corona virus is 0.12 microns in diameter.   It does sod all then, only serving to cause harm by compromising the wearer's immune system by breathing in their own recycled CO2, bacteria and mould.  A 13-year old girl died on a school bus in Germany because she was forced daily by the bus driver to wear a mask, despite having a doctor's statement that she had certain health complaints.  This very upset German doctor Dr Bodo Schiffmann has come out talking about the children who have diedAdhering to laws of government hurts the development of your child's brain - this test monitors the CO2 drop from masks and face visors. As well as hypoxia comes further damage from inhalation of fibres from the cloth, even from wearing cotton and silk.   Entry of foreign material into the airways and into deep lung tissue leads to lung inflammation and lung maladies such as COPD, pleurisy, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis - sometimes irreversible -  from particulates the size of nanometres from the break-down of degrading synthetic micro-plastic fibres from disposable surgical masks, and they cause free radicals.   These photos show the microscopic fibres, the deposition of inhaled nanoparticles.

Pulmonary fibrosis, scar tissue in the lungs, kills slowly and painfully, suffocating the victim very gradually  with a survival rate of 20%.  No surgery, cure or herb gets rid of it.  The only remedy is prevention, not inhaling  microscopic foreign bodies.  Fibroblasts were found in the lungs of those exposed to synthetic fibres.  Breathing harder to try to get oxygen secures them into the lungs.   The optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans is 19. 5% to 23.5%.  Within several seconds you put on a mask, the oxygen level is 17.4%.   The barrage of so-called fact-checking being put out with rigged-up experiments to 'debunk' this  is just more disinfo warfare.  Real evidence from doctors including a Masters in Public Health from Moscow Medical Academy, with peer-reviewed clinical studies and meta-analyses is summarised in this  article.   Masks are causing serious health problems   Disposable blue face masks contain a toxic asbestos substance that destroys lungs.  Kids being forced to wear them at school are developing terrible rashes around the nose and mouth - impetigo.   

The cruel mandate has caused hospital admissions with pneumonia from rebreathing infected air back into the lungs which has resulted in actual near deaths and having to be on a ventilator - NOT from Covid.  CO2 is a human waste product.  Forcing children to breathe this in can also lead to neurological and learning disabilities. Muzzle wearing has had psychological effects as well such as depression.  The wearing of masks is straight out of Satanic ritual, out of Black Masses. You can see footage and pictures of it online, it's been going on forever.  The individuals that are directing this are dark occultists, Luciferians, who by getting everyone worldwide to wear masks are getting them on a societal basis to partake in mass occult ritual submission and witchcraft, while having no idea this is going on.  The standing 6 feet apart is straight out of Satanic ritual.  The hand washing is part of it as well.  Look at what those chemicals are doing to that metal stand.  Look at the hands of this poor little 5 year old girl from constant hand sanitizer usage at school.

Satanism is nothing to do with devil worshipping, that is the literalist Christian view of what Satanism consists of.  What it is really is a mind-set that's all about inversion: an ideology that is anti-life, anti-God; anything wholesome and goodly, inherent and natural to creation, gets turned on its head and flipped upside down back-to-front - inverted.  These Satanists take individuals who have certain motives and frame them as the exact opposite to what they are. People who conform to the tyranny of government and acquiesce with their own slavery and wear the fear muzzle, and don't visit their sick mother in the care home, don't visit relatives, because they're told they can't, they will be applauded by the government and the media as good citizens having virtue for obeying an institution called "government" that is pure evil and malevolence. (How many elderly people in care homes have died? How many people have committed suicide out of the desolation of loneliness?) People who go to protests and assert our natural born rights and freedoms that come from Creation itself which the Creator itself endowed to each and every flesh and blood man woman and child which no one can take away, up there standing up for the rights and freedoms of everyone, calling out the tyranny and deception for what it is and highlighting the lies that are being told, they will be portrayed by the government and the media as irresponsible citizens,  rebels, dangerous, anti-maskers, Covid deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, helping to spread the virus, putting everyone at risk. That is how they frame it.  That is Satanic inversion of reality.  They've been doing that forever as well.  Gaslighting, mental manipulation.  There is psychological torture going on here.  There are individuals and groups and networks and organisations that specialise in this like the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, like the Behavioural Insights Team which is connected to the Cabinet's Office of the government known as the Nudge Unit; psychologists and social scientists are working in these organisations and their full-time job is to work out how to shape and mould the public psyche.  "Social distancing", put the words "social" and "distancing" together and you have doublethink because distancing from another human can never be social it is anti-social.  You cannot see the smile of another human behind their fear muzzle, and you would not smile, what would be the point if nobody sees it. The point of ritual mask wearing is to hammer home into your subconscious that things will never be the same again and to signal your consent to a new order.  What has been dropped on the general public through this mass psychological manipulation is trauma-based mind control.  It is evil genius.

Bill Gates from Hell and Coronavirus

The Plan
Multi billionaire former Microsoft giant Bill Gates and wife Melinda, fronting the Coronavirus plandemic, know exactly what they are doing.  Melinda Gates admitted: "Billionaire prepared for years for Coronavirus pandemic".  Quote: "plandemic", a planned pandemic because it was a plan.  Mr and Mrs Gates prepared for it because they planned it. They fund all the moving parts which even include the BBC who interview Mr Gates, he put 2 million pounds into the BBC.  Speaking to BBC Radio 5 Live, Belinda described how she and her husband spoke about the possibility of a pandemic like Coronavirus for years and prepared for the eventuality of having to move from their home.  They prepared for it to justify what is happening now, the pandemic THEY knew was coming is a staged event.  It was was made to happen, so that they can lay claim to "a disease that we are all in together".  THEY  are all in this together.  The following information will explain how.  The things they say and the Gates-owned WHO (World Health Organisation) say match up.  The institutions that were involved in planning this Corona crisis included the John Hopkins University which co-organised Event 201 in October 2019, six weeks before the Corona panic broke out.  Event 201 was a rehearsal they did of how the pandemic should play out.  The JHU maintains the Corona cases and deaths statistics and gives them to the media.  Gates donated more than $200 million in the last ten years to the JHU.  The other  participant in the drill was the World Economic Forum and it got large donations from the Gates Foundation.  The plan all along was to bring in a Smart vaccine, unlike other vaccines of the past, which they plan to administer worldwide, hoping to keep everyone locked down until they accept it.  As they've always targeted Africa, and the first Covid case there was reported on  14th February in Egypt and since then no more than about 18,000 cases were confirmed in an entire continent, it is obvious that exactly the same scam is now to be played on Africa as seen in the west.  Mrs Gates said to the BBC: "Africa will soon have dead bodies lying on the streets.  The lack of testing kits in Africa is the reason why the continent's Covid-19 numbers are low but soon Africa will have bodies out in the streets".  She is not such a simpleton that she would say that by mistake, or that he would allow her to say that by mistake, or that it is a slip of the tongue for Bill to say: "things are going very well, things like producing childhood death".  The Gates's were speaking in a recent CNN interview saying: "The virus will still hit Africa hard.  Covid-19 will be horrid in the developing world.  My heart is in Africa. I worry.  I see dead bodies in the streets of Africa".  Immediately after that the WHO said "Three million people could die from Coronavirus in Africa unless the spread is contained".   The UN report said: "WHO officials say the continent could be the next Covid-19 epicentre.   Africa could see between 300,000 and 3.3 million deaths due to Coronavirus according to the UN Economic Commission for Africa.  If the continent does not implement measures to prevent the spread of the virus then total infections could spiral out of control and reach 1.2 billion. But if intense social distancing measures are implemented the number of total infections could drop to 1 to 22 million by the end of the pandemic."   They have always targeted Africa, and up to now the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been vaccinating children in remote areas in poor countries for over twenty years, often causing the very illness the vaccine claims to prevent (e.g. polio).  After his vaccination campaigns extraordinary numbers of  children became paralyzed, women could not bear children, some kids died.

Africa: meningitis vaccine: paralysis
During Gates's 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in sub-Saharan Africa, Gates' operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of children with a meningitis vaccine.  About 50 out of 500 children became paralyzed.  Nelson Mandela's economist at the time, Professor Bond, described it as "ruthless and immoral". 

Africa: malaria vaccine: deaths and fits
In 2010 the Gates Foundation funded another trial of experimental malaria vaccines made by GlaxoSmithKline.  They killed 151 African infants and caused paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions  to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.  South African newspapers complained: "We are guinea pigs for the drug makers".

Africa: tetanus vaccine - women left sterile
In October 2014 in Kenya the Catholic Health Commission raised accusations  about tetanus vaccinations carried out by WHO and UNICEF.  There was no health necessity for these vaccinations.  And they were only being given to girls and women aged between 14-49, which raised suspicion as to whether they were used for covert birth control.  And in 2014 millions of women who thought they were getting an innocent injection to prevent tetanus, were sterilized. The vaccine was laced with HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone produced by the placenta after implantation; its presence is what a pregnancy strip test detects to tell if you are pregnant.  That Kenyan Catholic doctor's statement said that when injected into a non-pregnant woman, the Beta HCG in the vaccine combined with tetanus toxoid develops antibodies against both the tetanus and against HCG, in around 2-3 years after the last injection.   If the woman's egg becomes fertilized, this destroys her own HCG hormone rendering her permanently infertile.   In February 2015, gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Wahome Ngare published an article in the Catholic Medical Quarterly of the Catholic Medical Society of Great Britain in  which he explained the accusations about how that tetanus vaccination campaign was about population control and the vaccine was deliberately imported, it had a different batch number from usual tetanus vaccines.  They were administered in five rounds in intervals of six months, unusual for tetanus procedure but normal for HCG to prevent pregnancy. The target group were females of childbearing age.   Pregnancy hormones were detected in the vaccine doses when and independently tested in private, but the doses delivered later by the WHO tested negative, said scientists. The vaccine had been swapped.  The vaccination campaign had been coordinated from a hotel, not a medical facility; collection of the vaccine was carried out under police protection. The work of the nurses was also monitored by WHO and police.  The Gates Foundation and the WHO had covertly forced sterilization.   Similar accusations of women being sterilized come from Tanzania.

Africa: DPT vaccine: deaths
A study in 2017, Morgenson et al, showed that the DPT vaccine was killing more African children than the disease that it was supposed to prevent.  DPT vaccinated girls suffered ten times the death rate of children who didn't get the vaccine.   But Bill Gates threw hundreds of millions of dollars at the WHO and convinced them to conduct experimental vaccination programs and drop disease prevention programs which provided clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development, so the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine, and continued to force that vaccine upon tens of millions of African children annually.

Latin America and Philippines: women left sterile
Accusations similar to what happened in Kenya came from Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines.  The WHO conducted massive tetanus vaccination campaigns laced with HCG in Mexico in 1993, and Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994, targeting females aged 14-49 years, giving each a total of five injections.  Catholic representatives gained access to some doses of the vaccine and got them tested independently when it was found women and girls in Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines were unknowingly sterilized.  The labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested.  After denying the charges, the WHO admitted it.  A scientific paper published in October 2017 by the Universities of Louisiana and British Columbia, together with Dr Wahome Ngare, confirmed the allegations.  

India: polio vaccine: children left paralyzed
Gates promised to donate $450 million to eradicate polio in India.  He took control of India's National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization which mandated up to 50 doses of polio vaccines to children before the age of five.  Indian doctors blame his campaign for the non-polio acute flaccid paralysis epidemic which paralyzed over 490,000 children between 2000 and 2017, all left crippled by that vaccine.  Dr Raymond Francis explains how the polio vaccine is actually causing polio.

India: HPV vaccine - damage, paralysis, infertility
In 2014 the Gates Foundation funded the tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces.  Seven died, and 1,200 suffered autoimmune disorders and infertility.  The Indian government investigated.  It was found that Gates-funded researchers pressured vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls.  
Most of these vaccination programs were done without the informed consent of the children's parents, guardians or teachers, done by forged consent such as getting the signature from the hostel where the girls were residing or getting a thumb print from an illiterate parent.   In 2017 the Indian government asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India, and paralysis rates dropped precipitously.  The case is now in India's Supreme Court.

Who's WHO
The most frightening polio epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan and the Philippines are linked to vaccination programs and they all went ahead with the backing of the WHO and its UN agency UNICEF assigned with the responsibility to protect children, and PATH, all which Bill Gates funds and controls.
Bill Gates owns and controls the WHO.  His Foundation is second only to the USA in being the biggest funder of the WHO (which the President has now de-funded).  Gates gave the WHO more than $200 million in 2018.  Another way he finances the WHO is through GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) which he controls, he gave that an additional $150 million in 2018 and he also funded the establishment of the Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation, CEPI, which researches and develops vaccines. His beneficiaries are Pfizer, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi Aventis.   Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that makes vaccines, donating $50 million to twelve drug companies for a Coronavirus vaccine.  
Scientists have known since the 1970's that sterilization without consent was being done under the name of 'family planning'.  The WHO research program on developing vaccines for population control began in 1972. A study was published in 1976.  Tetanus vaccines are not normally given in five doses. They have been, however, when used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines containing the pregnancy hormone HCG - which the WHO developed in 1992.  After denying the charges that came after those Catholics raised the accusations and got the proof, the WHO admitted to developing vaccines with sterility agents in them for over a decade.   And in 2017 the WHO reluctantly admitted that the worldwide explosion of polio was predominantly caused by a vaccine strain.  By 2018, 70% of cases in the world indeed were.   And now we know that the polio vaccine used a specific strain and that strain was found to have caused a major polio epidemic worldwide.  

ID 2020
His activities are not limited to health aspects, he monopolizes technology and the media as well.  He wants everyone on the planet to have a Digital Identity, ID 2020, for people  to "identify themselves across borders" and their personal data is controllable, called "digital immunity proof".  The founding companies are Gates' company Microsoft, GAVI, the management consultancy Accenture and the Rockefeller Foundation.  Google and Apple are cooperating in providing a Corona app that he wants everyone to download on their mobile phones to "identify Covid-19 infected persons".  The Gates Foundation funds the established media, Germany's magazine Der Spiegel got $2.5 million in December 2018 and  Die Zeit got $300,000 in December 2019. He is given attention by the media using Covid-19 as a pretext to accelerate his plans to force vaccinations on 7 billion people and dictate global health policy with technology  - Gates's Globalist Vaccination Agenda.   The Digital Identity Alliance has been cooperating with the government of Bangladesh to introduce digital ID since September 2019 to provide digital ID with vaccines.    Gates teamed up with DAARPA (who make bioweapons). Injectable DNA-altering technology does exist and is being used.  The ploy was to scare the world with a threat of a catastrophe, numbers of dead coming, and the only way to stop it is to isolate people from other humans, vaccinate and chip them and impose a Chinese-type surveillance state.  

Bill has lawsuits against him
The Gates Foundation HAVE been sued by governments around the world - India (the Supreme Court), where he has a lawsuit pending, and Kenya, the Philippines and more.   

Exposed by Robert F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposed Bill Gates's vaccination programs, calling for an investigation.  In his article he lists the whole series of abuses in projects that Gates supported.  Kennedy's organisation "Children's Health Defense" URGENTLY WARNS AGAINST A GATES VACCINE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CORONA CRISIS -  Bill Gates and the depopulation agenda   (Global Research 18th April 2020, biotechnology and GMO, crimes against humanity, science and medicine).  He explained how African children are used as guinea pigs.  Recently he talked about Dr Fauci, family history and the JFK assassination.  Site for Children's Health Defense him on Instagram: @robertfkennedyjr

We do not consent, and were never asked
There is a lot of media buzz about a mandatory vaccine and reports that there is 'something very different Covid-19 and our bodies cannot develop immunity to that virus'.  If that's the case then a vaccine would be totally useless if vaccination - immunization - is supposed to trigger our body to create immunity.   It would then be entirely irrational to even develop a Covid-19 vaccine, much less give it to people for immunization.   We hear a lot of media chatter about how mandatory vaccines are coming for Covid-19.  It is as though they are testing us to see if we will object.  We are objecting. 

How can you tell somebody we're going to force you to take a medication you don't want to take? said Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently. After World War II we signed a Treaty in the Nuremberg Charter, because physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on prisoners without their permission.  They were testing medications on people, without their consent.  We signed the UN Charter of Human Rights. Modern scientists overwhelmingly reject the use of results from these experiments, they constitute a war crime.  Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code states that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential, without intervention by force.  And that includes fraud, deceit, duress, or other form of constraint or coercion.  It states that the person should have sufficient knowledge to make a decision.  And we know vaccines cause injury, the Vaccine Court has paid out $4 billion in compensation.   
Bill Gates has publicly identified vaccinations as a means of achieving one of his personal goals: to reduce population.  He is on record for that. His father was the head of Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates is not a doctor, and has no formal medical education. Bill Gates has publicly advocated that his vaccinations be taken by everyone in the world.  Bill Gates shares companies with other billionaires who have also stated a desire for global depopulation.  If someone wanted to harm you, the ideal way is to inject something into your body.   We know many vaccines have toxins,  carcinogens, DNA altering materials, sterility causing agents, and now RFID identifiers...and who knows what else because they don't tell us.  The person giving you the injection has no idea what undisclosed agent is in the vaccine, and they have no way of even finding out.  The pharmaceutical industry has lobbied for and received immunity laws that prevent you from receiving any compensation from the drug industry for the harm they caused with their vaccine.  The vaccine industry would not have wanted immunity unless it knew it was harming people.  Now that the vaccine industry is not liable for the harm that they do they have no incentive to make their products safe, and once you have taken their vaccine, that product cannot be recalled. There is a very high risk of allowing yourself to be injected with something.  Whenever there is risk, you have the right of refusal.  Because you have the right to guard your life and safety.  If something may not be safe you have the right to refuse it.  There may be some people in government or the medical industry who are so stupid, corrupt or evil that they do not realize or care that you have the right to refuse vaccination for yourself and your children.  If that is the case, they are a real problem. Every one of is the sole authority over what is injected into our bodies and no medical treatment may be given to us without our consent.  If we cannot control what goes into our own bodies then there is no such thing as individual rights and the state and Bill Gates can simply dispose of people in any way they want.  So let's get prepared.  The first thing we must do is state our position clearly and on the record to those people who administer vaccines.   There are two free download documents  The first document is a requirement that all medical service and vaccine providers sign for YOU. 

Here is Gates disclosing on CNBC that the vaccine that he wants to put out there could kill, affect or maim 700,000 people...but the worst part about it is he says it with a smile?    
Dr Fauci, and Melinda and Bill Gates should all be in jail for the rest of their lives for crimes against humanity and the jail should be CROWDED with these people.  Bill needs to be jailed for being a domestic terrorist and have his bank accounts frozen.  Exposing Bill Gates's crimes  More on the Gates's Crime Record