Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Kangen water is not water

There is nothing good about alkalising machines.  You don’t want alkaline water, it is dead.  Energy comes from living things which are acidic.  When wood is burned the energy becomes spent fuel which is a residue - ash, otherwise known as alkalis.  You are adding dead matter to the water.  Alkalising machines, not just the Kangen brand but a whole bunch of them, are all expensive and multilevel marketing makes the Kangen machine more expensive.  Easily fouled up by hard water (voids the warranty), expensive to repair, the machine requires a six weekly 8-step process to clean it involving dissembling and adding chemicals.  Kangen machines do not purify your tap water, they do not remove fluoride or heavy metals, the only actual cleaning of the water in a Kangen machine is a carbon filter, that’s it. Then it goes to the next chamber to alkalise it.  How Kangen machines turn the water alkaline is they work by a method of electrolysis. “Lysis” means to break apart in Latin and Greek.  To break apart with electricity!  It is literally frying the water!  The molecular structure of regular water, H2O, is a cluster of 15 to 30 molecules. The molecular structure of Kangen water is a micro-cluster of 4 to 6 molecules, and so that is one of the things that they use to promote this Kangen alkaline water, that’s one way that they’re confusing people trying to say that the process makes smaller tighter water molecules, but it is a half-truth kind of lie.  Yes it makes “smaller water molecules” because it blows them apart into pieces!  It’s not that it organises its structure into tighter H2O, it literally separates an H off of the H2O and you’re left with an H+ and an OH-, and the OH is called hydroxide. That machine does not put out H2O, it does NOT put out water!  It puts out hydroxide! It looks like water because it’s made of hydrogen and oxygen and it’s still a clear liquid but it is not H2O, it is OH-, a totally different animal.  It is not water at all and one doctor called it “Not Water”, an accurate title.  Ask any biochemist if it’s a good idea for a human to ingest hydroxide. This stuff is off the charts poisonous. Dr Robert Morse testified all the time to dealing with victims who came to him after a couple of years of being on these machines.  So why do they use it in Japan?  Japanese hospitals give it to their patients. Kangen water in Japan is not given to people by doctors as drinking water in to be drank in volume, it is only ever given to people in quantities of one ounce at a time in a shot glass.  It is specifically given to chemo and radiation patients because the ingestion of that poisonous liquid forces the body to go into emergency detox mode, and because of that thrust to eject the hydroxide, some radiation and chemotherapy poisons also get pushed out.  They give it to the patients knowing that it will stimulate a detox reaction - because it’s poisonous – to help them eject some of their radiation, like fighting fire with fire.  So why do people talk about all these amazing miraculous healing reactions that they have after drinking Kangen water? In the beginning, people are detoxifying, ejecting poisons because they are forcing their body to do this.  It can take six months to four or five years, maybe.  But what happens is people start to electrically schiz out, they start to feel freaky, weird and just strange. The daily consumption of mass volumes of that poison puts your immune system under tremendous stress. Dr Sidney Baker said the most expensive process in your body is detoxification, and this forces your body to detoxify constantly and it starts to give out after a few years and people’s bodies start to break down in all kinds of incredible horrifying ways.  An ex-Kangen salesman’s testimonial said that even though he kept telling his family they were getting healthier and healthier because this water is so awesome and he was reeling off to them all the key sales patter to sell this machine, his family were getting sicker and sicker, and sicker!  He finally had to face the reality that it wasn’t true. He stopped being a Kangen salesman and stopped pushing this poison on his family.  People just run rampant about Kangen water and to show that it is good for you , often quote that a lot of times when they drink it their “lips start to tingle”.  Type “lips tingling” in a Google search. You will not find anything good about that. “Lips tinging” throws up red flags, nothing but pure warnings about allergic response.  It is a sign that you are being poisoned.  And these people are so misinformed that they actually go around stating that these symptoms are something to be happy about.