Babylon Is Falling

You are a multi-dimensional entity. The most powerful state to be in to transform your life and get what you want is intent. Not just words but feeling it. For instance “I want to become….”, “I want to use that to make the world a nicer more compassionate place”… put out your intent and mean it. That intent is going to lock on to information fields of a matching frequency through a process of vibrational magnetism, in the forms of people, places, jobs, experiences and circumstances and draw them towards you. Many people fall into fear and panic. They went against the grain and suddenly their lives are falling apart. You can’t change and have things remain the same. If you speak your truth and you lose your job because of it, it seems like a disaster at first. There is upheaval. The old life has to crumble away because you are no longer on the frequency field you were on before. The old frequency has run its course. If you’ll just hang in there in that space, the process of pulling other things towards you starts to happen. Your new intent is syncing to a different vibrational construct and other things come in that need to be put into place to manifest the change. And then something else comes along. Your heart knows it will be for your higher good, health wise or financially.

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Sons of Founding Fathers, step up!

8 Founding Fathers and How They Helped Shape the Nation - HISTORY
President Trump is telling you to bypass the media and the power is in the hands of the states which means the people - you should take responsibility, that it is up to you the people of the state to dictate what should go on in your state and you have the power to do that.  You have ignored the fact that you have been complicit in letting your freedoms go and you should fight for them.  You are the beacon of light and hope for the rest of the world to where people fled from places of tyrannies and monarchies, people from Europe, and the British followed them.  You have to go back to your founding, go back - and review the American Revolution of the late 1700's.  It was about rights and no taxation without representation.  And they fought for their freedom, and they set up the Constitution, a framework giving rights to all the states.  The Constitution is not 3-page book but very short sweet and to the point, it set up a limited Federal government in the hands of each of the states.  That model was flipped upside down, the DC Corporation started to run all states by holding the purse strings.   One of the governors now in Texas is a bad guy who wanted to continue to lock a state down. On a daily basis these governors are revealing themselves.  There is this demand to follow Constitutional law,  but the people all have a responsibility here and it is up to them to reach out to local government and let them know what they do not support, that they do not support contact tracing and their privacy being violated, they do not support extended lock-downs and masks being mandatory and door-to-door testing, all things they blame the President for - they must make local governments get in line with what the people demand from the state.  We the People should be the gatekeepers on those decisions of the governments, and if they aren't up to our expectations, we have a responsibility to change them.  Understand what power you have as We the People and what you must do about it and stand up and say Enough is Enough.   If you continue to comply with not being able to socialise with your neighbours, or earn a living, or peacefully assemble, or practice your religious freedom, or go to the shop without a face covering...then you consent.  It is up to you, each individual, to understand what was sacrificed for you so many years ago by your founding forefathers. Get your mindset back in the 1770's and understand why that sacrifice should be important every day, every minute of your life, currently.  The pain you are going through currently gets you in touch with why it is important.      For decades upon decades America has been infiltrated by China, the last administration set it up for them to come in and take over, but there has been a concerted effort by President Trump regards technology (particularly in space ) to limit access to America by China and Russia since he has been in office.  If you research the Executive Orders that he put in place, such as a technology act that he signed, some trade deal that was a big protection of your technology, you are gaining back your constitutional rights.  There has also been a ban on Chinese technology, Huawei and ZTE in particular, which was a very dangerous position to have been protected from not just because of 5G but privacy invasion and facial data that would have let  China know what your move is before you do.  Coronavirus occurred right in the middle of that - it's all related.  He changed NAFTA to Canada Mexico and the United States, got you out of the TPP, out of treaties that by- pass the constitutional rights of citizens and put them into the hands of unaccountable unelected bureaucrats of the Rothschild-Rockefeller calibre.   There is a video of Pompeo at a governors' conference speaking about the Chinese influence and research they have done on each and every governor infiltrating their local government. It reveals how much infiltration might have occurred at each and every level.  A recent panic button was pressed: the people were given the impression that there was going to be food shortage.   The virus isn't working so let's come up with a different strategy, so food shortage is next hoax.  The timing is a little off, as it was with the virus.  You have been told processing plants have been shut down due to the massive outbreak.  It takes weeks in advance to notify cattle-producing farms to shut down (although if this occurred it's a blessing having a stop put to murdering animals for the consumption of their flesh) and a farmer of a very large cattle-producing farm in Iowa stated weeks and weeks ago that that these plants would no longer be accepting production, and that from a business perspective, due to the animals becoming a liability, an expense to feed without any pay-out, they would have euthanize their animals.   (The same is now being done to old people in hospitals, they are being treated the same way we have treated animals as useless eaters and liabilities every day for years.  And now meat-eaters may get cloned meat shoved down their throats, which Bill Gates has a large investment in. Problem-reaction-solution).  There was a plan for an outbreak in Iowa and somebody had foreknowledge of the plan.  The farmer was informed weeks in advance that a shutdown of these processing plants was going to occur, many weeks before the public were told.  However, the governor in Iowa decided they were not going to shut the plant down and they sent national guards to assist with provision and cleaning so workers could keep their doors open, and this all happened in a 3-day time span.  President Trump railroaded their plans to shut the doors, and said your food supply is 100% secure.  The very next day the Fake News says that these plants will shut down  indefinitely and gives people the impression they were never shut down before.  Just more fear mongering.  You still have mainstream media causing panic and impacting personal life, because local stores go along with it, so now there are new laws at grocery stores limiting every single type of meat and limiting purchases, because people allow panic to take over them.  This is where the people, instead of becoming complacent sheep, should do their bit and step in themselves at the local level, and fight against local actions taken by local governors, after their President stepped in to keep the doors open.   There IS no food shortage, people have just been hoarding meat because of Fake News who lie about the Covid death count, the numbers are not real and meat is plentiful in the USA. However, it is still a blessing not to have slaughter houses in the first place and for them to be shut down, and that is up to the people.  People could also grow their own food and unplug from the matrix system.