Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Kill Shot

R.I.P. Covid Vaccine Victims

Have a PCR test, die from being run over, it's "Covid". Get injected with an experimental cocktail and die, and there is "no correlation". This no correlation problem seems to be so bad and real that groups have been created for it. Covid Vaccine Victims on Telegram is an interminable log of deaths and injuries one after the other after the other endlessly. In the food industry if people get ill after they ingest a certain food product the product is recalled, the health department notified, and they start an investigation. Not this vaccine though. Some doctors are afraid to report the truth for fear of losing their jobs. 

So many elderly people in nursing homes died within a very short time after their first shot or suffered severe effects, in a period of a few hours to a week. These death clusters are dismissed as a tragic coincidence. In Roberta Place care home in Canada, vaccinated on 16th January, by 31st January 61 residents died.  In a Spanish care home in Cadiz, Andalusia, 46 residents died within one month of getting the first Pfizer dose; in Novo Sancti Petri, Chiclani, 22 died, 103 infected.  An Indonesian teacher dies after two days of getting the second Sinovac shot. In Virginia a woman died immediately, less than an hour after the first Pfizer dose. Pfizer's shot contains potassium chloride which if injected can stop the heart.

An 87 year old from the UK and his eulogy from his family.

This is from a young mother from the UK paralysed after the Pfizer Vaccine:

And this poor girl who took part in the Moderna trial  suffered the same

The Moderna shot

In Corfu, Greece, a hospital administrator was threatened with prosecution for stating facts about what his colleague went through, he reported a nurse's paralysis after getting her second shot. Polish doctor Witold Rogiewicz made a video of himself getting his injection while he was mocking those who were against it and then dies two days after of heart failure. Here's the evidence of his death.  The same thing happened to Dr Eduardo Carlos from Lima, Peru, he criticised doctors who denounce and warn about the danger of the Covid shot, photographed himself having the Sinopharm injection and shared it, then that injection took his life a month later - on 16th March Peru's medical college claimed that it was Covid that took his life as they always do

South Korea, 7 dead and more than 2,800 injured in the first week of AstraZeneca shots.  In the US this mother-to-be was looking forward to giving birth:

Moments after her shot a woman in Argentina is on the floor convulsing.  This poor woman in the UK was found convulsing on the road by pedestrians and struggling to communicate, they found blood stains on the inside of her mask. More horrible videos, a lady from Louisiana lost control of her legs shaking uncontrollably attempting to walk in this video that went viral, and many reports of severe convulsions and neurological damage from the mRNA shot, this woman in the UK after her doctor injected her.

Thousands of cases of new eye disorders have arisen including cases of blindness.  

Stop calling this a vaccine, this is not a vaccine.  We know that mass fraud has taken place marking "Covid" as cause of death on death certificates.  This funeral director has come out and blown the whistle on the lie about the Covid numbers

Now finally an obituary has cited Covid vaccination as cause of death, with the investigation into the unexpected death of Jeanie Evans on 24th March 2021. Here is the obituary from the Becker-Dyer Stanton Funeral Home in Atchison, Kansas.

The FDA will not approve it

What doctors say
The honest doctors being silenced assure that the "vaccines" will kill many more people than the original Corona and that celebrities (they get a placebo) and many doctors are wrong in providing reassurance.  Patients are being told that there are no dangers with these experimental shots when they should have informed consent. The experimental shots were never going to do what people were told they would, they don't protect people from Corona or stop them from passing it on if they do get it, but prime the immune system to respond in an overly dramatic way if they come into contact with Corona viruses, and in the autumn when they most spread that's when there'll be lots of deaths. Governments plan on blaming that on mutations, to promote more rounds of "vaccines".  Nurses in Kansas are refusing to go along with this cruel agenda and this doctor tells it like it is. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier a leading virologist estimates that vaccinated people will die within about two years.  He is saying the jab is creating the Covid variant virus.

The shot had 100% success in the mortality rate in animal trials. Dr Roger Hodgkinson chairman of a biotech company in North Carolina says that Covid is unfounded hysteria driven by the media and politicians in this statementDr Sherri Tenpenny's video "Shot In The Dark" has been pulled by YouTube but you can find her explaining how the mRNA shots will start working in 3-6 months on Bitchute, on Phibetaiota and Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Doctors around the world know about the DNA altering side of this and knew this was an experiment and already warned not to get the Covid ShotNot any of the brands, not Johnson and Johnson's either, that is another experimental one as well that they want to test on new-borns; according to the UK Freedom Alliance it is a vector formula that uses AD26 as the adenovirus to create the spike proteins along with human retinal cells. AD 26 comes from a chimpanzee that died of Ebola. 

From Bill Gates's own mouth he admits the Covid shot changes DNA, now doctors rebel.  Here is an urgent Open Letter from doctors and scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding the safety concerns of this 'vaccine' by Doctors for Covid Ethics, March 2021:  "We note that a wide range of side effects is being reported following vaccination of previously healthy younger individuals with the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. Moreover, there have been numerous media reports from around the world of care homes being struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents. While we recognise that these occurrences might, every one of them, have been unfortunate coincidences, we are concerned that there has been and there continues to be inadequate scrutiny of the possible causes of illness or death under these circumstances, and especially so in the absence of post-mortems examinations.  In particular, we question whether cardinal issues regarding the safety of the vaccines were adequately addressed prior to their approval by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).  As a matter of great urgency, we herewith request that the EMA provide us with responses to the following issues..." addressed to Emer Cooke, Executive Director, European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.   List of ingredients in the Pfizer shot:

The AstraZeneca shot has simply rebranded itself by changing its name to "Vaxzevria" owing to its notoriety for causing blood clots.  
Israeli researchers now say a new virus strain evades this vaccine and vaccinated people are eight times more likely to get it than unvaccinated people. "Experts" say booster shots will be required for vaccinated people to fight off the new strain. 

The mRNA in these shots is foreign genetic code that gets injected into the person's cells and causes the cells to start making the spike protein of the Coronavirus itself, turning his body into a virus making machine. Dr Mikovits talks about this.  Pfizer admits this.   The Coronavirus has four proteins. The first vaccine gives the recipient the S protein and then there are three more proteins, which is why they tell you to get these so-called 'boosters'.  People have to produce all four of the proteins to make a complete Coronavirus.  A human being whose every cell is spilling out millions of viral particles spike proteins becomes a walking disease.  That might be the description of a "zombie".  The CDC has already made emergency preparations for a Zombie Apocalypse and has a page dedicated to zombie preparedness. Corroborated by this research paper concluding the risk of prion disease from RNA-based vaccinations. 

A world renowned vaccine specialist, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, went on his Linked-In and put out an open letter to every single professional in the world telling them  "We must stop the vaccine program immediately"  In this video he states it's a global catastrophe. He worked with GAVI for the Gates Foundation. This is his Open Letter.  On Dr Bossche is sounding the alarm.  He said this type of vaccine is teaching the virus how to mutate and become deadly and this Franken virus will spread far and wide when lockdowns end. And this vaccine triggers the production of very specific antibodies in the people who took it, which compete with, and suppress, the body's natural defences, destroying the immune system. These specific antibodies induced by this vaccine take over and are permanent. They are there forever in the bodies of the people who've been vaccinated. Taken over by an artificial defence system, their own natural immune system won't be able to fight the mutated viruses that develop in their bodies and which then spread out into the community. Their bodies become laboratories making lethal viruses, and some of them may become asymptomatic carriers spreading the viruses around them.  There is talk of "shedding", new virus variations are appearing in areas where the "vaccine" has been given to lots of people.  But new mutations and the rise in deaths will be blamed on the unvaccinated people, when it's the vaccinated people who are a threat to everybody because they are shedding viruses that are going to be more dangerous than the original one. Bill and Melinda Gates smirked when they said "We might not take the first pandemic seriously but we would treat the next pandemic far more seriously" - people like them get a placebo, not one of the experimental injections. Hoax.  Dr Vernon Coleman recently urges you do nothing over the next few days but share his most serious video ever with everyone you know or don't know that has an email address and every journalist whose email address you can find. You won't get him on YouTube, and Wikipedia changed his entry and removed all details of his books. He has data on his website of people injured and killed by the shot, including healthy young people dying within hours of getting it.  This doctor, Dr Baker, is not accepting vaccinated patients, to protect the people in his office getting contaminated from standing next to and being breathed on vaccinated people whose bodies have become  spike protein factories

A possible antidote for spike protein transmission or shedding has been identified, a tea brewed from the leaves of 
pine and spruce trees.  Ivermectin has also been recommended.

In the blood
The Pfizer and AstraZeneca are causing thrombosis (blood clots).  

They are discovering the injection is invading the blood cells with foreign nano particles and distorting them, causing them to become abnormal. 

The Luciferase enzyme in the shot has been likened to an "operating system".  A pre-programmed operating system is dumped into the cells of people injected with this thing disguised as a 'vaccine'. 
Dr Carrie Madej is the first doctor who discovered that the jabs are  ALTERING people's DNA.  The media tried to discredit her over and over again. Telegram is the only platform that allowed her to share all her information without censorship.  The truth will finally be revealed. She is going to publish PROOF that there is a modified gene in the vaccines called LUCIFERASE.  This gene is introducing microscopic ROBOTS to people's bodies in order to gather biometric data from the people who get jabbed. Please JOIN and SHARE her channel with everyone you know.

Relations with jabbed people
People are wondering if the population that have rejected the Franken shot are at risk if they exchange body fluids with those who have been vaccinated. Their damaged DNA could pass to your DNA and you risk becoming infected yourself and inheriting the Luciferase virus that they are spreading.  Be careful who you date and sleep with, you don't want to be exchanging DNA with a vaccinated person.

No sex, no kissing, no sharing items, breast feeding, and no blood transfusions from vaccinated donors. They are allowing people who have been vaccinated to donate blood. Probably not accepting blood from the unvaccinated. 
The Red Cross do not want blood from vaccinated people.

In the brain
At this pubic hearing on proposed legislation concerning immunizations they were discussing nanotechnology in the vaccines penetrating the brain. In the meeting the House Chair, State Representative Jonathan Steinberg of the Public Health Committee, 136th District, Westport, said "You mentioned the surfactant which seemed to be a very important part of the ability to pass the blood-brain barrier and again I'm just reading here... nano particles solvated by highly charged or highly polished surfacted coating are highly incompatible with the hydrophobic core of the membrane so they don't go through cell walls and if you turned the surfactant toward being more hydrophobic you also decrease the lifetime of the nano particles because they no longer remain as readily soluble and will begin to aggregate, so the point being is, the argument that a surfactant brings the adjuvant through with it from what I've read seems to be arguable". Dr Larry Palevsky from Northport Wellness Centre replied:  "Sure, but if you look at the pharmaceutical literature the pharmaceutical literature says that: Number One, they have trouble penetrating the brain by delivering drugs because of the presence of the blood-brain barrier; Number Two, if they attach a nano particle to the drug they can increase penetration of the drug into the brain; Number Three, if they put an emulsifier like polysorbate-80 bound to the nano particle they can increase penetration of the drug in the animal studies twenty-fold, so I don't know what reference you have, I'd have to look at it but there is scientific evidence to show that when an emulsifier like polysorbate-80 is bound to a nano particle and that bound to a drug it can enhance delivery into the brain across the blood brain barrier and vaccines are constructed in the same manner, polysorbate-80, aluminium nano particle bound to antigens that are in the vaccines".   (At around the 12:12 mark).  You can hear in this clip that they are targeting the brain.

The nanotechnologies they are putting into these shots are highly sophisticated.  Something nano-sized is vanishingly small - a metre is about three feet in length; a nanometre is one billionth of a metre.  The company MODERNA (founded by Anthony Fauci) says on its website that this infusion they call a 'vaccine' is an "injectable operating system".  We have an operating system in our phones and computers, it is what programmers can programme, it is an electrical component, inorganic.  Not living tissue!  We are made out of carbon-based molecules. This is silicon! We are talking about an interface where silicon meets carbon, and a nano operating system, that's miniaturisation on steroids! To make the interface work there has to be a component, something on an embryonic level of cellular life, and that's why foetal cells from aborted babies are used in the so-called 'vaccines' to allow the electronic components to merge with the biological components of a living cell. That makes that living cell attach to an electronic component that can be programmed and controlled from outside.  The name "MODERNA", "mode" + "RNA", is telling you it's an infusion of modified RNA (mRNA).  How to distinguish between mRNA and DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid.  If you trace the root meaning of deoxy it means God. Derived from Deus/Dieu/Dios, Latin/French/Spanish for God, and x and y, our chromosomes.  Our God-given genes.  "Ribo" comes from Semitic, and in Arabic it is "rab", it means rabbi, the master, the Lord.  Here we have God, Lord + nucleic acid, "nucleic" meaning at the centre and "acid" meaning fire. Deoxyribonucleic acid means God Lord and Master the Fire at the Centre of my Being. The Bible talks about DNA: "The word was God" and "the word became flesh" - DNA code. The God molecule, the blueprint of how to create a human being.  Every protein and molecule in your body was coded for in the DNA and got manifest, expressed physically out of a word, by the messenger RNA.  The "m" stands for "messenger" - mRNA.  Messenger, communicator - how cells communicate.  If you cut your skin a message goes from the cell to the DNA that a protein got destroyed - to replace what got destroyed it codes for that protein, the cell makes copies and fixes it.  We call that healing.  The DNA was in command and gave a message to the RNA to make another protein. It's creation taking place every second, God at the very centre of our being.  An enemy of God would want to send in an alien word, an alien messenger RNA coming from eugenicist Bill Gates that's coming from the outside and not divine.  We have been warned about the spiritual numbness that comes with this, a disconnection, an absence of feeling.

Reports have been surfacing that these vaccinated people are exhibiting bizarre erratic driving behaviour, driving off the road, hitting a tree, hitting kerbs, displaying zombie-like behaviour, making them a hazard on the road because they can't drive properly - vaxxed zombies behind wheels of cars are killing peopleWhen you plan to go out to go to work, do shopping etc., take the side streets and roads that are least often travelled, roads that people hardly use, and avoid the most direct main roads so you can avoid a lot of the commuters and bypass any of these zombie behaviours that have been reported from vaccine-damaged drivers. Also go shopping in off hours, very early in the day or late at night so you are avoiding the traffic congestion.

Are the vaccinated getting micro-chipped?
What have they injected themselves with? Have they been microscopically chipped without knowing, then realising, when they find magnets can be magnetised to their arm?  Holding a meter over the vaccination site, EMF was detected off the vaccinated area, the EMF magnetic reading was elevated.  This was after two Pfizer shots, a week after the second one. 

This woman got the Pfizer shot and placed a magnet over the injection site. The magnet stuck to her arm where she got the shot.  The arm where she didn't get the shot it fell off.  She is not the only one. Several videos have circulated of people finding a magnet stays on their arm where the shot went in

It's come to the surface that people who have been jabbed with the AstraZeneca are triggering Bluetooth connectivity.   This man is triggering Bluetooth devices where ever he goes

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance have put together information of the lipid nanoparticle and a list of the adverse events together with an open letter addressing the safety concerns to send to your GP and MPs and Health Secretary Matt Hancock.  Anyone in the UK looking for a site to report their vaccine injuries or the injuries of anyone they know can report them to this site here that has been launched by some caring doctors and scientists who will show you the data, as the Yellow Card Scheme only collects data but doesn't share it with citizens.  Here are 93 pages of DEATH.  On the CDC's Adverse Events Reporting System, VAERS, less than 1% get reported. The actual fatalities are high. Huge numbers are being sent to emergency rooms, and a huge list of deaths within a day after injection. Between 14th December 2020 and 18th February 2021 19,907 reports of adverse effects were submitted to VAERS  - 1,095 deaths and 3,767 serious injuries.

Here, the Yellow Card reporting system of adverse reactions (aka injuries) in the UK, no smoke without fire.  How to report a vaccine adverse reaction in Australia: and if you are not satisfied with the TGA’s response send a contact form to the legal team at People for Safe Vaccines 

Health passports... this is the bait to get people to take the shot.  They are using the threat of a green passport to fool you into submitting to 'vaccination' .  They know that many want to travel to see their family members abroad. DON'T BUY INTO ANY OF THAT!  Without sufficient vaccine uptake the idea of a vaccine passport is completely unworkable.  Vaxxed people rushing to get the passport... they can put the green pass on their tombstone.  Do not consent to it. Be vocal, complain and boycott airliners that support vaccine passports.  Most importantly, get the contact details of the politicians pushing this agenda in each country.  We will flood their emails with complaints and call for their resignation.  Send this letter to your MP. We will act as a collective to get rid of these sell-outs.  We are not having it. We are not going to sit back and let them take our rights, liberties, and our kids' future away.  Human rights cases are being initiated worldwide that could lead to new planned Nuremburg trials by the Corona Commission and their team with lawyer Reinhart Fullmich and if people refuse the shot and stop travelling for another year, the arse end should fall out of this discriminating passport idea.  Anybody NOT opposing this is as guilty as the Nazis they are allowing to proceed with their agenda. Fight it, and at the same time exit and build. To resume international travel without tests, masks and vaccination, there are people who are focusing on what they can do about it and pushing back with their Freedom Airways and Freedom Travel Alliance (FAFTA) founded by Professor Dolores Cahill a new website and travel tech venture to offer travellers safe travel - join Freedom Airways.  It is your inalienable right to travel.  Professor Cahill explains how to travel freely

To push back against masks and testing in schools if the school has made it mandatory, request a letter free of charge from Lawyers for Liberty. Fill out the form and send it to them. They will send a letter to the school without mentioning your or your child's name. 

According to federal law no employer, not military nor medical, can require anyone to get an experimental vaccine that's not licensed by the FDA therefore they're breaking the law by firing their employees trying to force them to get it and people need to hold their ground.  It's NOT FDA approved or licensed by the FDA, just emergency use, they need at least two years of trials and data before they license it. Because it has been released for emergency use only, your employer CANNOT mandate you get it. Coerced vaccinations violate Nuremburg Code 1947, Human Rights Act 1998, Equality Act 2010, Data Protection Act 2018, Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 which specifically states that members of the public should not be compelled to undergo any mandatory medical treatment including vaccinations, ARTICLE 6 SECTION 1 OF THE UNESCO 2005 STATEMENT ON BIOETHICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS states that "any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned". Coronavirus Act 2020: does that permit mandatory vaccinations? “It is clear that mandatory medical treatment and vaccination are explicitly prohibited by the Act” - FRIDAY 1 MAY 2020, Louise Hooper Garden Court Chambers. If employers were to try to force their employees to be vaccinated, forcing anyone to receive an injection under duress constitutes an unlawful injury, a human rights concern. It requires an individual’s informed and voluntary consent. In addition under the Equality Act 2010 someone’s anti-vaccination position could constitute a protected philosophical belief. This info was forwarded from Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy) saying that for those being pressured to take the vaccine for work, the advice from a Barrister on how to deal with vaccination demands from your employer or anyone else is that you contact your doctor and book a vaccine anxiety appointment, where at this point you become a medical case as anxiety is an issue. Then collect information about adverse effects and send that to you doctor and get them to answer your concerns. If they don't answer, then claim this gives you further anxiety. Then ask your doctor to agree to a thorough medical for you BEFORE any injection so if you are made to have the injection you have baseline medical evidence from medical experts to prove it affected you adversely if it does. If they refuse, claim further anxiety. Then say you want a contract with the doctor administering the injection and their practice having full liability if you are medically poorly for up to end of life. The doctor will refuse this - proving that the vaccine might be unsafe - and that ADDS to your anxiety. This tells your employer you are looking into it with advice from your doctor. This is coming from a barrister, he says you will win and recommends that you use it as he has a degree in law and says that this is the process he has applied and claims that it works! In any case no entity called "government" has a right to tell you what your rights are. People are tricking themselves into thinking there is such a thing as "mandatory" vaccination because spiritually they have their heads in the sand. There is no such thing as mandatory (anything), your have sovereign autonomy over your own body.  UPDATE: A private school in Miami strongly advises their teachers NOT to take any genocidal vaccine and states: "We will no longer employ anyone who got got any Covid-19 vaccine".  Great going!

Straight to Nuremburg
When the human guinea pig injection takers start dying, it's straight to Nuremburg. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential and they should have free power of choice. They are not even aware that they are experimental.  Pfizer themselves say that their BioNTech "COVID-19 vaccine" has not been approved or licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but has been authorised for emergency use...  for individuals 16 years of age and over... for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorisation of emergency use... in Pfizer's own Statement of 6th January.  This is the significance of the Nuremburg Code half a century later. German lawyer Reiner Füllmich is leading the lawsuits against this crime against humanity and is working together with Robert Kennedy JR who also warned don't take the Covid shot under any circumstancesThey aim to stop the biotech injection and Corona craze. Find Reiner at and at the Corona Committee Foundation on Telegram and his interview with German biologist Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krüger who explains what happens if someone gets injected with it, based on animal experiments.  Your doctors probably don’t realize that aiding and abetting human medical experimentation is a violation of the Nuremberg code of ethics and is grounds for execution.  People who know this need to warn their doctors.

New Holocaust
Now Israelis are the world's lab rats in 2021 with the highest number vaccinated in the world at 53%. The death rates there have skyrocketed. The Israeli government is steamrollering over the rights of individuals pushing this green passport to be able to do anything yet they still have to wear a mask and social distance. 

Israelis are fighting back against the insane medical apartheid with a brand new human rights movement they made into a political party running in the Knesset. As the demon rats there took away the head of the Party's medical license, the Party is asking all international journalists to publicise what they're saying and need every hand on deck. Israelis are filing a crimes against humanity lawsuit over the coercion (threats of job loss, banishment from public venues and other punishments) to get the experimental Pfizer injections. Please spread the news to everyone of what's going on in Israel.  For Israeli readers this is the lawsuit in original Hebrew.  This is a Google English translation.  The International Criminal Court at The Hague accepted the complaint regarding the Israeli government's violation of the Nuremburg Code.  

Reiner interviewing an Israeli lawyer.

UPDATE:  Good news 

UPDATE:  This looks like the best news so far!

Vive la France!
A large majority of the population in France rejected vaccination and stood up against the medical tyranny.  French healthcare workers are rebelling against the fake vaccines en masseStatistics as of 31st December 2020 for the vaccinated were:- The UK: 944,539; Israel: 796,774; Germany: 131,626; Portugal: 26,850; France: 322!  French police were protesting against forced vaccinations.

Cops for Covid Truth
In Australia seventy whistle blowers from the New South Wales police department have had enough of the scamdemic.  They have been reporting crimes about the flu being covered up, Peter Little came out and said they are not doing the flu stats, he did an FOI and has reported the Rain Making Control Act where since 1967 an act of parliament ordered the Victorian government to change the weather by cloud seeding, climate change has been happening partially by government tampering.  These whistle blowers Cops For Covid Truth, fed up with the lies, do not want to conform. Peter Little, holding a six-page document with seventy signatories exposing the lies and tyranny orchestrated by the senior constable, made a verbal statement against the draconian measures that they were being ordered to impose on the public. They have united and are refusing to impose this tyranny on the public. Peter Little has been trying to recruit more police officers who are willing to become whistle blowers and make a stand with them.  Share this! If policemen resist, which are the front-line workers of the NWO, the NWO will completely collapse.  Spread this information.

New Mexico
Ana Garner is the attorney for Isaac Legaretta who is suing the county in New Mexico for their policy for first responders to get vaccinated or face termination. Yet again another video taken down by YouTube, the video on this court case was on YouTube now it's not.

Get involved
Download the Telegram app, create an account and join the group/s sharing information about deaths, side effects, doctors' articles and other vital information about the Franken shot that the MSM won't show: 

Twitter:  @CVVICTIMS

A list you of worldwide groups and channels on Telegram sharings information on Covid vaccination deaths, side effects, articles of doctors and much more. 

Stay positive because fear attracts the thing you fear.  If you're fearing that you have to get this injection, your work is threatened, you have children to feed, and there's no way out, but of course you don't want to become absolutely sick or be taken off the earth, the first thing you must do is totally trust in the universe and there are legal ways and avenues discussed here that you can use to say No to it and still keep your job.  It is wrongful dismissal, you got laws. The only thing you are being forced to do is stand up for your human rights now and not get pushed around like that.  If you are thinking that yours or your family's financial health is resting on that, and in six months consequences happen as described by the doctors warning about those, your family is not going to have you around.  NOT taking it IS an option.  Concluding with some words from Dr Vernon Coleman: you are not alone.  More and more people are waking up and when they are awake, they will stay awake.  Continue to wake more people up.  People keep saying they are forcing the military to get the vaccine.  No they aren't.  It's their choice.

Here is how you can make your own hydroxychloroquine which is safe and highly effective against corona viruses: