Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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I do not consent

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Calling all activists, grassroots groups, and all people, the few have an agenda to keep pushing the stuff on the many to destroy us, and are going to keep pushing until you push back - or not, and then you won't Be. They will stop if you push back.  They are counting on you not to. When you speak to Council members, planning commissioners etc. about irradiation by 5G, 4G, whatever,when you give them your talk, at the end always say: "I do not consent."  Simple.  So many testimonials - "this is harming the environment, this is killing people, this is not moral, blah blah blah"... and then they end it.  They have not really stated what they wanted.  You need to be clear on what you don't want. Everybody has an issue that matters to them - the damage to the birds and the bees, the children, the culling of trees, the technology, the surveillance. But the One Glue that bonds all of us together is that One Statement I DO NOT CONSENT. And that must be uttered.  Not just to wireless radiation but to mandatory vaccines, to geo-engineering, to fluoridation, to fracking, to one-on-one technology to robotise our children, to microchipping, whatever.  Start saying No, then the actions will follow. Every single person has the God-given human right on the face of this earth to make the statement Yes or No,  I accept it/I do not accept.  To the "State" you state your statement (state what you meant to the government (mind controllers). Our consent is being taken for granted. We very conveniently forgot that's the case.  We have been so suppressed that we are too kind.  Fluoride lulls and comforts you, makes you too pacified to resist. Sit up, be aware, listen to your body. Activate the melatonin present in every cell in the body - turn off the Wi-Fi, get a good night's sleep, and wake up.  Voting, when you go out and vote, you are consenting to being ruled over and if that's what you want then by all means go.  Everything we give consent to, consciously or not, everything is a frequency match to you, and you give your power away by consent, and it all manifests here first as a frequency - in the beginning there was the word.  The word is a sound and sound is frequency. Thoughts are also frequencies and because of the Law of Attraction your inner vibrational reality always resonates with your surroundings.  When you start to change your thoughts and behaviours, after a buffer of time the world around you starts shifting, it is only a matter of time before the outside catches up.  You can change anything in your reality, anything and everything.  Use your intent to manifest - and state your intentions out loud if you want the Matrix to surely read them as the Matrix knows and is listening all the time.  Silence is golden, when you are silent you are consenting, it is implied consent, that's why you must verbalise.    Revoke your agreements, meaning by this everything you don't agree with.  .Stop giving consent and driving this game ðŸ˜„

The dust has not settled on 9/11

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If you never saw the events of 9/11 or never knew the events of that day, if you never heard the official narrative of that day's events as presented by the governments and mainstream media... and you looked at these pictures, would you yourself describe what you are seeing here as a collapse?
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Image result for towers turn to dust 9/11Image result for judy wood 9/11

Or would you look at this and say: "Poof...gone in a puff of smoke." Is that a collapse there, or is that the building disintegrated? What kind of energy is required?  Is burning kerosene enough to produce that kind of kinetic energy?   Dr Judy Wood B.S. M.S. PhD is a highly brilliant woman.  She made a video called "The New Hiroshima". Everybody should look into her book called "Where did the towers go?" which is full of empirical data with photos.  She jumps to no conclusions, no assumptions, no theories, no he-said-she-said. Just evidence of directed free energy technology used on 9/11.  Everybody should read this book and pay close attention to the evidence that Dr Wood presents...she spoke about the World Trade Centre spire.  Nikola Tesla said that if he let his oscillator continue in his experiments, it would rip away the stone of the concrete sructure of the building first, then it would disintegrate the steel. Dr Wood spoke of a phenomenon which happened to WTC Tower One which was called the "spire" which was about 700 feet tall. A sturdy strong building it would be to still be standing at that height, and it remained standing after the concrete casing peeled away like a banana leaving itself exposed, with crisp edges... with blue sky around it, not dust. The core columns of steel still standing 700 feet in the air, left as skeletal rods in the photos in her book, as they came down, faded. Some of the thickest steel structures ever manufactured in America, went dusty, went faint, and never tipped over in any direction.  If it had tipped over it would have taken out a few blocks' worth of buildings.  Did it drop in a hole in the ground?  If a 700 foot hole to drop into it were there, there wasn't much time for dust to settle on it and looking at the debris pile, there is not enough matter to account for the mass of the buildings.  Why?  people ask.  There are lots of reasons for false flag attacks.  First of all it is to inject fear into the public consciousness.  When people are in fear they don't make good decisions. They will listen to whatever any so-called saviour tells them to do.  Another reason is to invade another country to seize resources justified by the so-called never ending 'war on terror' to create a Homeland Security akin to the Gestapo of Nazi Germany with all the subsequent losses of liberty that go along with it and the rising militarisation of the police.  False flag events have been historically used to sway populations in a certain direction.  Check out the documentary "Shadow Ring" featuring Mark Passio, it explains what false flags are and how they've been used  

We do have free energy

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The vision of Tesla free energy for the world is largely scoffed at. People think Tesla's greatest inventions are a pipe dream that never happened. They are not. Tesla's inventions DID come to fruition -  in the wrong hands, and used in ways that never should have been.  Not only weaponised, his technology is being used to create a world that is on lock-down and under complete control.  The world would be a lot different of a place if we were using his free energy for the benefits it should have been used for. They would be freeing technologies that would unite people. We have to understand what the potential of this technology was, and that means looking at all the horrible ways it could be used in the wrong hands.  The answer is to educate people about what is possible  Nikola Tesla Patents

Smart Summoning
A "smart summon feature" is to allow  drivers to summon their vehicles to them in car parks using their smartphones.  Videos have popped up showing the negative consequences of everyday users indulging in Smart Summon in real life, it appears to be nothing short of a disaster. There's an alarming video where a driverless Tesla pulls across a line of live traffic forcing another driver to slam on the brakes. There's been warnings from Tesla owners that Summon isn't safe.

Tesla's Vibrator 
Tesla was known for tinkering with mechanical vibrations and resonance.  In 1898 he toyed with an electromagnetic oscillator that he attached to a structural beam of his loft. He made observations and noted them down. He was unaware that amplified vibrations from the oscillator were travelling through the beam and into the substructure of Manhattan in all directions! Buildings shook, windows shattered.  People poured into the streets thinking this was an earthquake. As soon as Tesla realized what was happening he smashed up the oscillator and quit the experiment. Tesla then did another experiment with an oscillator about the size of an alarm clock that he attached to a two ft long, two inches thick steel beam.  He reported that nothing happened for a long time until finally the steel link started trembling until it dilated and contracted like a beating heart, and then snapped. A fusillade of taps that wouldn't harm a baby managed to achieve what sledgehammers could not. Tesla furthered his experiments with this, attaching one of his oscillators to a steel beam of a skyscraper which was still under construction near Wall Street. He reported feeling the beam trembling within minutes. The trembling increased in intensity and extended throughout all the steel. The structure began to creak and weave, and the panic-stricken thought that the building was about to collapse. Tesla stopped it in time and left the site. He reported that if he had left it for ten more minutes the building would have fallen flat. His vibrator could have dropped Brooklyn Bridge in less than an hour, he said.  Tesla told newspaper reporters that his vibrating devices would be able to “reduce the Empire State Building to a tangled mass of wreckage in a very short time. First the outer stone coating of the skyscraper would be hurled off. Then the whole vast skeleton of steel, the pride and glory of the Manhattan skyline, would collapse.”

Scalar Waves
In 1899 at his laboratory in Colorado Springs Tesla experimented with scalar waves - other technology that has been used in ways it never should have been. Tesla was he re-discoverer of scalar waves, waves that flow at right angles to electromagnetic waves which are considered to be finer than gamma rays or X-rays. Scalar waves belong to the subtle gravitational field, known as gravitic waves or longitudinal waves.  From these experiments he learned how to harness scalar waves from one transmitter to another wirelessly. Tesla later built a prototype of this magnifying transmitter at Shoreham, Long Island, New York.  Tesla’s funding for this project was revoked after his financial backer, J.P. Morgan, realized that Tesla’s World Wireless system would destroy his business profits by allowing people to tap into free energy at no cost.  Tesla later discovered that scalar energy becomes “bottled” from the intersection of two scalar waves. Interferometry is a technique of crossing scalar wave beams. Through this, large standing waves can be combined to produce a focused “beam” of extremely powerful energy. Interferometry can combine several scalar waves sent from different transmitters to produce a plasma “bottle” of very highly contained energy. This “bottle” or “shield” could be moved around the planet at will, and the bottled energy could even be detonated remotely. If detonated in the earth, it can produce an earthquake. If detonated in a building or a city, the result would be an explosion with such violence on a nuclear scale without any resulting radiation, which would disintegrate all matter within the “bottle.”  This is the Tesla “Death Ray” that could project the energy of a nuclear warhead and direct it to any location in the world. Some say the massive explosion in Tunguska, Siberia in 1908 may have been a test of this technology. The force of the Tunguska explosion was estimated to have been 10-15 megatons. The blast flattened half a million acres of forest. It is rumoured that Tesla may have been trying to break ice at the polar circle during the test.  Tesla considered further experiments with scalar wave technology too dangerous, obviously, he knew that scalar waves could be used to trigger earthquakes or used as remote disintegration weapons.   Thomas Bearden B.S M.S. PhD has done extensive work about scalar interferometry.  H.A.A.R.P., the High Altitude Active Auroral Research Project in Alaska,  is scalar wave technology that has been used for all the wrong reasons such as modification of weather. It can be weaponsied for the production of artificial earthquakes.   So Nikola Tesla made the decision before his death to divide his lifelong research over multiple locations in different countries in a bid to prevent any one one country gaining advantage over the rest of the world by weaponizing the technology. After Tesla died in 1943, the FBI and other agencies in America seized nearly two trucks' worth of his papers and suppressed his documents and made them Top Secret.  The excuse was so they wouldn't 'fall into enemy hands'.  This technology DID in fact fall into enemy hands called 'government'.  It was used on 11th September 2001.  
Dr Judy Wood: "Where Did The Towers Go? 

Your One and Clone-ly

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The nightclub may not be the right place to find a 'real significant relationship'. "More than that, I want the substance", said DJ Pauly D on MTV's sick new dating series Game of Clones, a dating show for stars who want to date the Doppelganger of their celebrity crushes.  Seven contestants are made over into the celebrity's  lookalikes.  The show's trailer: "If you found seven identical singles, could you find your one and clone-ly?"  The show's logo is a sheep, a hint to Dolly Sheep, the first cloned animal. The name “Dolly” came from the suggestion made by the stockmen who helped with her birth, in honour of Dolly Parton, because it was a mammary cell that was used for the cloning. There was a show called Game of Clones on British TV too, in 2017, that is no longer on air, in which contestants used software to design their dream partner and they dated eight lookalikes of that image.  Just TV entertainment? No, this is programming subliminally to get us comfortable with the idea of human cloning Rapper B-O-B talks about the cloning lab and human cloning.  
so that later on down the line when human cloning is eventually unveiled to the public, people will accept it as something as natural as going to pick up a prescription from the pharmacist.  They saw multiple celebrity clones on TV that were being unveiled onto the public as something cool. It is not cool, it is something very sick depraved and horrific - R.E.M human cloning technology  
Jay Z clone   Don't give the show any support by watching it on television through MTV itself or you will be giving that show ratings.  If you observe/study it online, you are not giving the show any ratings.  Don't support the harm that is being done to these celebrities or this whole demonic robotoid thing, don't support this sick show at all.

Resistance is not futile

Image result for AFRL SA WP SR 2013-0003 base level guide for electromagnetic frequency radiation"

There are victims of this toxic technology, smart meters and 5G, in a number of different ways.  Bees, birds - dying. Dead cattle who were under the cell towers.  Humans with nose bleeds, bad headaches, sore eyes, etc. They are the victims of people who pretend to be upholding the law when in fact they aren't, it is doing the opposite. These organisations, Public Health England, your local authority, they are all criminal enterprises, knowing 5G transmitters are toxic and that smart motorways will cause accidents and deaths.  This lot have the intent to harm you. You need to be the resistance to this crime because nobody is coming to help.  We have to help ourselves. Police aren't helping, nobody's interested, they no time, no care and no guts to protect the public. Councillors and local authorities have been ignoring the letters written to them by their residents. The whole thing's a sham. Even if a lot of police officers are concerned about this, they haven't got the authority to do anything. They are do-as-they're-told merchants. Do as you're told, keep your mouth shut and keep your job.  Well guess what, this will kill them, it will kill their kids, it will kill our pets, our dogs and cats.  The chips that are put inside them focuses the microwave radiation.  
This is a military document  US military organisations.  It states the nature of RF weapons. and this is illegal to be going up at street level near your home.  Every single law has been broken Everybody must get involved in this. Tell people.  Get in their face.  5G is an attack on us and all living things.  When insiders are forced to blow the whistle:  WAKE UP! Before ignorance kills you very soon. We've got to stop it NOW, we haven't got time.  Push back, they will stop if you push back

Road Kill - Murder by the State

Smart roads are being introduced in Britain for driverless cars controlled by AI, not the driver, there wouldn't be a driver.  They have been taking out the emergency lane called the "hard shoulder"where motorists escape to when the car breaks down, or for any reason why they might have to stop.  That's the way it has been since motorways were here.  If someone had a problem they would cruise into the lane on the left-hand side of the carriageway so the cars go past you.  Now, on these new roads, there is no emergency lane.  Now, if someone runs into trouble and has to stop or the car breaks down and stops, you've got traffic behind and there is no way of escaping.  AND PEOPLE ARE DYING as a result of being hit in the back by trucks, cars and buses whatever. But they don't care. THEY DON'T CARE. Humans are just road kill to them. The state doesn't care, the agenda of driverless cars is far more important than the lives of people. A boy of 8 years old from Leicestershire has just died. A coroner has warned that smart motorways are putting lives at risk after this boy was killed on the M6 when a truck hit his grandfather's car at 56 miles an hour in the lane that used to be the emergency lane but is now a running lane.  Road chiefs claim these roads are 'safe'  because they have regularly-spaced 'refugees'.  Well actually they're not regularly spaced, and what if your car breaks down between these little so-called refugees which have distances between them?  What happens is what happened to this child.  What are you going to do, persuade your car to only break down next to one of these 'refuge' areas? Insane?  It's murder!  Murder!  When you know, AS THEY DO, that when you introduce this system that people are going to die, you have pre-knowledge that people are going to die. That is MURDER.  Murder by the state, which is nothing new.  It is just going to continue.  These people that are dying on these smart motorways are dying when up to this point only a tiny number of the motorways have been transformed.  How many deaths are there going to be when the entire system is like this?  Once more, this smart grid has a connection with the Extinction Rebellion people: there is a paper mile driving tax being considered. Climate change insanity.  UK motorists could be faced with paper mile road charges and other new levies, all these taxes on the poorest people stopping them from being able to move about.  All going into the hands of the murderous 1%.  The select committee wants a national debate for road pricing for drivers and non-drivers for 2020. Absolute garbage, this is just going through the motions so they can call it 'democratic consultation', they've already decided what they want to do. What a bunch of liars these people are.  Electric cars are exempt from road tax, they generate no fuel duty revenue.  The state wants to bring in electric cars as they are a stepping stone to driverless computer-controlled AI cars.  Elon Musk is involved in them with this TESLA organisation.  This is what Extinction Rebellion is calling for.  Push this back. They will stop if you push back

Solar panels may not be green

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There are solar companies  selling their solar panels as 'clean' and 'green' energy when they are in fact another addition to the smart grid and more radiation.  Solar energy, when it is connected to the grid, is a huge source of dirty electricity that is making people sick. Yet again people are being severely harmed by radiation, now being emitted from these solar panels which are actually Wi-Fi modules run by Wi-Fi high pulsed radiation. When you sign up for solar energy with the companies you get a smart meter.  In places such as New York and elsewhere, when solar panels are installed on a home, a smart meter is also promptly installed, just locking people into the smart grid with the sales pitch that this is the green way to go. The smart meter,  with the solar panels,  send many thousands of high frequency microwave radiation pulses per day into your home at 2.45/5 GHz that occur once every few seconds, according to a highly sensitive Acousticom 2 EMF meter.   Vivint is one of the companies that are doing this.   When these pulses are combined with the microwave pulses coming from a smart meter, which also add up to many thousands per day, homeowners are confronted with some of the most lethal technological weaponry ever designed.  Each microwave pulse acts like a jackhammer on the nervous system, disrupting all electrical signaling of the body.  In due time, these pulses will cause a breakdown in biological functioning and lead to sleep disorders, heart rhythm abnormalities, brain damage, memory loss, headaches, blood disorders, muscle cramps, skin rashes, respiratory issues, loss of balance, so-called “tinnitus” and much more.   Many people feel perfectly fine while being exposed to Wi-Fi routers and mobile phones for a long time, and they are sent over the edge after a smart meter is fitted on their home.  This partly due to the extremely dangerous microwave pulses coming from the meter.  The homeowner's private usage data can be sold off to the highest bidder.  Smart technologies are 100% intrusive and designed as a source of surveillance.  A few make money off of your data.  The lives of millions of people and their pets, and the insects, birds, and more, are destroyed.  The meter does not only send data a few times a day, as the utilities tell you.  It sends an RF pulse every 4-5 seconds constantly.  After midnight it sends a pulse every 3-5 seconds.  There is no need for this. There is nothing green about this.  This is a complete waste of energy.  Vivint Solar is getting a huge amount of funding to deploy its technology far and wide some of which comes from unnamed sources, but it includes the NY Green Bank.  Vivint Solar was acquired in 2012 by one of the wealthiest investment firms in the world—the Blackstone Group with $330 billion in assets.   The technique that Vivint Solar has been using since the Blackstone acquisition  to get people to sign-up for their technology, is by offering their customers 'free' solar panels.  They get customers to agree to a 20-year contract.  Some of these contracts are leaving the title to people’s homes in question.  They are signing people up at age 85.  Many elderly people will die before their contract is up.  Many younger customers may die or become extremely ill before their 20‑year contract is expired. Along with radiation and dirty electricity coming into people's homes, is nasty harmonics.  Some people may also develop 'tinnitus' from exposure to the frequencies now emanating from the overloaded “mesh grid.”  This condition is not really ringing in the ears coming from inside their head, it is the ability to hear the frequencies and the nasty harmonics coming off the electrical lines and/or the radiation-emitting devices that now surround us.  Please share this information widely radiation dangers - beware of solar power.  Don't allow this.  Push back, they will stop if you push back